Katedra forenzní psychologie a sociologie / Department of Forensic Psychology and Sociology
Recent Submissions
Sýkorová, Renata
Elektronizace justice The purpose of this work " Computerization of judiciary" is to describe the implementation of information and communication technologies into the Justice. The work includes both knowledge of legal, technical, theoretical and user. The work aims to inform the general public project&... |
Novotný, Petr
Fenomén s názvem poker aneb Gamblerství ve fraku The gambling and problems regarding it represents nowadays a global phenomenon. This thesis is focused mainly on the currently progressive poker game. A close relation between the gambling, poker and the risk of a pathological gaming and its consequent effects is described here. Th... |
Melková, Martina
Sledování gamblerství u dětí a mladistvých This bachelor's thesis focuses at the topic of gambling and youths. This area is very little mapped in Czech republic. Nowadays, not much attention is given to gambling. The thesis consists of two parts ? theoretical and practical. The theoretical part consists of nine cha... |
Játiová, Bronislava
Etika advokáta My work deals with most areas which cover the given topic, and also which are necessary, according to my opinion, to broadly understand advocates? ethical approach to his profession. Unlike other fields of the legal system, it is a relatively contemporary phenomenon, in comparison&... |
Dejmalová, Michaela
Vztah trestního řízení a médií Thesis deal with the relationship between criminal proceedings and the media, freedom of expression in relation to protection of personality. It is divided into three parts, which contain the influence of media, a description of the criminal proceedings and protection of privacy. |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta právnická / Faculty of Law