Browsing by Author Kovářík, Tomáš

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Bioresorbable films of polycaprolactone blended with poly(lactic acid) or poly(lactic-co -glycolic acid)Dodda, Jagan Mohan; Azar, Mina Ghafouri; Bělský, Petr; Šlouf, Miroslav; Gajdošová, Veronika; Kasi, Phanindra Babu; Anerillas, Luis Oliveros; Kovářík, Tomáš
2018Comparison of hardening kinetics by small amplitude oscillatory rheometry in the case of alkali activated kaolinitic claysRieger, David; Pola, Michal; Franče, Petr; Kadlec, Jaroslav; Kovářík, Tomáš
2020Corrosion behavior of titanium silicide surface with hydrogen peroxide: Formation of sub-μm TiOx- based spheres, nanocomposite TiOx/SiOx phases, and mesoporous TiOx/SiOx networkJandová, Věra; Fajgar, Radek; Kupčík, Jaroslav; Pola, Josef; Soukup, Karel; Mikysek, Petr; Křenek, Tomáš; Kovářík, Tomáš; Stich, Theresia; Docheva, Denitsa
2018The effect of milled basalt fibers addition on rheological and mechanical properties of alkali activated binderRieger, David; Kovářík, Tomáš; Pola, Michal; Franče, Petr; Kadlec, Jaroslav
2019The effect of short carbon fibers on rheological behaviour and mechanical properties of metakaolin-slag geopolymer binderRieger, David; Pola, Michal; Franče, Petr; Kadlec, Jaroslav; Kovářík, Tomáš; Kopačka, Pavel
2020Enhanced dielectric properties of green synthesized Nickel Sulphide (NiS) nanoparticles integrated polyvinylalcohol nanocompositesReddy, Peram Lokanatha; Deshmukh, Kalim Abdul Rashid; Kovářík, Tomáš; Rieger, David; Nambiraj, Narayanasamy Arunai; Lakshmipathy, R.; Khadheer Pasha, S. K.
2021Formation of catalytic nanoparticles via laser ablation in various environments and their degradation activity on methylene blueVála, Lukáš; Křenek, Tomáš; Kovářík, Tomáš; Medlín, Rostislav; Pola, Josef; Vavruňková, Veronika; Pola, Michal
2021Functionalization of porous surfaces: New potential of laser ablation in liquids used for bio/photo catalytic nanomaterialsKřenek, Tomáš; Vála, Lukáš; Kovářík, Tomáš; Forejtová, Jana; Somr, Josef; Stich, Theresia; Docheva, Denitsa; Pola, Michal; Pola, Josef; Jandová, Věra
2016Geopolymerní kompozit na bázi roztoku křemičitanu draselného s plnivem o různém granulometrickém složeníKullová, Lucie; Kovářík, Tomáš; Rieger, David; Čekalová, Marcela
2021Graphene oxide nanocomposites based room temperature gas sensors: A reviewThangamani, G.J.; Deshmukh, Kalim Abdul Rashid; Kovářík, Tomáš; Nambiraj, N.A.; Ponnamma, Deepalekshmi; Sadasivuni, Kishor Kumar; Khalil, H.P.S.Abdul; Pasha, S.K. Khadheer
2020Green chemistry mediated synthesis of cadmium sulphide/polyvinyl alcohol nanocomposites: Assessment of microstructural, thermal, and dielectric propertiesReddy, Peram Lokanatha; Deshmukh, Kalim Abdul Rashid; Kovářík, Tomáš; Nambiraj, Narayanasamy Arunai; Shaik, Khadheer Pasha
2023Hierarchically porous bioceramics based on geopolymer-hydroxyapatite composite as a novel biomaterial: Structure, mechanical properties and biocompatibility evaluationde Andrade, Rafaela; Casagrande Paim, Thaís; Bertaco, Isadora; Naasani, Liliana Sous; Buchner, Silvio; Kovářík, Tomáš; Hájek, Jiří; Wink, Márcia Rosângela
2022Implant-bone-interface: Reviewing the impact of titanium surface modifications on osteogenic processes in vitro and in vivoStich, Theresia; Alagboso, Francisca; Křenek, Tomáš; Kovářík, Tomáš; Alt, Volker; Docheva, Denitsa
2019Influence of nanodiamond loading on properties of poly(vinyl alcohol) nanocomposite membranesRemiš, Tomáš; Kadlec, Jaroslav; Kovářík, Tomáš
2017Keramická pěna s otevřenou pórovitostí na bázi geopolymerního substrátu pro katalytické čištění odpadních vodKovářík, Tomáš; Křenek, Tomáš; Pola, Michal; Rieger, David; Kadlec, Jaroslav; Franče, Petr
2021Nano and micro-forms of calcium titanate: Synthesis, properties and applicationKřenek, Tomáš; Kovářík, Tomáš; Pola, Josef; Stich, T.; Docheva, D.
2020Novel perspectives of laser ablation in liquids: formation of high-pressure orthorhombic FeS phase and absorption of FeS-derived colloids on porous surface for solar-light photocatalytic wastewater cleaning.Křenek, Tomáš; Vála, Lukáš; Kovářík, Tomáš; Medlín, Rostislav; Fajgar, Radek; Pola, Josef; Jandová, Věra; Vavruňková, Veronika; Pola, Michal; Koštejn, Martin
2020Particle size analysis and characterization of nanodiamond dispersions in water and dimethylformamide by various scattering and diffraction methodsKovářík, Tomáš; Bělský, Petr; Rieger, David; Ilavský, Ján; Jandová, Věra; Maas, Michael; Šutta, Pavol; Pola, Michal; Medlín, Rostislav
2019Porous geopolymers: processing routes and propertiesKovářík, Tomáš; Hájek, Jiří
2019Preparation and Characterization of Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) (PVA)/SiO2, PVA/Sulfosuccinic Acid (SSA) and PVA/SiO2/SSA Membranes: A Comparative StudyRemiš, Tomáš; Bělský, Petr; Andersen, Shuang Ma; Tomáš, Martin; Kadlec, Jaroslav; Kovářík, Tomáš