Název: | Transnacionálne sietě a diskurzy v participatívnej ochrane morských korytnačiek na Komorách |
Další názvy: | Transnational networks and dicourses in participatory marine turtle conservation in the Comoros |
Autoři: | Mikuš, Marek |
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: | AntropoWebzin. 2009, č. 2-3, s. 43-52. |
Datum vydání: | 2009 |
Nakladatel: | AntropoWeb |
Typ dokumentu: | článek article |
URI: | http://antropologie.zcu.cz/webzin/index.php/webzin/article/view/147 http://hdl.handle.net/11025/6807 |
ISSN: | 1801-8807 |
Klíčová slova: | community centred conservation aktér-síťová teorie environmentální narativy mořské želvy ochrana zvířat |
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: | community centred conservation actor-network theory environmental narratives sea turtles environmental protection |
Abstrakt: | This work examines how participatory conservation projects of the NGO Community Centred Conservation (C–3) in the Comoros draw on global environmental ”narratives” and constitute transnational social fields and ”actor-networks”. In sustainable development and natural resource conservation, ”community-based” approaches, requiring participation of people living in and around protected areas and linking conservation objectives with local development needs, now take the centre stage. Policy shifts are critically conceptualised as a procession of narratives – discursive formations which facilitate explaining environmental change, decision-making and the replication of adopted modes of action across space and time. Narratives can only be superseded by similarly parsimonious and convincing ”counter-narratives” of which participatory conservation is an example. Implementation of such globalised and globalising policies is showed by an actor-oriented anthropology of development to be a socially constructed and negotiated process rather than straightforward execution of a plan of action with expected outcomes. The paper looks at the interactions between official representations and everyday ”strategies” of various participants, including local and expatriate actors. It evades the assumption that mobile conservation and development practitioners and local people and ”development agents” inhabit clearly separated instituti-onal and knowledge worlds. Ethnographic interpretation of C–3’s activities in Mohe´li inspired by the Actor Network Theory has identified some strategies and ”translations” between actors involved in these actor-network constructions. While C–3 attempts to control these constructions varying from conflict to co-operation, power relationships in these transnational actor-networks remain fairly open-ended. |
Práva: | Autoři, kteří chtějí publikovat v tomto časopise, musí souhlasit s následujícími body: Autoři si ponechávají copyright a umožňují časopisu publikovat příspěvky pod Creative Commons Attribution licencí, která umožňuje ostatním sdílet tuto práci s tím, že přiznají jejího autora a první publikování v tomto časopisu. Autorům je dovoleno a doporučováno, aby po publikování svých příspěvků v tomto časopise zpřístupnili svou práci online (například na svých webových stránkách) Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms: Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal. Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) but only after the final publication. |
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích: | Číslo 2-3 (2009) Číslo 2-3 (2009) |
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