Strojírenská technologie - Plzeň 2011 sborník příspěvků Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Karpuschewski, Bernhard
Jandečka, Karel
Česáková, Ivana
Nguyen, Dac Trung
Mourek, Daniel
System for computer aided programming of cylindrical grinding on tool grinding machines Solid carbide cutting tools are mostly manufactured by abrasive processes on tool grinding machines. In many situations, the first operation represents a cylindrical grinding of the blank. The manual preparation of NC programmes for this operation is especially time intensive in ... |
Monka, Peter
Monková, Katarína
Zvyšovanie efektívnosti technologickej komunikácie Pre-production activities, which use the descriptive method, are very important with respect to their outstanding possibilities of influencing the entire production costs of a planned product. Its usage is adequate mainly due to the economic pressure of competition forcing the produce... |
Mikeš, Petr
Beránek, Libor
Volf, Luděk
Návrh a výroba testovacího artefaktu pro výuku měření na souřadnicovém měřicím stroji measurements on coordinate measuring machine. It is a component that has shaped the area and their various combinations. In this case, the block of duralumin, in which the milling, turning and drilling produced shaped surface such as a hole, conical hole, holes in the... |
Melichar, Martin
Zábranský, Tomáš
Problematika náhrady konvenční ustavovací metody metodou bezdotykovou |
Senderská, Katarína
Mareš, Albert
Videoanalýza ručnej montáže The assembly process design as a complex and difficult task requires an implementation of new approaches, techniques and tools. The effort to innovate these processes leads to the application of a various computer-aided tools. One of these is the video analysis. Nowadays tec... |
Pokorný, Peter
Kubek, Andrej
Problematika opotrebenia pri 5-osovom frézovaní CNC milling is currently one of the most used technology of FFS (free form surfaces) machining, because it guarantees high effectivness of production process and quality of workpieces. Current requirements on quality and production are pushing forward 5-axes machining centres, which... |
Katedra technologie obrábění
Katedra technologie obrábění - KTO |
Kříž, Antonín
Vliv povrchu na užitné vlastnosti výrobku The surface of a component must be understood in the context of its numerous functions. Its most important properties include the mechanical, physical and chemical ones. In service, these properties do not take effect separately but in combinations which make their influence ... |
Fiala, Stanislav
Kouřil, Karel
Moderní nástroje pro vystružování |
Kolařík, Kamil
Ganev, Nikolaj
Pala, Zdenek
Jersák, Jan
X-ray diffraction analysis of residual stresses in surfaces subjected to cutting operations Two examples of X-ray diffraction (XRD) tensometry performed in XRD laboratory of Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of the Czech TU in Prague are specified in the contribution. They both deal with the effects of selected working conditions of face milling, e.g.... |
Kesl, Miloslav
Nová generace RO-PM The permanent raising of cutting-tool productivity with synchronous degrading effects of material machinability predicts the importance of achievement of high qualitative requirements on cutting life. The tool performance is so affected by many various factors such as edge resistance to... |
Kasina, Marek
Tarasovičová, Adriana
Šomšáková, Zuzana
Michalik, Peter
Belán, Miroslav
Verifikácia vplyvu povlakov fréz na ich životnosť For application of new cutting tools into the praxis or for determination of their further development it is necessary to know their cutting properties. They are also important from the view of their economical handling. Beside that these properties serve as good and co... |
Karaffa, Ľubomír
Evaluation of thermal influence in the manufacture of spur gear wheels by using plasma The aim of this paper is to provide the readers with information related to the modern trend in manufacturing the spur gear wheels by using plasma. The gear-wheels, which are characterised than one of the elementary components of mechanism and machines parts, represent... |
Jandečka, Karel
Pětiosé broušení v CAD/CAM systému Cimatron |
Jandečka, Karel
Chyba rozměru šroubové drážky |
Janda, Zdeněk
Fulemová, Jaroslava
Švec, Jan
Řehoř, Jan
Porovnání nástrojových upínačů s ohledem na řezné síly a jakost obrobeného povrchu při frézování austenitické oceli Currently exists quite a number of tool holders, which work on different physical principles. That is why different types of tool holders differ from each other. Difference can be in purchase price and also in quality of tool clamping. Particular, the quality of tool... |
Hnátík, Jan
Rotační zapichování |
Havrila, Michal
Trendy v rozvoji moderných DNC systémov obrábania V prvopočiatku uplatnenia NC obrábania boli riadiace programy obrábania súčiastok vkladané do NC riadiacich systémov na diernych páskach. Neskôr boli tieto programy uložené v riadiacom počítači DNC riadenia a do NC riadiacich systémov obrábacích strojov prenášané tzv. obtokom čítačky ... |
Gorog, A.
Buranský, I.
Influence of milling strategies for roundness Very important for CNC program generation is the choice of machining strategy. This strategy has influence on the final accuracy and final quality of machined. Machining strategy is tool movement in machine space. Milling is used also for the production of curved shapes.... |
Fulemová, Jaroslava
Janda, Zdeněk
Řehoř, Jan
Vliv vyložení nástroje na řezné síly a jakost obrobeného povrchu při frézování austenitické oceli One of the basic recommendations for tool clamping is to choose as small as tool overhang. There can be cases, for example during cutting of deeper cavities, when there is necessary to unload the tool more. In this case though can take place to influence of cutting... |
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