Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KAR) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Novotný, Filip
Archeologie tzv. "Norimberské cesty" v úseku mezi Prahou a Plzní. The main objective of this bachelor study is to find and interpret terrain relicts of Regensburg and Nuremberg path in section between Prague and Pilsen, that haven't been archaeologically studied before. For this, the methods of non-destructive archaeological research were mainly used,&... |
Hladká, Alžběta
Variabilita pohřebního ritu kultury nálevkovitých pohárů v Čechách This bachelor's thesis demonstrates the wide variation in funeral rite during the Funnel Beaker Culture in Bohemia. It examines contexts in grave pits, settlement contexts, under barrows and in ditch enclosures, according to the buried individual and his grave goods. |
Červenka, Daniel
Význam lukostřelby v kultuře nálevkovitých pohárů a její odraz v pohřebním ritu The main topic of this bachelor thesis is chalcolitic funnel beaker culture. It is focused on burial rite in this period, while the main focus are flint arrowheads and stone hammer-axes. Based on those artifacts are discused questions related to social status of funnel beaker&... |
Mátl, Daniel
Neolitické a eneolitické osídlení Podřipska The work deals with the settlement of the surroundings of Říp hill in the period of the younger and late Stone Age. The work describes the individual periods and the area of interest itself. A geodatabase of localities is created with the help of a geographical infor... |
Náhlík, Tomáš
Archeologie monumentálních artificiálních vodních kanálů z přelomu středověku a novověku v Čechách. The topic of this work is monumental artificial canals from the translation Period between Middle Ages and Modern History in Bohemia. In the first part, the thesis will deal with the analysis and processing of available information on the topic of monumental artificial canals ... |
Kocánková, Anna
Karnyx v evropském pravěku The aim of the work is to consider the role of a wind instrument called Carnyx in La Tene and Roman culture. Carnyx is a musical or signal instrument made of bronze. On the ground of research of the archeolocical, historical and iconographic sources, the occurance of... |
Kouba, Šimon
Po stopách hornictví na Tří Sekersku The former Tříseker's mining area is located in Western Bohemia near Marianské Lázně. The mining of copper ore took place from the 15th to the 19th century. Afterwards copper mining in this area ceased to exist. Today we can only find remains of surface mining i... |
Chimalová, Eliška
Eneolitické dlouhé mohyly v Čechách Eneolithic long barrows represent a monumental change in the prehistorical concept of death and burial rite. This shift in some burial practices happened mainly in the region of the Funnelbeaker Culture. The bachelor thesis revises older archaeological research, summarizes its current state&... |
Pellerová, Aneta
Numismatické nálezy 10. - 13. století v západních Čechách The bachelor thesis focuses on the evaluation of numismatic findings (denar, bracteate and pfennig coin minting) in western Bohemia. An updated inventory was compiled as a means of addressing issues related to the role of coin expansion in exchange and market relations, contact stu... |
Kroupa, Tomáš
Historické cesty v oblasti severozápadních Brd This thesis focuses on the indication and documentation of historical roads in the northwestern area of the Brdy Mountains using non-desctructive archaeological methods, especially LIDAR prospection, and historical maps. It describes the process of verification of the indicated objects in two... |
Švehla, Jiří
Možnosti interpretace movitých a nemovitých artefaktů z pohledu archeoastronomie The main aim of the thesis is to present archaeoastronomy to potencional reader. Every chapter discusses some basic aspect, with whom archaeoastronomy works. These aspects are result of historical development, which is presented in the text. Social role of celestial phenomena, beyond th... |
Hanáková, Klára
Hrad a Krajina The bachelor thesis deals with the creation of the documentation of the castle in Kraslice, its probable form in the last construction phase and its role in the region. Within the thesis are solved the issues of colonization wave in the 12th, rather 13th century, probable... |
Prokopec, Tomáš
Středověké tvrze na Klatovsku The aim of this bachelor's thesis named "Medieval fortresses in the Klatovy region" is to provide a comprehensive view of the issues associated with small fortresses owned by nobles, especially in the period from the 13th to the 15th century, when we register their&#x... |
Hlavenková, Anežka
Symbolika a význam mečů a kopí v raném středověku This thesis studies published finds of lances and swords in Bohemia and in chosen Moravian burial grounds, for the purpose of cognition of their deeper meaning and symbolism for the early medieval society. The attention was paid primarily to their context and decorative and qu... |
Dolinová, Jana
Symbolika pohřbívání v mladém paleolitu Bachelor thesis focuses on prominently complex or special funeral in the Upper Palaeolithic. The aim of the work is to assess the interpretative value of these documents of advanced funeral behaviour in the context of the Upper Palaeolitic funeral rite, taking into account the ... |
Drášilová, Luisa
Úloha hradů ve středověkých konfliktech The goal of my bachelor is documentation of terrain remains, which are possible to connect with siege works in the area of choosen castles in central Posázaví, especially around castles Stará Dubá, Zbořený Kostelec, Zlenice and Hrad u Čtyřkol. In each site is documented ... |
Blažková, Johana
Výšinná sídliště a hradiště starší doby bronzové a počátku střední doby bronzové v jižních Čechách |
Tesařík, Tomáš
Mladopaleolitické skalní umění The aim of the work is a systematic treatise on the study of parietal art in the Upper Palaeolithic, especially focusing on the origin of art and the questions of its creators with regard to current and past hypotheses of fundamental researchers from available literature. ... |
Šulista, Vojtěch
Nože doby bronzové The thesis will deal with bronze knives in the Czech Republic and their purpose in the Bronze Age society. The student will focus both on the practical function of the artifact and on its possible social meaning or symbolic meaning. The content of the work will inclu... |
Rakava, Volha
Vztah moderního využití krajiny a nálezů z povrchových sběrů The subject of study in this bachelor thesis was the past land use in a small region, which consisted of fields belonging to several cadasters in the vicinity of Vladař hill near Žlutice (Karlovy Vary district). The study was primarily based on the assemblage of artifacts... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art
- Katedra archeologie / Department of Archeology
- 164 bakalářská práce
- 17 2020 - 2024
- 147 2012 - 2019