Recent Submissions
Naxera, Vladimír
Marián Sekerák: Modely a teorie demokracie |
Nambiar, Akanksha
Christof Koch: The Feeling of Life Itself: Why consciousness is widespread but can’t be computed |
Hložek, Josef
Současná archeologie na Pražském hradě. Rozhovor s Janou Maříkovou-Kubkovou o nejvýznamnější opevněné lokalitě v Čechách |
Mach, Tomáš
Smitten by the Written: Corpus Analysis of Agency and Roles in Pornographic Video Titles Despite the magnitude of its consumption by the general public, online pornography has to date received comparatively very little attention within linguistics. The paper explores the language in video titles on the pornographic site Pornhub using a corpus-driven approach. A corpus... |
Nambiar, Akanksha
Christian List: Why free will is real |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art
- Publikace FF / Publications of FF
- Acta FF
Date issued
- 13 2022