Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KHV) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 301 až 320 z 337
Adamec, Miroslav
Německá invaze na Krétu v roce 1941

The title of my Bachelor Thesis is German Invasion of Crete in 1941. This work is concerned Greeco-Italian War, Greeco-German War and Operation Mercur. Most important objectives of the Thesis are evaluation and consequences battle of Crete.

Raunerová, Lenka
Květnové povstání v Praze roku 1945

The theme of this work is the May uprising in Prague in 1945. Work is processed chronologically, from the situation before the uprising after the liberation by the Red Army. The chapters deal with the situation before the outbreak of the uprising, which analyzes the situa...

Denková, Alena
Britská parlamentní reforma z roku 1832

This bachelor thesis applies to the British Parliament Reform in 1832. This thesis research political situation and the intervence political officials. The main exponent was lord Charles Grey, who was supported by William IV. The next part of this thesis also applies to surrounding...

Bánová, Kateřina
Kult svatého Václava v moderních dějinách

This work contains evolution of cult of St. Wenceslaus before the Czechoslovakian republic 1918. The main part of the work is focused on the tradtion and symbol of St. Wenceslaus in period of Czechoslovakian republic, Milenium of St. Wenceslaus 1929 and Protectorate of Bohemia ...

Šmejkalová, Lenka
Pád druhého francouzského císařství

This bachelor work is dedicated to the Fall of the second French Empire. The aim of the study is to explain the reasons for the termination of an empire, which existed in France between 1852 and 1870s. The intention is to explain the causes of the fall of t...

Crhová, Ivana
Návštěvy Eduarda VII. v Mariánských Lázních

The bachelor thesis deals with the visits of Edward VII in Marienbad in the first decade 20th century. The paper present the treatments applied to the Sovereign, the description of his daily activities and diplomatic negotiations. The thema analyzes festivities honor of meeting Edw...

Benešová, Kateřina
Řecký boj za nezávislost jako problém Východní otázky

This bachelor work deals with the attitude of European powers to the declining Ottoman Empire in the period of 20s and 30s in 19th century, mostly to their attitude to Greek insurrection (1821-1832) against the Ottoman dominion. The main issue is foreign policy of powers ...

Bartoňová, Kateřina
Svatá Anežka a její klášterní činnost

The thesis is focused on Saint Agnes of Czech, her monastic activities and the establishment of the male order of Knights of the Cross with the Red Star. It analyzes her temporal and spiritual life and leaves out of the spotlight no question of ancestral (Přemyslids) ...

Sigmund, Jan
Přistěhovalectví do Spojených států v letech 1863-1904 a jeho důsledky

This bachelor thesis is focused on the issue of the immigration to the United States until the beginning of the 20th century. The thesis describes an arrival of immigrants, problems that rose after their arrival on the soil of the United States. It also describes their&#x...

Sudová, Michaela
Postavení žen ve středověké Francii

The bachelor thesis deals with the position of women in medieval France. The main objective is to define the woman´s position in the Roman, German and Christian point of view and to present women of the individual social estates. The thesis further focuses on the family&#...

Steinbach, Martin
Kubánská raketová krize

The main goal of this bachelor thesis was to analyze all aspects of the Cuban Missile Crisis and the events, which led to this critical situation of the Cold War. The Cuban Revolution and Fidel Castro's accession to power led to a deep crisis in the relations...

Nedvěd, Pavel
Somálsko v průběhu studené války

The main theme of the Bachelor thesis is the history of Somalia since the Second World War to the fall of Siad Barre's regime. The focus of the thesis is to analyze international and domestic politics during the Cold War on the basis of technical studies. The...

Němec, Jan
Odchod amerických vojsk z Vietnamu během let 1968 - 1973 v mezinárodním kontextu

Bachelor thesis give reasons of withdrawal of the U.S. troops from the Vietnam War between the years 1968 - 1973. The withdrawal of the U.S. troops is taken into account the international context. There is explored attitude towards of political actors including the United Nati...

Štorek, Milan
Srbský odboj proti osmanské nadvládě v letech 1804-1831

The bachelor's thesis deals with the Serbian rebellion against the Ottoman domination approaching the cause of the rebellion and analyzing it´s various stages. It also deals with domestic and foreign policies of major figures of the Serbian uprising, maps the attitudes of European&#...

Řepík, Pavel
Reflexe klíčových událostí v Plzni roku 1918 v regionálním tisku

The main subject of this work is a characterization of the Key Events in Plzeň in 1918, which are based on the Reflextion of the Regional Press. The work consist of two separate sections. The first section is divided into the two chapters, which report on review ...

Šedivý, Vladimír
Zlatý standard a jeho vývoj v první polovině 20. století

Golden standard. Only very few people can imagine to be paying with golden coins today. However, not so long ago, gold was the main currency and it was either directly used for payment or the banknotes were fully backed up by gold. The aim of this theses is ...

Šleis, Jan
Ruská občanská válka a úloha československých legií

Bachelor thesis Russian Civil War and the role of the Czechoslovak Legion is focused on the analysis of the occurrence and during the civil war in Russia. Specifically, it deals with the First World War on Russian territory, the revolution of 1917, Allied help Whites, as&...

Haníková, Barbora
Čeští letci v Anglii během druhé světové války

The Bachelor's thesis will address the participation of Czechoslovak airmen in the Battle of Britain during the World War II. In the introduction, the work will focus on the history of the British Navy, and the subsequent establishment of the Royal Air Force and its d...

Müllerová, Anna
Mobilizace československé armády v září 1938

The work contains information about mobilization of czechoslovak army in September 1938. In the first chapter the author deals with the foreign policy of Czechoslovakia, mainly the treaties signed with other European countries in the period 1918-1938. In addition, the reader is brought&...

Karban, Lukáš
Vývoj Rytířského řádu Křižovníků s červenou hvězdou v období 1918-1938

The objective of the Bachelor thesis is to capture the development of the order of the Knights of the Cross with the Red Star in the period of the so-called First Czechoslovak Republic (1918-1938). The student shall focus on description and characteristics of the given mo...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 301 až 320 z 337