Číslo 2 (2020) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Hejduková, Pavlína
Kureková, Lucie
Hejduk, Tomáš
Marval, Štěpán
Roub, Radek
Dostupnost pitné vody jako rozvojový faktor malých obcí z pohledu obyvatel a starostů |
Semerád, Pavel
Otavová, Milena
Semerádová, Lucie
Hrdličková, Andrea
Matzka, Bettina
Do robots pose a threat to public revenues? The paper is focused on the area of introducing new technologies and the consequent impact on a more efficient functioning of a company, with an emphasis on reducing labour costs. A case study has been created for a company that replaced its employees with technolo... |
Ostrihoň, Filip
Evaluating banking crisis predictions in EU and V4 countries Relying on a recently published database of financial crises, this paper assesses an early warning model for predicting banking sector distress. The exercise employs discrete choice models and a signaling approach to evaluate the performance of an existing model based on credit-to-GDP c... |
Vdoviak, Marián
Pilař, Tomáš
Boček, Vojtěch
Revenue management mobilních operátorů v České republice |
Stříteský, Marek
Stříteský, Václav
Rozdíly v pracovní spokojenosti v České republice Employee satisfaction has been the subject of research for many decades. In the past, it examined the principles of job satisfaction, the implicating factors and impact of employee satisfaction. At present, this issue is relevant because of changes in job design; another imp... |
Janíčková, Nikola
Žižlavský, Ondřej
Klíčové ukazatele výkonnosti pro malé a střední nevýrobní podniky, operující v automobilovém průmyslu - předvýzkum The aim of this article is to identify the results of preliminary research on key performance indicators and their use in the area of small and medium-sized enterprises, which are non-manufacturing companies (authorized dealers of new vehicles) in the automotive industry. The... |
Petrová, Tereza
Novák, Michal
Bažantová, Simona
Gunina, Daria
Negativní emocionální apely v reklamě: vizuální pozornost a vnímání The main goal of this research is to analyse how Millennials perceive negative emotional appeals in audio-visual commercials. It is an important topic since these appeals can have a very significant effect on consumers and should not be used carelessly. The results bring... |
Novotná, Markéta
Beckertová, Eliška
Prostorová mobilita uživatelů služby Airbnb v kontextu současných megatrendů The paper focuses on the spatial behaviour of visitors in the context of current megatrends. It aims to identify and characterize the spatial behaviour of the Czech users of the Airbnb service. Firstly, there is a theoretical-methodological and conceptual anchoring of the is... |
Luštický, Martin
Dvořák, Jiří
Štumpf, Petr
The cultural content analysis of the international tourism destination websites Travel and tourism represents one of the most globalized sectors facing strong competitive pressure. Thus, cultural adaptation has become a vital strategy for tourism destinations that desire to succeed in the global tourism market. The paper focuses on the international tourism ... |
Kopp, Jan
Fakulta ekonomická hostila konferenci České geografické společnosti |
Janeček, Petr
Editorial |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta ekonomická / Faculty of Economy
- Publikace FEK / Publications of FEK
- Trendy v podnikání
- 2020
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