Roque, Waldir L.
Doering, Dionísio
Constructing approximate voronoi diagrams from digital images of generalized polygons and circular objects
Zhang, Hui
Shu, Huazhong
Luo, Limin
Mesh simplification based on shading chracteristics
Szijárto, Gábor
Hardware architecture for fast camera effects
Schindler, Konrad
Bauer, Joachim
Towards feature-based building reconstruction from images
Peters, Christopher
Dobbyn, Simon
Nameee, Brian Mac
O'Sullivan, Carol
Smart objects for attentive agents
Pessel, Nathalie
Opderbecke, Jan
Aldon, Marie-José
Camera self-calibration in underwater environment
Nechvíle, Karel
Tobola, Petr
Sochor, Jiří
Comparisom of accelerating techniques for discontinuity meshing
Menon, Anil S.
Barnes, Bobby
Mills, Rose
Bruyns, Cynthia D.
Twombly, Alexander
Smith, Jeff
Montgomery, Kevin
Boyle, Richard
Usingregistration, calibration, and robotics to build a more accurate virtual reality simulation for astronaut training and telemedicine
Lepistö, Leena
Kunttu, Iivari
Autio, Jorma
Visa, Ari
Rock Image Classification Using Non-Homogenous Textures and Spectral Imaging
Laycock, S. D.
Day, A. M.
Simulating Deformable Tools with Haptic Feedback in a Virtual Environment
Kavan, Ladislav
Žára, Jiří
Real Time Skin Deformation with Bones Blending
Hesse, Michael
Gavrilova, Marina
A Quantitative Analysis of Culling Techniques for Real-time Rendering of Digital Elevation Models
Hast, Anders
Barrera, Tony
Bengtsson, Ewert
Shading vy Spherical lienear interpolation using de moivre's formula
Guinnip, David
Rice, David
Jaynes, Christopher
Stevens, Randall
Efficient image-based projective mapping using the master texture space encoding
Endo, Luis Carlos Yano
Morimoto, Carlos Hitoshi
Fabris, Antonio Elias
Real-time animation of underbrush
Braun, Norbert
Storytelling in Collaborative Augmented Reality Environments
Bevilacqua, Alessandro
Optimizing parameters of a motion detection system by means of a genetic algorithm
Aljamali, Ahmad M.
Banissi, Ebad
Grid Method Classification of Islamic Geometric Patterns
Al-Ghreimil, Nadia
Hahn, James K.
Combined Partial Motion Clips
Albin, Stéphane
Péroche, Bernard
Directionally dependent light sources