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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 35 of 35
Braha, David
Cavitec alloy – its properties and applications in hydro power plants

Mašika, Roman
Generální oprava soustrojí TG2 elektrárny Slapy a technologicko – obchodní komplikace, které kriticky ovlivňují udržitelnost údržby a oprav vodních elektráren

Ruchař, Miloslav , Štípek, Marko
Stend inspekcí palivových souborů

The paper follows up on last year's presentation of the new ŠKODA JS a.s. equipment, which is designed to carry out operational inspections of irradiated fuel assemblies at the Temelín NPP in the Czech Republic. The paper presents practical experience with the preparatio...

Krpec, Miroslav , Burda, Jaroslav , Ernestová, Miroslava , Vávrovcová, Zuzana , Brabec, Petr
Analýza vad poškozené lopatky NT dílu turbogenerátoru JE

During the periodic inspection, four linear indications were found on the surface of the turbogenerator rotor blade in the region of the leading edge using the magnetic powder NDT method. Based on these results, a transfer of the blade to the accredited laboratories of ÚJV�...

Rudolf, Antonín
3D tisk a VR ve Škoda js a.s.

In recent years, ŠKODA JS a.s. has been trying to keep up with current industry trends and has started to focus intensively on virtual reality, augmented reality (VR, AR) and 3D printing. The first efforts to use these technologies began already in 2012, when the&#...

Polach, Pavel , Kulas, Jan , Lexa, Josef
Vývoj mobilní plnicí vodíkové stanice

Due to the adoption of the so-called Paris Agreement on climate change, the Czech Republic has committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions (mainly carbon dioxide) by 55 % until 2030 compared to 1990. One of the options for reducing emissions in the transport sector&#...

Chocholatý, Ondřej , Jarolímová, Lucie
Vodík a cold spray

Cold Spray (CS) is state-of-the-art technology in the family of thermal spraying. The prin- ciple of this technology is to accelerate microscopic particles to a very high speed and deposit them on a substrate where the kinetics energy is converted into deformation and t...

Doucek, Aleš
Vodíkové technologie jako nástroj dekarbonizace ekonomiky ČR

Popovič, Miroslav , Oravec, Jakub , Sáňka, Martin
Digitální dvojče energobloku Domoradice

The service life of industrial units is a crucial parameter in operation as well as in their design phase. A digital twin combines both. Design models based on the common standard of FEM simulations do not have to end in the production of a power block as...

Živný, Petr
Vizuální kontroly VN točivých elektrických strojů

The high-voltage synchronous machines are very often used as generators for the production of electric power not only in nuclear power plants but also in conventional thermal, wind, and hydropower plants. Regular diagnostic equipment checks also include visual inspections to ensure reliable&...

Švantner, Milan , Honner, Milan
Potenciál využití termografie pro diagnostiku a údržbu v energetickém průmyslu

Thermography is a modern diagnostics method with a significant potential for utilization in diagnostics, maintenance, monitoring, or non-destructive testing of power industry devices. The main advantages of thermography belong its non-contact and non-destructive basis, the possibility of area&...

Brziak, Peter , Jáňa, Miroslav , Václav, Vojtech , Dankovič, Rastislav , Svoboda, Jiří
Možnosti reverzného inžinieringu a aditívnej výroby pri náročných a časovo limitovaných opravách v priemysle

Techniky reverzného inžinieringu zahŕňajú analýzu existujúceho dielu, ako aj zhodnotenie dostupných informácií o jeho konštrukcii a funkcii, aby sa umožnila jeho výroba respektíve oprava. Reverzný inžiniering sa zvyčajne používa v situáciách, keď nie sú k dispozícii úplné informácie o pôvodnom di...

Cizner, Josef , Hruška, Jan
Korozní odolnost vybraných nástřiků v prostředí biomasy

In this paper, several different nickel-based coatings were tested under laboratory conditions in a model atmosphere simulating biomass flue gas containing chlorine and other elements and under a model deposit. In addition to different types of nickel coatings, different deposition technologies&#...

Janovec, Jiří , Pilsová, Lucie , Cizner, Josef , Funda, Zdeněk
Degradační procesy membránových stěn při spalování biomasy

The service life of the lower parts of the membrane walls is influenced by the operating parameters and design of the boilers, but above all, by the fuel used. During the combustion of wood chips, straw, corn, and solid alternative fuels, created during the recycli...

Veselý, Pavel
Zevo Plzeň – provozní zkušenosti po šesti letech provozu

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Submit Date v Descending pořadí): 21 až 35 z 35