Hry 2018 / Games 2018 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Bátorová, Michaela
Blahutková, Marie
Peričková, Lucie
Aplikované a netradiční hry na vysokých školách v České republice To battle sedentary life style, new proposals of movement activities and non-traditional games are being created which is a society´s way of motivating more people to spend their free time actively and expanding the supply of movement activities for people with special needs. In... |
Argaj, Gustáv
Nové prístupy k testovaniu herných zručností a pohybových schopností v basketbale vo vzťahu k veku a pohlaviu In the contribution, we focused on broadening the knowledge about testing game skills and motor abilities in basketball in relation to competition categories. The aim was to create a new concept for testing children and youth in basketball. Based on the content analysis of the... |
Križan, Martin
Vplyv herného tréningu na kvalitu uplatnenia herných činností v zápase v hádzanej Sport preparation for youth in collective sports games should be geared to the acquisition of gaming activities by the individual. Individual technique and tactics of the player is the basis of each ball game.This is why we have been working on an experimental training program... |
Škopek, T.
Šilhavá, K.
Novák, J.
Racek, J.
Brož, P.
Rajdl, D.
Štork, M.
Odezva hráček házené na tréninkové a zápasové zatížení |
Adamčák, Štefan
Baťák, Boris
Kozaňáková, Anna
Športové hry a ich vyučovanie v názoroch učiteľov telesnej a športovej výchovy základných škôl v okrese Banská Bystrica The contribution presents the opinions of teachers to sport games in the proces of teaching the physical and sport education. The aim of the implemented research was to find out and analyze the opinions of physical and sport education teachers of second grade of primary s... |
Švátora, Karel
Benešová, Daniela
Vliv předchozí informace na výkon v senzomotorickém testu The objective of this study was to find out whether the different previous information, said to a subject standing before learning an unknown motion task, can influence the subject´s result in the given test. For the purposes of this study, as sensomotor test was used mir... |
Peřinová, Radka
Teorie OPTIMAL a možnosti jejího využití ve školní tělesné výchově a výuce sportovních her The objectives of the prepared article are to give the readers a brief account of the main ideas and foundations stones of a relatively new theory of motor learning, OPTIMAL, formulated by Gabriele Wulf and Rebecca Lewthwait, and also to point out the possibility of its... |
Votík, Jaromír
Lavička, Jan
K problematice vzdělanostní struktury hráčů fotbalu The education level of the population is generally of growing importance. It is an essential element of social and economic growth of society and individuals. The very specific problem is the education of the active, primarily elite (professional) sportsmen influencing their current per... |
Novák, Jaroslav
Svalový glykogen jako významný předpoklad optimálního výkonu ve fotbale Physical load during football match evokes significant depletion of glycogen stores. Intermittent nature of exercise including repeated maximal short sprints is associated with rapid muscle glycogen breakdown. With respect to quality of training process and to optimal performance in football game... |
Nowakowska, Marcelina
Gabrys, Tomasz
Ozimek, Mariusz
Stanula, Arkadiusz
Szmatlan-Gabrys, Urszula
Levels of training indicators in the annual training of young hockey players This paper presents the means of control used in a competitive sport (ice hockey), including changes in aerobic and anaerobic capacity indicators between training periods. The study was carried out with 14 ice-hockey players (n=14), pupils at the Sport Championship School run by th... |
Peráček, Pavol
Bôžik, Matúš
Mikulič, Martin
Vybrané charakteristiky vnútorného zaťaženia elitných mladých futbalistov v prípravných hrách s rôznymi parametrami The main aim of the study was to find more information about the internal load of elite young soccer players in small-sided games with different parameters. The group consisted of elite soccer players (n = 16) in under 15 years category. The team participated in the ... |
Babic, Matej
Holienka, Miroslav
Komparácia vnútorného zaťaženia brankárov vo futbale v tréningovom procese The main topic of our research was to determine the internal load of goalkeepers in the soccer training process. We focused on the analysis of the achieved heart rate values. In this way we wanted to extend the knowledge of the impact of the various methodical forms&... |
Perič, Tomáš
Virtuální realita jako prostředek rozvoje kognitivních procesů u dětí v ledním hokeji |
Waic, Marek
Hry ve škole i za školou |
Válková, Hana
Sportovní hra – na věčné časy |
Votík, Jaromír
Úvodní strany |
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- Hry / Games