Title: A cohort methods for score normalization in speaker verification system, acceleration of on-line cohort methods
Other Titles: Kohortní metody normalizace score v systému rozpoznávání řečníka, urychlení on-line kohortních metod
Authors: Zajíc, Zbyněk
Vaněk, Jan
Machlica, Lukáš
Padrta, Aleš
Citation: ZAJÍC, Zbyněk; VANĚK, Jan; MACHLICA, Lukᚡ; PADRTA, Aleš. A cohort methods for score normalization in speaker verification system, acceleration of on-line cohort methods. In: SPECOM 2007 Proceedings: 12th International Conference on Speech and Computer, 15-18 October 2007, Moscow. Moskow: Moskow state linguistic university, 2007, p. 367-372. ISBN 6-7452-0110-X.
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: Moskow state linguistic university
Document type: článek
URI: http://www.kky.zcu.cz/cs/publications/ZbynekZajic_2007_ACohortMethodsfor
ISBN: 6-7452-0110-X
Keywords: verifikace řečníka;normalizace skóre;časová náročnost;on-line normalizace
Keywords in different language: speaker verification;score normalization;time-consumption;on-line normalization
Abstract: Tento článek pojednává o kohortních metodách pro normalizaci skóre. Nastinuje důvody a principy normalizace,které jsou dále otestovány společně s novou navrženou metodou normalizace na korpusu Nist2002. On-line metody vykazují velkou časovou náročnost, proto bylo navrženo urychlení.
Abstract in different language: This paper deals with several cohort methods for score normalization in speaker verification systems. At first, the reasons for score normalization are provided. Next, the principle of score normalization techniques based on Bayesian theorem are explained. A new normalization technique, unconstraint cohort extrapolated normalization, is introduced. Experiments on NIST 2002 corpus were performed. Finally, there is a discussion about time consumption of the on-line methods. An improvement for acceleration of these methods are proposed. The results of experiments on NIST 2002 data set showed same significant improvements of cohort and proposed cohort extrapolated normalization in comparison with the standard world normalization.
Rights: © Zbynek Zajic - Jan Vanek - Lukas Machlica - Ales Padrta
Appears in Collections:Články / Articles (KIV)
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