Title: Představení Bohemia I. - Postup přípravy a jeho specifika
Other Titles: Bohemia I. performance - The specification of the making process
Authors: Vojta, Oldřich
Advisor: Feiferlíková Romana, Mgr. et Mgr. Ph.D.
Referee: Mandysová Daniela, Doc. PaedDr.
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Document type: bakalářská práce
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/31638
Keywords: divadelní představení;bohemia i.;hudební kompozice;choreografie;balet;usa;washington d.c.;kultura;hudba;design;umění;multižánrovost
Keywords in different language: theatre;performance;ballet;bohemia i. music composition;choreography;usa;washington d.c.;culture;music;design;art;multi-genre
Abstract: Tato prace predstavuje urcite metody a postupy, kterych bylo vyuzito pri pripravach k predstaveni Bohemia I. Jednotlive se venuje detailnimu seznameni se s dilem a jak ho chapat a posleze priblizuje a dale rozebira dilci souvislosti a vlastnosti tohoto predstaveni. Mimo postup priprav je zde take priblizen program na podporu aktivit studentu, GRAS. Druha cast teto prace pote jednotlive priblizuje autory a cleny tvurciho tymu, kteri predstaveni pripravovali. Formou vedenych dialogu je pak priblizen nejen postup jejich prace, ale muzeme videt specifika jednotlivych umeleckych odvetvi, ze kterych je toto predstaveni slozeno. Prilohy teto prace pote poslouzi jako vysvetleni a blizsi priblizeni dila i po jeho umelecke strance.
Abstract in different language: The purpose of this thesis is to introduce a techniques and methods of approaches which were utilised for the preparations of the performance Bohemia I. The individual way of detailed introduction of the performance itself and how to contemplate the connections and features of this art piece. Apart of the methods of approaches, we are also introduced to a University of West Bohemia's in Pilsen program for student's support in an extracurricular activities named "GRAS". The second part of the thesis introduces us the authors and each member from the creative team of the performance. Through a guided dialogues and biographies we are introduced to workflow of the each end every member of the creative team, but also we are able to discover other artistic techniques with which the members are enclosed to. The enclosures of the thesis pays us the informations of detailed parts of this performance and help us to better understand not just the comprehensive list of sources for this performance but also the artistic part.
Rights: Plný text práce je přístupný bez omezení.
Appears in Collections:Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KHK)

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