Applied Electronics 2015 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Ždánsky, Juraj
Rástočný, Karol
Hrbček, Jozef
Influence of architecture and diagnostic to the safety integrity of SRECS output part This article deals with the achievement of safety properties of the output part of the safety-related electronic control system (SRECS) and refers to the impact of architecture and diagnostic of the SRECS output part to the required safety integrity level (SIL) SRECS. |
Žák, Tomáš
Šotner, Roman
Jeřábek, Jan
Vrba, Kamil
Dostál, Tomáš
Reconfigurable first-order filter operating with non-ideal parameters of active elements This contribution present way how to improve the finite attenuation in the stop band in the case of particular transfer function of the specific filtering structure. It is an important problem in the field of active filters. Real non-ideal model (including small-signal parasitic in... |
Žahour, Jiří
Křivka, Jindřich
Kosturik, Kamil
Engine type independent SCR system In this paper is described a part of the system for the reduction of nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the exhaust system. The system is designed for diesel engines and the control electronics must be independent of the engine type. The principle of mass flow measurement of e... |
Shiang-Hwua, Yu
Yi-Fei, Hsieh
Pei-Ying, Lai
Yi-Ling, Chen
Chih-Po, Yang
Kenneth, Lin
FPGA-based resonant-frequency-tracking power amplifier for ultrasonic transducer |
Wolfram, Heiko
Controller fixed-point optimization with genetic algorithms This work describes a way to optimize the controller fixed-point representation in programmable logic devices (eg. FPGA) with genetic algorithms. The optimization uses the error between floating-point and fixed-point representation as well as a quantization noise error model. Thus, both terms... |
Votava, Martin
Glasberger, Tomáš
A carrier redistribution PWM for dual inverter with separated DC circuits This paper deals with a proposal of a carrier redistribution PWM and its comparison with a phase disposition PWM (PDPWM) and carrier redistribution PWM for a multilevel converter dedicated to high power medium voltage electric drives. The converter topology is based on a cascaded... |
Volf, Jaromír
Ryzhenko, Volodymyr
Novák, Viktor
Hurtečák, Jan
Effect of circle electrodes with conductive ink on properties of tactile sensors The present paper deals with tactile sensors with circular electrodes in which conductive ink was used as a converter converting pressure into an electric signal. The dependence was studied on the thickness of the deposited ink layer and the properties were compared. Also the ... |
Valda, Lukáš
Kosturik, Kamil
Comparison of Li-ion active cell balancing methods replacing passive cell balancer This article describes possible proposals of the active battery cell balancer for Li-ion battery-pack which should be used as a replacement of the common passive cell balancer in the existing battery management system. The main goal of this paper is to compare the most efficie... |
Tolar, David
Štork, Milan
Acknowledged data transmissions in wireless sensor network with optimized sensor energy consumption This paper describes communication method for use in a wireless sensor network, which focus on a bidirectional communication with prevention of data loss and minimization of a power consumption of the wireless sensor. The method described was successfully tested and verified on an ... |
Teodorescu, Horia-Nicolai L.
Applicative appraisal of the temperature dependence of the noise in preamplifiers the very low frequency case Several matters related to noise design for preamplifiers are presented for very low frequencies, also pointing to issues raised by some circuits in the literature, including those with noise cancelling circuits. The changes in excess noise with temperature are of interest in applicatio... |
Talla, Jakub
Peroutka, Zdeněk
Blahník, Vojtěch
Streit, Luboš
Rotor and stator resistance estimation of induction motor based on augmented EKF This paper deals with rotor and stator resistance estimation of induction motor (IM) drive based on augmented Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). The proper knowledge of rotor flux magnitude and flux position is a necessary condition for high performance induction motor control (Rotor Flux... |
Tagkalakis, Fotios
Fotopoulos, Vassilis
A low cost finger vein authentication system, using maximum curvature points Finger vein patterns have been proposed as a suitable biometric feature for authentication applications. Systems using this feature are generally low cost, accurate and easy to use. Such a system is described in this work. Infrared light is used to capture an image of a f... |
Štork, Milan
Vančura, Vlastimil
Pacemaker leads place optimization based on vectorcardiography signal processing A pacemaker is a small electronic device implanted under the skin near the collarbone. Pacemakers monitor the heart's electrical activity. If the heart is beating too slowly or pausing too long between beats, the pacemaker will provide electrical impulses that stimulate the heart... |
Štork, Milan
Skála, Jiří
Weissar, Petr
Holota, Radek
Kubík, Zdeněk
Various approaches to driver fatigue detection: A review Drowsy driving is considered one of the most serious causes of fatal traffic accidents, especially for long distance drivers who struggle significantly during monotonous driving conditions. As a result, various types of warning systems have been proposed among other preventive measure agains... |
Štork, Milan
Kurt, Erol
Control system approach to the dynamics of nonidentical Josephson junction systems The dynamics of a resistively coupled nonidentical Josephson junction (JJ) circuit is explored and a new control strategy is applied in order to smoothen the unstable regimes. In such a system, periodic, quasiperiodic and chaotic behaviors have been encountered worldwidely. In addition, ... |
Štork, Milan
Hrušák, Josef
Mayer, Daniel
A new chaotic system based on state space energy feedback Multi-wing chaotic attractors are highly complex nonlinear dynamical systems. A new four-scroll chaotic attractor was found by energy feedback controlling method in this paper. Spectral analysis shows that the system in the four-wing chaotic mode has very broad frequency bandwidth, verifying ... |
Šotner, Roman
Prokop, Roman
Jeřábek, Jan
Kledrowetz, Vilém
Fujcik, Lukáš
Dostál, Tomáš
Design of current-controlled current conveyor stage with systematic current offset reduction This contribution presents modification of current-controlled current conveyor (CCCII) designed in order to reduce the systematic DC current offset of transfer between X and Z terminal and also an example of practical design including practical guideline and recommendations. Simulations in Cadenc... |
Šostronek, Mikuláš
Matoušek, Zdeněk
Lakota, Bohuslav
Matejček, Miroslav
W-band direct detection radiometer model This paper deals with evaluation and simulation of direct detection radiometer, which operates in the W-frequency band. Radiometers can be used in wide range applications in industry, military and security as well. One of the possible applications where the radiometers can be used ... |
Socha, Vladimír
Kutílek, Patrik
Schlenker, Jakub
Černý, Rudolf
Socha, Luboš
Begera, Vladimír
Szabo, Stanislav
An evaluation method of complex movement and dynamic stability of the arm during walking based on gyroscope data The work introduces a new means for quantification of dynamic stability and upper limb movement as a whole during gait. Swinging arms during gait performed by the experiment volunteers, as a cyclic motion, was quantified using two parameters AH (the convex hull area) and alrea... |
Skála, Bohumil
Kůs, Václav
Kindl, Vladimír
Mráz, Petr
Construction of low-pass HV filter for measuring of partial discharge The paper discusses methodology for construction of low-pass high voltage (HV) filter for measuring of partial discharge deteriorating the insulating system of electric machinery. It focuses mainly on the shape optimization using analytical approach with subsequent verification using finite element... |
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- Fakulta elektrotechnická / Faculty of Electrical Engineering
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- Applied Electronics