Číslo 2 (2021) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Štreimikienė, Dalia
Mikalauskienė, Asta
Sturienė, Urtė
Kyriakopoulos, Grigorios L.
The impact of social media on sales promotion in entertainment companies Social networks including various social media are one of the main online marketing tools that help to achieve marketing aims of the company. Most of social media overlap and have more than one characteristic, aim or purpose. It should be noted that interaction, user-friendliness,&... |
Zanker, Marek
Bureš, Vladimír
Cierniak-Emerych, Anna
Nehéz, Martin
The GDPR at the organizational level: a comparative study of eight European countries The General Data Protection Regulation, also known as the ‘gold standard’ or the ‘Magna Carta’ of cyber laws, is a European regulation that deals with rights in the area of privacy and focuses on data collection, storage and data processing. This manuscript presents the result... |
Veselovská, Lenka
Závadský, Ján
Bartková, Lucie
Consumer behaviour changes during times of the covid-19 pandemic: an empirical study on Slovak consumers The humankind finds itself facing unparalleled situation since the worldwide outbreak of the COVID-19 created significant changes in societies worldwide. This paper aims to assess the initial response of consumers in the Slovak Republic during the early stages of the outbreak and emerge... |
Zdražil, Pavel
Kraftová, Ivana
Indirect estimation of the development of capital productivity in the regions: the case of Poland This study introduces a new (adopted) method of indirect estimation of the development of the productivity structure in the regions, which at the same time allows estimation of the contribution resulting from changes within the capital factor. Its theoretical background is built on ... |
Revutska, Olga
Maršíková, Kateřina
Agile approach in human resource management: focus on generation Y The paper aims to provide an overview of human resource management’s characteristic features in agile companies and identify the attributes preferred by Generation Y representatives in everyday work life. Detailed literature review of general agile attributes and specifics of agile HR manage... |
Eger, Ludvík
Komárková, Lenka
Zákružná, Veronika
Perceptions of personalization in company-consumer interactions on social network: experiment conducted in the Czech republic Social media has revolutionized the way in which organizations communicate with their customers and stakeholders. Therefore, understanding the characteristics that influence the interactivity and the relationship between an organization and its page visitors is essential for the capability of an ... |
Saini, Mohan
Hrušecká, Denisa
Influence of logistics competitiveness and logistics cost on economic development: an fsQCA qualitative approach Logistics is an important sector that determines a country’s economic strategy while attaining higher impetus in terms of globalization and competitiveness. Infrastructure along with trade friendly government policies are the key important parameters for a competitive logistics sector. One such m... |
Uddin, Mohammed Nazim
Hosen, Mosharrof
Chowdhury, Mustafa Manir
Tabassum, Tanbina
Mazumder, Manjurul Alam
Does corporate governance influence firm value in Bangladesh? A panel data analysis Corporate governance has been widely debated for over a decade with the collapse of the financial and capital market under the prejudicial roles of regulatory bodies. Therefore, the study examined the impact of corporate governance on firm value in Bangladesh. A total of 63 DS... |
Almeida, Alejandro
Galiano, Aida
Golpe, Antonio A.
Álvarez, Juan Manuel Martín
The usefulness of marketing strategies in a regulated market: evidence from the Spanish tobacco market This paper outlines possible useful marketing strategies for companies to develop in a regulated market. The empirical analysis aims to highlight whether companies can use marketing strategies to create competitive advantages and scale positions in sales leadership once regulation policies are... |
Gessesse, Abrham Tezera
He, Ge
Land tenure and technical efficiency of smallholder tea producers: the case of Ya’an city, China 70 percent of the world and 80 percent of China’s tea production produced by smallholder farmers. However, the tea production per unit area significantly unchanged in the past decades. Understanding factors affecting the technical efficiency of smallholder tea producers is very important... |
Dospinescu, Octavian
Dospinescu, Nicoleta
Agheorghiesei, Daniela-Tatiana
Fintech services and factors determining the expected benefits of users: evidence in Romania for millennials and generation Z The purpose of this research is to define the level of significance for various indicators that influence the degree of consumer satisfaction regarding the use of FinTech technologies and services. The most important factors that influence the level of satisfaction when using FinTech... |
Gross-Gołacka, Elwira
Kusterka-Jefmańska, Marta
Spałek, Paulina
Jefmański, Bartłomiej
Perception of intellectual capital and its impact on business sustainability: evidence from small, medium, and large enterprises The main goal of this article is to analyze the level of differentiation of awareness and knowledge among managers of small, medium and large enterprises in the scope of the essence and meaning of intellectual capital as well as the influence of its elements on the s... |
Radonić, Milenko
Milosavljević, Miloš
Knežević, Snežana
Intangible assets as financial performance drivers of it industry: evidence from an emerging market In the past few decades, IC has been viewed as a crucial factor for improved financial performance of IT companies. Globally, the IT industry has shown positive trendlines and the tremendous importance of intangible resources as part of intellectual capital. Intellectual capital per... |
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