Title: Princezna se zlatou hvězdou na čele: Ukázka teorií pohádky
Authors: Vídršperková, Lenka
Citation: Antropowebzin. 2021, č. 1-2, s. 13-20.
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: AntropoWeb
Document type: článek
URI: http://www.antropoweb.cz/webzin/index.php/webzin/issue/current/showToc
ISSN: 1801–8807
Keywords: lidová pohádka
Keywords in different language: folktale
Abstract in different language: According to psychoanalysis and the depth psychology, folktales and dreams can be seen as modalities through which the unconscious manifests itself. Using the folktale ATU 510B The Donkey Skin, some theories of folktales are introduced in this paper. Although the emphasis is placed on the psychoanalytic theory of Géza Róheim, the paper’s approach is multidisciplinary. First, the folktale is presented through the theory of the myth as proposed by the anthropologist C. Lévi-Strauss. Then, the structure of the folktale is considered using the theory of the linguist J. V. Propp. Finally, the theory of the contemporary Israeli psychoanalyst Ravit Raufman is mobilised to capture the meaning of the folktale The Princess with the Golden Star on Her Forehead in relation to the folktale The Maiden in the Chest.
Rights: AntropoWebzin vychází pod licencí Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
Appears in Collections:Číslo 1-2 (2021)
Číslo 1-2 (2021)

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