Číslo 3 (2014) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Eger, Ludvík
Úvodní slovo |
Janeček, Petr
Ohlédnutí za konferencí Trendy v podnikání 2014 |
Mičík, Michal
Svět sociálních médií a možnosti jeho využití pro obchod Social media, Web 2.0 and UGC are terms, that many marketers and academic researchers know, still they use them imprecisely and interchangeably. The terms are closely related and independent, however, it is necessary to clarify individual nuances between their meanings in order to ... |
Majtán, Štefan
Spišiaková, Mária
Internet marketing v aktuálnej podnikovej teórii a praxi The Internet is a public worldwide (global) de-centralized network based on certain standards. Advantages of the Internet are also used by internet marketing, which is discussed in our report. Infirst part the development and growth of the importance of the internet in general... |
Jermář, Milan
Spolupráce v sítích a psychologická smlouva The paper deals with the characteristics of psychological contract in collaboration between people in networks. Some differentiating features of cooperation in networks are defined. The main typologies of psychological contracts are presented. By comparing the features of cooperation in networks ... |
Ubrežiová, Iveta
Mura, Ladislav
Kozáková, Jana
Pozícia malých a stredných podnikov SR v kontexte internacionalizácie podnikania There are an influent determinants of the world economy as a globalization and integration processes. An acceleration of mentioned processes brings various advantages (international entrepreneur and co-ordination) and disadvantages (ratcheted competence fight). Entrepreneurial activities of medium and small... |
Suchánek, Petr
Králová, Maria
Model vlivu spokojenosti zákazníka na výkonnost podniku The article’s objective is to determine the influence of customer satisfaction with a product on business performance comparing among other the product with its competition. Such factors were searched and found within the research, that influence the customers’ satisfaction and the business&... |
Regnerová, Marta
Hes, Aleš
Spotřebitel v ČR a cenová hladina v Evropě The economic reform in the Czech Republic (Czech economic transformation) in the nineties of the last century represented a transition from a centrally planned economy to a market economy. This process affected not only the sphere of business or institutions but the society as ... |
Čierna, Helena
Riadenie vztahov so zákaznikom ak nástroj zvysovania konkurenceschopnosti podniku In order to increase their own competitiveness, companies have to adapt to market conditions and factors than directly affect them – suppliers, competitors, costumers. The companies can implement this only if there is a full understanding of customer needs and the environment in wh... |
Lovichová, Miroslava
Inovativní marketing ve střední firmě In the context of ever increasing sustainability issues life on the market, there is an increasing role of innovative marketing, which is a useful tool for how companies can their existing and potential clients take. This paper focuses on innovative marketing in the context of... |
Savov, Radovan
Tóth, Marián
Lančarič, Drahoslav
Prístavka, Miroslav
Microbreweries as an emerging trend in slovak brewing industry. Quality or price? The paper deals with trends in development of beer industry in Slovakia. It is focused on the establishing of new microbreweries. Slovak beer market is characterized by high concentration (as a result of globalisation). More than 80% of beer consumption in Slovakia origins from... |
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- Trendy v podnikání
- 2014
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