Číslo 3 (2018) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Dahooei, Jalil Heidary
Zavadskas, Edmundas Kazimieras
Vanaki, Amir Salar
Firoozfar, Hamid Reza
Keshavarz-Ghorabaee, Mehdi
An evaluation model of business intelligence for enterprise systems with new extension of CODAS (CODAS-IVIF) Due to today’s dynamic and changing environment and the organization need to decide in emergencies and accurate analysis of the internal and external environment from different aspects, creating a decision support environment is considered as a vital factor for the success of organizati... |
Klímová, Blanka
Poulová, Petra
Šimonová, Ivana
Pražák, Pavel
Cierniak-Emerych, Anna
Internet use by the older adults in the Czech Republic Ageing is becoming a big social issue nowadays. For example, in 2000 the percentage of older individuals aged 65+ years reached 12.4% worldwide. In 2030, this number should rise to 19% and in 2050 to 22%. Therefore, there is a need to prolong an active life of o... |
Bucko, Jozef
Kakalejčík, Lukáš
Website usability and user experience during shopping online from abroad The Internet became a non-stop market of goods and services. As the market is oversaturated, companies are forced to fight for each customer because it is easier than ever to change the partner who will fulfil customer’s needs. User experience and website usability is an ... |
Khorakian, Alireza
Jahangir, Mostafa
The impact of social network on the innovative behavior of it professionals: what is the role of sharing mistakes? In today’s competitive world, organizations need constant innovations in products, services and processes in order to grow and survive. Key of Innovation is in the innovative behavior of organization employees. Various factors affect the innovative behavior of the staff. The existence of... |
Boďa, Martin
Zimková, Emília
Measuring financial intermediation: a model and application to the Slovak banking sector The paper proposes a model for measuring the attainment in financial intermediation that answers to situations when functions of financial intermediaries from a macroeconomic viewpoint may be primarily reduced to taking deposits and providing loans (which is characteristic of financial sectors... |
Kostelić, Katarina
Križman Pavlović
Econometric assessment of customers’ personality biases and communication preferences correlation The tendency of bias identification and quantification with the goal of better estimation and prediction, grows. The purpose of this paper is to question how deep analysis is necessary to increase prediction of communication preferences given the customer’s personality traits/biases. Examine... |
Gholipour, Yaghob
Hasheminasab, Hamidreza
Kharrazi, Mohammad
Streimikis, Justas
Sustainability criteria assessment for life-cycle phases of petroleum refinery projects by madm technique PRI projects have large impacts on various sustainability attributes in different phases. A comprehensive assessment of these impacts for project’s life-cycle is of great importance. The proposed methodology has created the required framework for such assessment by using Concept Mapping, Focus... |
Vacík, Emil
Špaček, Miroslav
Fotr, Jiří
Kracík, Lukáš
Project portfolio optimization as a part of strategy implementation process in small and medium-sized enterprises: a methodology of the selection of projects with the aim to balance strategy, risk and performance This paper presents an improved managerial approach to project portfolio development using software optimization tools. A review of literature revealed a gap formed by the lack of either an established approach or a normative model of how to develop portfolios in SMEs. To bridge... |
Szabo, Stanislav
Mihalčová, Bohuslava
Gallo, Peter
Ivaničková, Marianna
Evaluating efficiency in specialized hospital facilities: developing the model by way of the discriminant analysis Currently, companies use for the diagnostic their performance different methods, parameters and indicators when the high current measurement and evaluation of effectiveness. Choosing the right key performance measures is to ensure the evaluation of the effectiveness with high recall and the ... |
Baykal, Elif
Zehir, Cemal
Mediating effect of psychological capital on the relationship between spiritual leadership and performance he challenging work environment of the 21st century has resulted in a great deal of global, societal and organizational change (Fry, 2003). We are experiencing a global crisis of confidence that has spread among many people and organizations (Parameshwar, 2005). Corporate fraud (Schroth... |
Knapková, Miroslava
Kaščáková, Alena
Use of time in single-member households in Slovakia Households represent one of the basic units in economy. In the last years, the increasing number of single-member households has become a significant issue in Slovakia. In 2011, ratio of singlemember households was more than 25% in Slovakia (The 2011 Population and Housing Census... |
Janáček, Julius
Šťastný, Dan
Inquiry into high school students’ utility function his study uses data from our life-satisfaction survey of 1,414 students in 11 high schools in Northern parts of Czech Republic in the spring 2017 to discover certain parts of high school students’’ utility function. This is potentially useful for audiences ranging from macro-level&... |
Kraftová, Ivana
Doudová, Iveta
Miláček, Radim
At the threshold of the fourth industrial revolution: who gets who loses At the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century, the Fourth Industrial Revolution based on the digitization of production processes, more precisely connecting the virtual world to the real world began. The aim of this article is to present the results of the res... |
Nazarczuk, Jarosław Michał Nazarczuk
The impact of special economic zones on export behaviour. Evidence from Polish firm-level data Special economic zones play an important role in the global economy and in the economies of particular countries, including Poland. Given the whole body of literature on SEZs-led export activity, the vast majority of papers, restrict the research methods used to the descriptive ana... |
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