Články / Articles (KČJ) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Čechová, Marie
Historické perspektivy výuky češtiny aneb nadějné vyhlídky v minulosti The aim of this paper is to provide an explanation of the school reform prepared in the 1970s and implemented in the next two decades of the last century, with regard to the preparation of the current concept of teaching Czech. It could take advantage of the opp... |
Hrdlička, Milan
Proč čtyři roky, ale pět let? The article deals with using the nouns rok ("year" - jeden rok, čtyři roky - one year, four years) and léta ("year" - pět let, několik let) after cardinal and ordinal numerals. |
Valach, Petr
Vašíčková, Jana
Frömel, Karel
Jakubec, Lukáš
Chmelík, František
Svozil, Zbyněk
Is academic achievement reflected in the level of physical activity among adolescents? The objective of this study was to investigate the differences in the volume and intensity of physical activity (PA) between girls and boys with different levels of academic achievement (AA) throughout individual segments of a school day. In all, 136 girls and 76 boys aged... |
Hrdlička, Milan
O lingvodidaktických popisech češtiny nejen pro potřeby cizinců Linguo-didactic description and presentation of Czech language for foreigners brings a number of interesting situations and challenging problems. In our paper we describe selected attemps to include standard and colloquial Czech in teaching foreigners, simplify the difficult system of cases and... |
Ratislavová, Kateřina
Bužgová, Radka
Vejvodová, Jana
Perinatal palliative care education: An integrative review The aim of this review was to analyze the effectiveness of teaching healthcare professionals in perinatal palliative care, methods of evaluating the teaching, and the teaching strategies used. Design:An integrative review. Methods: A systematic search was conducted for English language peer ... |
Hrdlička, Milan
Mnoho žáků, nebo mnozí žáci? We comment the differences between using the numeral mnoho (many, much) and the adjective mnohý (many, much). We claim that the language users should use these efficiently and accurately. |
Pokorová, Markéta
Židovská tematika v české literatuře - varianty a didaktické aspekty The thesis deals with various forms of Jewish themes in Czech literature and their didactic use. Through careful study of common Czech-Jewish history, Czech educational documents, approaches to teaching literary education and the analysis of primary and secondary literature dealing with the&... |
Čechová, Marie
Zakladatel teorie vyučování češtině (30 let od úmrtí Jaroslava Jelínka) The contribution concerns life and works of a leading specialist in the field of linguodidactics, doc. Jaroslav Jelínek, CSc., who changed a practical field into a scientific one and laid the foundations of the Czech language teaching theory by the set of his works. The t... |
Čechová, Marie
Sémantika frazeologie a její studium The sutdy presents the devolopment of phraseology as a linguistic discipline, the position of phraseology in university study programmes of Czech langugage, phraseology in textbooks as well as aims, contents and methods used in seminars for students of Czech langugage. We point out ... |
Čechová, Marie
Vybrané psychodidaktické aspekty zkoušení a hodnocení v českém jazyce Examinig and grading in teaching Czech is often subjected to excited and emotional response of students and parents. Therefore it needs to be observed and reflected. The author reviews her teaching experience from the sixties of the 20th century and her research from the seven... |
Čechová, Marie
Potřeby praktické stylistiky The author is positive that the students of Czech studies, either within teacher training or outside the teacher training scheme, should be skilled in writing and proofreading texts, especially scientific ones. Future teachers should be trained to be able to control planning the te... |
Čechová, Marie
Srovnání nesrovnatelného? : znalosti funkční morfologie u žáků před 50 lety a dnešních bohemistů The study analyses and compares the results of the research of the knowledge of functional morphology of pupils from the third year of primary school up to school leaving exam conducted 50 years ago to the research of the same knowledge of first year university students... |
Königsmarková, Jana
Postoje středoškolských učitelů k výuce české literatury padesátých let The paper presents the results of a pilot qualitative study dealing with approaches of teachers towards teaching Czech literature of the 1950s at the upper-secondary school (ISCED 3). The paper aims to identify the preconceptions of selected teachers about the topic in question; th... |