Volume 6, number 1-3 (1998) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Gallo, Giovanni
Spinello, Salvatore
Pixels classification in noisy digital pictures using fuzzy arithmetic This paper presents a new technique to extract, in noisy digital pictures, regions whose pixels fall, with a degree of uncetainty, in a given range of gray levels. The proposed method uses fuzzy numbers to describe in a compact way, at the early vision stage, the rel... |
Fang, Shiaofen
Srinivasan, Rajagopalan
Volumetric-CSG -- a model-based volume visualization approach This paper presents a Volumetric-CSG (VCSG) method for the representation of volumetric objects and their operation, such as transformations, cutting and Boolean operations. A new volume rendering algorithm is developed for visualizing the VCSG models. The algorithm first generates optimal ... |
Duckstein, Franz
Extension of validity calculation to moving objects within a virtual reality system using frame to frame coherence Generating pictures of a complex scene in real-time with constant frame rates still overhelms modern rendering systems. The exploitation of frame to frame coherence proposes a solution to this problem by reusing the images of rendered objects multiple times. Combining this with a c... |
Bongiovanni, Giancarlo
Crescenzi, Pierluigi
Rago, Gabriella
JAZ: Java algorithm visualizer. A multi-platform collaborative tool for teaching graph algorithms In this paper we propose a new graph algorithm visualizer, called JAZ (Java Algorithm visualiZer), whose main features are: (a) JAZ is basically machine-independent; (b) JAZ is a post-mortem SV system; (c) JAZ heavily uses colors and it allows to show multiple views of program... |
Bartz, Dirk
Straßer, Wolfgang
Grosso, Roberto
Ertl, Thomas
Parallel construction and isosurface extraction of recursive tree structures The visualization of volumetric datasets is usually limited by the amount of memory and processing power of computer systems. Several multiresolution methods have been developed in order to adapt the necessary work; recursive spatial tree structures, such as octrees, are among th... |
Andrienko, Gennady L.
Andrienko, Natalia V.
IRIS: intelligent visualization for data exploration support in GIS Our work is focused on assisting users in exploration of spatially referenced data, i.e., economical, demographic, ecological, etc. data referring to geographical objects or locations. Analysis of such data is impossible without representing them on maps. The main weakness of Geograph... |
Aguilera, Antonio
Ayala, Dolors
Solving point and plane vs. otrhogonal polyhedra using the extreme vertices model (EVM) In a previous work, Orthogonal Polyhedra (OP) were proposed as geometric bounds in CSG. Primitives in the CSG model were approximated by their respective bounding boxes. The polyhedrical bound for the CSG object was obtained by applying the corresponding Boolean Algebra to t... |
Hinkenjann, André
Pietrek, Georg
Reconstructing radiosity by scattered data interpolation We discuss interpolation methods for the reconstruction of the radiosity function across a patch. Two groups of methods are compared: One group based on regular grids and one based on hierarchical subdivisions. We handle points on hierarchical subdivisions as scattered data points which... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikace ZČU / UWB Publications
- Časopisy ZČU / UWB Journals
- Journal of WSCG
- Volume 6 (1998)
- 48 1998