Volume 6, number 1-3 (1998) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Jegathese, Reginald C.
Painkras, Eustace
Prakash, Edmond C.
Fundamental algorithms for projective voxelization We develop a voxel-based approach to volume modeling, in which the 3D object is represented as a set of voxels rather than a collection of surfaces. Interpretation with voxel-based representations is an intuitive paradigm, which has been shown to be theoretically sound and possesse... |
Martins, João
Correia, Nuno
Guimarães, Nuno
Software tools for content based hypervideo In most current hypermedia systems, video and audio data are considered still as navigationally opaque data, without an acessible internal structure, and where no hyperlinking is performed. This article describes an object model, realized as a library of C++ classes, for the development... |
Lux, Miriam
Frühauf, Thomas
A visualization system for operational meteorological use RASSIN is a system for professional meteorogical visualization that has been developed by the Fraunhofer-IGD togehter with the German National Weather Service DWD. The software is being used in DWD´s research department. Its scope is the visualization of numerical simulation data and me... |
Formella, Arno
Łukaszewski, Andrzej
Fast penumbra calculation in ray tracing Penumbras, or soft shadows, are an important means to enhance the realistic apperance of computer generated images. We present a fast method based on Minkowski operators to reduce the run time for penumbra calculation with stochastic ray tracing. Detailed run time analysis on some&... |
Kuo, M. H.
Chen, M. C.
Biomedical data interpolation for 3D visual models Computed Tomography (CT) is an X-ray technique that produces 2D biomedical slice image data. In such images, the slice spacing is much greater than the spacing of individual samples on a slice. Thus, a robust interpolation method to generate quality intermediate images for the ... |
Klimenko, S. V.
Litvin, V. A.
Smirnova, V. V.
Visualization of the nonlinear dynamical systems using WWW Various 3D-view and 2D-projections of the abstract mathematical objects (strange attractors) have been discussed. We are studying the nonlinear dynamical systems using WWW technologies VRML, HTML and HTTP. Such visualisation technique gives an essential improvement in the scientific investigation of... |
Karčiauskas, Kęstutis
Krasauskas, Rimvydas
Rational biangle surface patches The concept of the rational biangle surface patch of the degree 2n is introduced. The construction is mostly close to (n, n) tensor product surface case because it has (n+1)2 control points and the implicit degree 2n2 in general. The biangle has many similar properties: a... |
Chen, Jyun-Ming
Wu, Bing-Hong
Interactive design tools for minimal energy spline curves The use of minimal energy spline (MES) curves in shape design produces smooth geometry. This paper describes a prototype system implementing such a technology for solids design. The section curves of three-dimensional solids is designed using the MES curves incorporating constraint managemen... |
Zaima, Hisayoshi
Yamamoto, Tsuyoshi
Reconstruction of outer surfaces by bi-directional rays We propose a method for reconstructing the shape and color of objects from ordinary video frames. On the assumption that the objects are located in voxel space, we reconstruct the objects as voxel models by identifying individual voxel properties. Since this method allows a hi... |
Kopp, Manfred
Purgathofer, Werner
Interleaved dimension decomposition: a new decomposition method for wavelets and its application to computer graphics Wavelets in 2D or higher dimensions are often generated by a decomposition scheme from 1D wavelets. There are two decomposition schemes called the standard and the nonstandard decomposition which are used in most applications of higher dimensional wavelets. This paper introduces ... |
Arquès, Didier
Michelin, Sylvain
Piranda, Benoît
Extending the zonal method to specular surfaces This paper focuses on how to calculate, with radiosity techniques, images associated to different scenes which take into account both an isotropic diffuse participating media and specular surfaces. To do so, we propose a new expression of the form factors defined in the ... |
Fütterling, Stefan
Klein, Reinhard
Straßer, Wolfgang
Weber, Heiner
Automated finite element modeling of a human mandible with dental implants This paper presents an automated procedure to generate a three-dimensional finite element model of an individual patient’s mandible with dental implants inserted. The reconstruction of the geometry as well as the modeling of the material properties for the different types... |
Magnenat Thalmann, Nadia
Kalra, Prem
Escher, Marc
Communicating with virtual characters This paper sketches an overview of the problems related to the analysis and synthesis of face to virtual face communication in a virtual world. We describe different components of our system for real-time interaction and communication between a cloned face representing a rea... |
Tokuta, Alade
Extending the VGRAPH algorithm for robot path planning This paper presents an O(nlogm) method to incorporate start and goal points of a robot into the roadmap of a two-dimensional workspace to form a VGRAPH. A VGRAPH Point Incorporation Algorithm(VPIA) incorporates a point in free-space into a roadmap. This VPIA divides th... |
Kang, Young-Min
Choi, Jeong-Hyeon
Cho, Hwan-Gue
Lee, Do-Hoon
An efficient animation of wrinkled cloth with approximate implicit integration This paper presents an efficient method for creating the animation of flexible objects. The mass-spring model was used to represent flexible objects. The easiest approach to creating animation with the mass-spring model is the explicit Euler method, but the method has ... |
Meyer, Klaus
A nearly output sensitive parallel hidden surface removal algorithm in object space We present a new method for solving the hidden surface removal (HSR) problem in parallel on a crew pram using a combination of new observations and known methods for solving related geometric problems. The new algorithm obtains the bounds of O (log2 n) time and O (n&... |
Contasssot-Vivier, Sylvain
Miguet, Serge
Optimization and parallelization of a geographical stereo vision code This paper describes the sequential and parallel versions of a stereo vision algorithm. In this study, we address the particular stereo vision problem of accurate Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) reconstruction from a pair of images of the SPOT satellite. We start from an... |
Röttger, Stefan
Heidrich, Wolfgang
Slusallek, Philipp
Seidel, Hans-Peter
Real-time generation of continuous levels of detail for height fields Height fields play an important role in the fast growing domain of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). For exploring different kinds of geographic-based data sets on screen it is necessary to display height fields at interactive frame rates. Because of the inherent geometric... |
Buck, Matthias
Schömer, Elmar
Interactive rigid body manipulation with obstacle contacts The interactive manipulation of rigid objects in virtual reality environments requires an object behaviour which is at least physically plausible to be useful for applications like interactive assembly simulation or virtual training. Physically plausible behaviour implies that collisions between ... |
Ghali, Sherif
Computation and maintenance of visibility and shadows in the plane We consider visibility and shadow problems in the plane under static and dynamic conditions. We show that several problems in this domain are intimately related and that a careful formulation of the requirements of each problem can lead to a great deal of reuse in&... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikace ZČU / UWB Publications
- Časopisy ZČU / UWB Journals
- Journal of WSCG
- Volume 6 (1998)
- 48 1998