Katedra ošetřovatelství a porodní asistence / Department of Nursing Care and Midwifery


Recent Submissions

Krajdlová, Zuzana
Hodnocení kultury bezpečí pacientů studenty ošetřovatelství

This bachelor's thesis examines nursing students' assessment of patient safety culture. The theoretical work focuses on summarizing assessment and measurement tools that assess nursing students' patient safety culture. Twelve questionnaires are presented in the thesis. In addition, studies invo...

Kadičová, Lenka
Dodržování prevence pohlavně přenosných chorob u studentů zdravotnických oborů

The bachelor thesis "The keeping up with prevention of transmitting sexually transmitted diseases among students of medical courses" is divided into two main parts, theoretical and practical. At the beginning of the theroetical part, the current worldwide state of this problem of&#...

Zavitkovská, Kateřina
Riziko pádů seniorů na oddělení následné péče

This bachelor's thesis deals with how nurses assess the risk of falling for seniors in the aftercare department. The work is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. In the theoretical part, we focus on the description of biological and psychological change...

Zvolánková, Lucie
Výživa a stravovací návyky všeobecných sester ve směnném provozu

This bachelor thesis was prepared as a review study on Nutrition and eating habits of general nurses in shift work. We focused on a survey and subsequent comparison of published professional sources covering the following issues. The introduction of the paper focuses on the ge...

Vollner, Samuel
Role sestry při zvyšování adherence k léčbě hypertenze

This bachelor thesis focuses on the role of the nurse in increasing adherence to hypertension treatment. The theoretical work focuses on effective nursing interventions implemented to increase adherence in the treatment of hypertension. Furthermore, the thesis describes the roles and responsibili...