Diplomové práce / Theses (KSS) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 20 z 97
Sadilová, Nikola
Důvody studijní neúspěšnosti na Západočeské univerzitě v Plzni

The aim of this thesis is to clarify the factors leading to bad results of a student in school work and his non-graduation from the ZČU. Universities face the problem of academic failure most often of all educational institutions, so it is appropriate to address this ...

Zahrádka, Pavel
Sociální nerovnosti ve zdraví

This diploma thesis focused on differences in health and how variety of socioeconomical factors influence it in european countries. The aim of this work was to find out if socioeconomical factors are influencing human health. If they truly do then the continuous aim of this&#x...

Polenová, Barbora
Matky za mřížemi

In this thesis, I dealt with the issue of incarcerated women who are also mothers. Available sources show that not much research is devoted to this topic in the Czech context and it is thus an unexplored topic. However, incarceration has a significant impact on both ...

Máchová, Pavlína
Online výuka vysokoškolských studentů práv během lockdownu a jejich návrat k prezenční výuce

This text is a work on the topic of distance teaching at the Faculty of Law in Pilsen and deals with the changes that occurred after distance teaching in full-time teaching, fraudulent behaviour during this period and the experiences of students. Motivations for studying, the&...

Tumpachová, Kateřina
Socioekonomické rozdíly v kvalitě života

This thesis focuses on socio-economic differences in quality of life. I consider this issue important as the concept of quality of life is still a very topical issue due to its difficulty to grasp and also serves as an effective tool for evaluating human society. Specific...

Jáňová, Veronika
Příbuzenství potomků lesbických párů

Lesbian couples choose different reproductive strategies. The question is how they infer kinship identity for their offspring. The aim of this paper is to show the definition of kinship in the case of lesbian mothers in their offspring. The work is based on a review of&#x...

Štancová, Kateřina
Autismus a překlad

Translation is part of all societies and cultures, where its role is not only to mediate communication between different worlds, but also to achieve understanding in seemingly closed cultures. Autism as a developmental disorder represents a closed world that is incommensurable with the&...

Kubátová, Nikol
Fenomén bezdomovectví prizmatem teorie uznání Axela Honnetha

Axel Honneth's theory is a functional social theory that has both descriptive and analytical functions. The theory operates with three levels that differentially emphasize the degree and nature of recognition, the first being love, the second legal recognition, and the third solidarity&#...

Vaňková, Anna
Dopady Covidu-19 v korporátní společnosti

The Covid-19 pandemic had a dramatic impact not only on the labour market, but also on the day-to-day running of institutions and companies that had to adapt to anti-pandemic measures. The aim of this paper is to describe the implementation of anti-pandemic measures in one...

Anton, Lukáš
Green deal a energetická krize ve stínu války na Ukrajině (pohledem expertů a ekologických aktivistů)

The Green Deal, or the Green Deal for Europe in the Czech translation, is a very current and discussed topic, which is not always adequately and clearly communicated to the public. The aim of this work is to find out the differences between two groups actively involv...

Fatkhullina, Renata
Jazykové strategie rodičů migrantů v České republice

The topic of this master's thesis is family language strategies and motivations of migrant parents in the Czech Republic. The aim of the thesis is to understand the language strategies used by migrant parents in raising their children and to show what factors motivate migr...

Romanutti, Marcel
Pozorování a žitý svět: pohyb jako klíčový aspekt autopoiesis sociálních systémů dle Niklase Luhmanna

This thesis introduces the reader to social systems theory from the perspective and concepts of Niklas Luhmann, especially in the context of the phenomena of observation and motion as basic attributes that ensure the process of autopoiesis. The author explores the relationships formed&#...

Staník, Richard
Biopolitika drogové problematiky v kontextu České republiky

This master's thesis focuses on the analysis of drug-related issues in the Czech Republic in the context of theories and concepts introduced by Michel Foucault. The aim of this work is to map the cuts, transformations, and turning points in relation to drug issues. Secondl...

Mazurenka, Mikita
Mediální obraz běloruské politické krize po volbách roku 2020

The main research goal of my thesis was to focus on the ways of negative framing in the Belarusian state media of the Eastern and Central European countries that were concerned about the repression of the opposition movement during the 2020 presidential elections in...

Nováková, Michaela
Vliv norského vězeňství na dílčí úrovně českého vězeňského systému

The topic of the thesis is the influence of the Norwegian prison system on partial levels of the Czech prison system. Since at least 1989, the Czech prison system has embarked on a path of gradual transformation. One of the important areas of transformation is internation...

Tichá, Karolina
Sexualita seniorů: recepce sexuálních projevů seniorů optikou pečovatelů v domovech pro seniory

The aim of the presented diploma thesis is to provide insight into the issue of sexuality of seniors in homes for the elderly through the lens of social service providers. Whether and how sexuality is discussed in this environment and what are the attitudes of caregivers&...

Kružlík, Dávid
Účinnost deterenční teorie a teorie sociální kontroly ve vztahu k protiprávnímu jednání

The diploma thesis deals with the study of the effectiveness of deterrence theory and the theory of social control in relation to the most frequently committed crimes and offenses in the Czech Republic. Theoretical grounding is offered by two studies of the 1990s, which contri...

Jarošová, Kateřina
Úsilí mladých lidí o ochranu životního prostředí

This diploma thesis focuses on young people and their efforts to protect the environment. Today, we can see the increase of young people fighting for environmental protection, primarily through the environmental movements and organisations. The aim of the work was to find out ...

Tkáčová, Denisa
Životní strategie singles žijících ve městě a na venkově

The main aim of this diploma thesis was to focus on mapping the life strategies of people who are referred to as singles in relation to urban and rural space, assuming that these spaces are different and can offer different opportunities in the case of singlehood. Th...

Freiová, Kateřina
Profesionalizace v sociální práci jako součást životní dráhy jedince

This thesis is focused on a professionalization in social work in the context of the theory of life course and on the perception of social work and its professionalization from the own view of social workers. Their experience and their own view of the professionalization ...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 20 z 97