Rigorózní práce / Rigorous theses (CBG) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 20 z 49
Beranová, Zdeňka
Hodnocení a porovnání vybraných učebnic zeměpisu pro SŠ

This thesis deals with the issue of textbooks. Selected geography textbooks published by Czech Geographical Society and by SPN (National Educational Publishing) are compared in the study and judged according to their didactic qualities and the difficulty of their content. In detail, the...

Baše, Marek
Konkurenceschopnost železniční dopravy vůči silniční dopravě na příkladu dostupnosti krajských měst vzhledem k Praze

The subject of this thesis was the analysis of the competitivness of the rail and road transports on the routes among county seats and capital city Prague. Competitivness of rail and road transports was measured on the base of duration and price.

Valdmanová, Lucie
Morfologie raka kamenáče v ČR s důrazem na potenciální morfologické rozdíly mezi populacemi s odlišným původem

The research was conducted in the years 2013 - 2015 at eight territories in the western, central and northern Bohemia. The capture was made by manual scan, the long stretches od 100 m. At each location 30-36 individuals were captured. Totaly 408 crayfish, 205 females...

Kváča, Aleš
Naučná stezka v západní části Krušných hor jako didaktický prostředek pro environmentální výuku

The main aim of the thesis was to create a design nature trails in the western part of the Ore Mountains (Micro-Volume municipalities Bystrica) and supplementary teaching materials (worksheets with tasks) aimed at primary and secondary schools over a wide area selected locations. T...

Krumhanzlová, Veronika
Biomonitoring řasové a sinicové flóry v mělkých vodních nádržích v okolí Zaječova

The thesis deals with biomonitoring of algal and cyanobacterial flora in three shallow water bodies near the village of Zaječov in central Bohemia. The aim of the thesis was to observe biodiversity of cyanobacteria and algae species, monitoring the abundance of species found and&#x...

Hroudová, Eva
Didaktické hry ve výuce přírodopisu na základní škole

Diploma thesis "Didactic games in natural science education at primary school" is focused on educational games from the both perspectives - theoretical as well as practical. The theoretical part is targeted on the teaching methods, their selection and classification, specifically charac...

Hrubá, Kateřina
Endoparaziti domácích mazlíčků

The aim of this thesis was the mapping and characterization of intestinal parasites of pets. Spectrum of pets was mainly focused on small rodents. The Hosts were therefore rats, degus, mongolian gerbils, hamsters and some species of dwarf hamsters. But also some larger pets we...

Myslíková, Tereza
Migrační schopnosti raka kamenáče

The aim of this study was to find out the migration abilities of the stone crayfish (Austropotamobius torrentium). The research was being done in August, September and October 2015. Study sites had taken place in four localities in western (brook Chýlava), central (Bzovský brook)&#...

Hejlová, Simona
Diverzita vodních a mokřadních měkkýšů povodí Holoubkovského potoka

This diploma thesis is aimed to the diversity of aquatic and wetland molluscs. The basin of Holoubkovský potok stream and adjancent area was investigated. The research has been made in 74 locations since July 2014 until July 2015. 42 mollusc species were found (39 gastropod&#x...

Beneš, Vladimír
Příspěvek k ruderální flóře a vegetaci Plzně - Bukovce a Chlumku, mapové listy: Plzeň 7-3/4 a Plzeň 6-3/3

This thesis deals with mapping ruderal habitats, invasive plant species inventory and monitoring of plants in the municipal district Pilsen 4 namely Bukovec and Chlumek.

Němcová, Veronika
Mapování ruderální vegetace v Plzni Křimicích, mapové listy: Stříbro 1-4/2 a Stříbro 0-4/1

Mapping of ruderal flora and vegetation in Pilsen - Křimice is focused on plant communities. Thesis contains data of 2 map lists in this area. Thesis extensions reaserch of bachalar thesis (Němcová 2012), what was performed in same area, but it was focused to invasive pla...

Baše, Marek
Konkurenceschopnost železniční dopravy vůči silniční dopravě na příkladu dostupnosti krajských měst vzhledem k Praze

The subject of this thesis was the analysis of the competitivness of the rail and road transports on the routes among county seats and capital city of Prague. Competitivness of rail and road transports was measured on the bases of duration, frequency and price.

Kociánová, Eva
Aktivizační metody ve výuce biologie

This dissertation is elaborated on the theme Activation methods in teaching biology. It clarifies the criteria for selection of suitable methods for teaching and concepts. Generally characterized activation methods in the system of methods, including their advantages and disadvantages of applicat...

Polívková, Katharina
Příspěvek k ruderální flóře a vegetaci Plzně-Radobyčic

This thesis deals with flora and vegetation of the Pilsen city area, especially in the city part of Pilsen Radobyčice. The studied area is situated in three map grids: Pilsen 8-7/3, 8-7/4 and 8-8/1, and it spreads out on area of totally 3,75 km2. Each ...

Koukolíková, Blanka
Porovnání flóry a vegetace suburbanizačních zón v Plzni (Borská pole a Lhota)

This botanical work is an outcome of a survey of ruderal flora and vegetation on Bory fields, territory map sheet Plzeň 9-5/3, which would be implemented in 2010 and 2014 and at the wider surroundings of Lhota, the territory map sheets Stříbro 0-7/1, Stříbro 0-7/...

Novotný, Petr
Analýza a zhodnocení fyzicko-geografických tematických map vybraných školních atlasů pro ZŠ

The aim of this work is to analyze the physical-geographical maps of selected school atlases. The entire work is divided into several parts. The first part is devoted to the use of school atlases with a focus on their physical-geographical part with RVP ZV. The next ...

Rasulov, Sarvar
Diverzita malakocenóz nivy řeky Mže u Plzně

The inventory of research aquatic and terrestrial molluscs floodplain river Mže in Pilsen, focused on tapping the occurrence of more valuable species, especially aquatic species. Focusing particularly on sites located in wet or flooded ditches near the zoo, in drainage ditches with flow...

Kunc, Petr
Vliv aktivity bobra evropského na konektivitu Kateřinského potoka

This thesis deals with the influence of beaver dams on the river connectivity. Beaver dams were localized and inventoried in Kateřinský Brook catchment area by the field research. There were localized 247 dams in total. The following morphometric characteristics were measured the ...

Formanová, Ivana
Arachnofauna vřesoviště v katastrálním území Zdebořice

The aim of this thesis was to map epigeic and epiphytic species of spiders in the area Zdebořická draha.Výzkum took place between 2011 and 2014. In 2011, research conducted West Bohemian Museum. On location was determined in 1372 a total of spiders belonging to 107 kinds&...

Mikolášková, Tereza
Revitalizace fakultní zahrady na modelovou přírodní zahradu pro školy a širokou veřejnost

The work deals with the importance of the existence of natural gardens at school teaching. In this work is described using of the gardens to feel the sensations and skills connected with nature from early age. It helps in the development of children and society in En...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 20 z 49