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Matušínská, Kateřina
Stoklasa, Michal
Advertising strategy according to the concept of the FCB model in the conditions of the various generations The aims of the paper are: 1) to verify the validity of the traditional theoretical definition of the Foote, Cone & Belding (FCB) model based on the use of representative products concerning the age (generation) and gender of the selected target group in the conditions... |
Ray, Manidatta
Ray, Mamata
Muduli, Kamalakanta
Banaitis, Audrius
Kumar, Anil
Integrated approach of fuzzy multi-attribute decision making and data mining for customer segmentation This research work focuses on integrating the multi attribute decision making with data mining in a fuzzy decision environment for customer relationship management. The main objective is to analyse the relation between multi attribute decision making and data mining considering a complex... |
Hossain, Saddam
Gavurová, Beáta
Yuan, Xianghui
Hasan, Morshadul
Oláh, Judit
The impact of intraday momentum on stock returns: evidence from S&P500 and CSI300 This paper analyzes the statistical impact of COVID-19 on the S&P500 and the CSI300 intraday momentum. This study employs an empirical method, that is, the intraday momentum method used in this research. Also, the predictability of timing conditional strategies is also used here... |
Çera, Gentjan
Khan, Khurram Ajaz
Rowland, Zuzana
Ribeiro, Humberto Nuno Rito
Financial advice, literacy, inclusion and risk tolerance: the moderating effect of uncertainty avoidance The aim of this paper is to investigate the determinants of financial advice with a special focus on the cultural role in the influence of risk tolerance on seeking advice for financial issues. Financial literacy is covered by financial attitude, behaviour and knowledge. Financial&... |
Sulphey, M.M.
Alanzi, Awad Ali
Klepek, Martin
Development and standardization of a tool to measure knowledge of labour laws among employees Labour legislations provide guidelines to prevent unfair labour practices and organizational injustice. All employment and labour laws propose standards regarding wages, wellbeing, safety, and equitable treatment, which reduces conflicts. However, informational imbalances between employers and employees prevent ... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta ekonomická / Faculty of Economy
- Publikace FEK / Publications of FEK
- Ekonomie a management
- 51 2021