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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 40
Papež, Petr
Řádné a mimořádné opravné prostředky v civilním řízení

The institution of remedies in the Czech legal system is an important (if not necessary) part of the applica tion of the basic principles of legal certainty and predictability of the law and especially the right to a fair trial, not only within the framework o...

Bernardinová, Veronika
Ochrana oznamovatelů ve vztahu k obchodní korporaci

The aim of this article is to provide business corporations with practical guidance on how to comply with the obligations imposed by the Whistleblower Protection Act, thus eliminating the risks of damaging the business corporation's reputation in the eyes of the public and of&#...

Plch, Martin
Odpovědnost zhotovitele za vady díla

The article begins by describing the prerequisites for the contractor's liability for defects in the work, then focuses on the issue of completion of the work, describes what is generally considered to be a defect in the work and what types of defects there are, and&#...

Vodičková, Eva
Vývoj institutu úpadkového práva a jeho povaha

In the field of insolvency law is being fundamentally discussed the amendments. No other topic has so far been the subject of so many and significant changes as the bankruptcy law institute. After the fundamental novels, it was always possible to call for a new, fundament...

Vodičková, Eva
Neplatnost a neúčinnost právních jednání v insolvenčním řízení se zřetelem k soudobým judikaturním trendům

The article deals with the analysis of individual statutory provisions regulating the nullity and ineffectiveness of legal proceedings in insolvency proceedings, the analysis of the prerequisites of these legal institutes and their requirements. Due to this specific focus, the topic also dea...

Plch, Martin
Proč vyjít z řady a uzavřít dědickou smlouvu?

The article describes one of the inheritance titles, which is almost unused in practice, namely the contract of inheritance. The purpose of the article is to briefly describe the basic characteristics of this inheritance title, its advantages and disadvantages, and on the basis of&...

Papež, Petr
Liniové stavby a střet exekučního a insolvenčního řízení

Line structures are an important part of modern society. Line structures enable the flow of water, electricity, gas, traffic, internet, transportation of goods and people and without them the life as we know it would seize to exist. Line structures are very specific in their&#...

Bernardinová, Veronika
Dopady aktuální judikatury Nejvyššího soudu na práva a povinnosti stran smlouvy o dílo

The author presents selected jurisprudence of the Supreme court which is falling into the rights and obligations of the parties of contract for work, discusses its basic factual and legal basic and outlines possible solutions to questinable issues of application practice.

Dvořák, Tomáš
Aplikace obecné právní úpravy právnických osob, právní úpravy korporací a právní úpravy spolků na společenství vlastníků jednotek

This article contains an interpretation of § 1221 of the Civil Code 2012. In essence, this is a question of which legal norms governing associations are applicable to condominium associations.

Vodičková, Eva
Společné jmění manželů

The joint owned property is an important element forming matrimonial property law, which is, among other things, regulated by Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code, in its current version (hereinafter referred to as "CC"), which in this issue largely follows on from the ...

Wolfová, Jitka
Významné změny v doručování písemností soudním exekutorem

The contribution is devoted to a fundamental change in the delivery of documents in enforcement proce edings. These changes were made by the last two amendments to the Enforcement Code, namely Act No. 286/2021 Coll. and Act No. 214/2022 Coll. With effect from 1 ...

Dvořák, Tomáš
Nucený zánik členství v družstvu

This scientific study deals with the issue of individual methods of forced termination of membership in a cooperative. The study is written according to the legislation contained in Act No. 90/2012 Sb., on business companies and cooperatives (Act on business corporations), as amend...

Maisnerová, Katarína
Issue of execution costs in 2022

Execution costs are a much-discussed topic in society. On the one hand, this fact appears to be a logical consequence of the "inconvenience" of execution proceedings for the obligee or entitled party, who in some cases not only do not satisfy their claim, but also&#x...

Novotný, Jiří
Bankovní obchody ve světle šesté směrnice AML

On 20 July 2021, the European Commission presented an ambitious package of legislative proposals to strengthen the EU‘s anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) rules. The package includes not only a proposal for the creation of a new EU anti-money&...

Vodičková, Eva
Konkurzní řízení v období první ČSR na pozadí příslušné judikatury

Recently there have been numerous applications for bankruptcy, their numbers increasing year by year due to both objective (Covid pandemic, energy price surges) and subjective reasons. This has clearly placed heavy burdens on courts in terms of bankruptcy proceedings. These proceedings are&#...

Dvořák, Tomáš
Některé otázky právní úpravy společných částí nemovitosti v bytovém spoluvlastnictví podle občanského zákoníku v České republice

This article deals with some issues of legal regulation of common parts of divided real estate. Due to the extensiveness and complexity of this matter, attention is focused only on some issues of their regulation, namely on the concept of common parts, co-ownership of common&#...

Novotný, Jiří
Zánik zástavního práva v trestním řízení

The paper deals with the issue of the termination of the lien in criminal proceedings. A lien is a frequently used means of security, due to the advantages of its material nature. The substantive nature of the lien lies in the fact that it fundamentally follows the&#...

Papež, Petr
Liniové stavby a koupě či darování nemovité věci

Line structures are beneficial for society as a whole – they bring electricity, water, gas, the internet and various goods (and also people) into our households, across city limits or country borders. Without a sufficient network of line structures the collapse of the modern w...

Novotný, Jiří
Zneužití postavení v bankovním (obchodním) styku

Self-trading is an act in which an offender abuses his position in two or more business entities that are in a competitive position with each other, in order to enrich himself or another person. One of the major business entities in the financial market is banks, whi...

Dvořák, Tomáš
Zastoupení člena společenství vlastníků jednotek na zasedání shromáždění

This scientific study deals with the issue of representation of a member of the community of unit owners according to the legal regulation of housing co-ownership contained in Act No. 89/2012 Sb., The Civil Code, as amended, at the meeting of the Assembly. The study ...

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 40