Diplomové práce / Theses (KHK) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Schmid, Daniel
Současný stav zvukové techniky pro využití na základních uměleckých školách The title of my thesis is The Present possibilities of sound systems used in elementary art schools. The main aim of this thesis is to describe correct use of sound systems in elementary art schools and other types of schools as well. This thesis is divided into ... |
Cuchá, Barbora
Vybrané skladby Wolfganga Amadea Mozarta v přímé reprodukci v hodinách hudební výchovy na prvním stupni základní školy. The diploma thesis is about the work of W. A. Mozart and the use of his musical compositions for listening in music lessons at primary school. Two compositions are selected from the textbooks - A Little Night Music and Variations in C major and worked with in th... |
Trkovská, Adéla
Výuka intonace na 2. stupni základní školy The thesis theme concerns intonation at the second grade of primary schools. The first part of the thesis is theoretical and focuses on the development of the intonation methodology. There is also part about the concept of intonation in the Framework educational programme and ... |
Jurnečková, Adéla
Vybrané skladby Antonína Dvořáka a Bohuslava Martinů a jejich využití v poslechových činnostech v hudební výchově na SŠ The thesis deals with listening activities in music lessons in high school. It lists possible ways to make listening activities more attractive. These ways are demonstrated on specific educational projects. The thesis is based on the views of important contemporary music educators. Sele... |
Růžičková, Veronika
Uplatnění bicích nástrojů ve výuce hudební výchovy na 2. stupni ZŠ The thesis is focused on the use of percussion instruments in music education at the second stage of primary school. The work consists of two parts, organological and methodological. In the first part the author analyses available sources and sums their content. Based on the... |
Moulisová, Tereza
Hra na hudební nástroje jako prostředek aktivizace a motivace žáků 1. stupně ZŠ In my diploma thesis, I deal with playing musical instruments in a music education as a source of a student motivation and activation. In the first part, I tried to connect theoretical knowledge in the field of motivation and activation of students, with my experience and... |
Uriánková, Věra
ZUŠ na Strakonicku The diploma thesis deals with the definition of the Strakonice region in connection with basic art schools, which can, from the point of view of musical regional studies, be described as musical localities of the bagpipe tradition and successors of this folk culture. |
Karenovičová, Martina
Přínos Jindřicha Jindřicha pro zachování chodské lidové kultury This diploma thesis deals with the ethnographic activity of J. Jindřich in Chodsko. From the extensive work I focused mainly on Chodské zpěvníky, the Chodsko Proceedings, the dialectology dictionary and collecting activity. Part of the diploma thesis is a mapping of the influence o... |
Kašová, Andrea
Leopold Eugen Měchura a jeho liturgická tvorba The theme of this thesis is called Leopold Eugen Měchura and his liturgical work. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The first chapter describes the composer's life, his childhood, the place where he worked and also the characteristic features of h... |
Bláhová, Marie
Možnosti propojení výtvarné výchovy a pracovních činností s prvky muzikálu při výuce hudební výchovy na I. stupni základní školy The diploma thesis aims at explaining the significance and function of music in human life. It maps intersubjectal relations in tuition and how the topic has been represented in accessible literature focusing on the possibilities of utilization in the realization of a music project... |
Pavlasová, Jana
Recepce díla Leoše Janáčka v Klatovech In general, the goal of the thesis is to investigate the way, in which Leoš Janáček's work was expanding into a small town, especially the formation of relation between Klatovy's audience and Leoš Janáček's work. In particular, the main interest of the research concentr... |
Růžičková, Veronika
Projektové vyučování v hudební výchově The theses is focused on project teaching in musical educatin. The first part explains the situation in world pedagogy at the begining of twentieth century, the origin of project method and its reception by czech teachers. There is introduction of current terminology, i. e.... |
Stiborová, Karolína
Nevidomý student hudby se zaměřením na Konzervatoř Jana Deyla The thesis presents teaching of blind students at the Conservatory and High School Jan Deyl. The theoretical part deals with the definition of persons with visual impairment and their classifications. Furthermore, the theoretical part provides overview of institutions dealing with education... |
Pfeifferová, Aneta
Motivace dítěte ke hře na klavír a její uplatnění v hudební výchově na 1.stupni ZŠ Playing musical instruments is a specific musical activity in which the person, based on acquired instrumental and musical skills, and usually the knowledge of notation, creates the sound form of musical works. In this thesis I will focus on the motivation, which is very impor... |
Tumpach, Jan
K možnostem využití programu MuseScore ve výuce hudebně naukových poznatků na 2. stupni ZŠ a v ZUŠ The diploma thesis is aimed at the possibilities of the use of the notation software MuseScore in the teaching of the theory of music. The thesis is divided in to four parts. The first part deals with the introduction of technical possibilities offered by the MuseScore... |
Sladký, Aleš
Kytarové doprovody populárních písní různých žánrů a jejich pedagogické využití This thesis consists of four parts. In the first part I am dealing with the history of acoustic guitar and its partition to individual types. The second part focuses on guitar chords, their signs and structure. Some of them are not used in samples of aforementioned m... |
Brahová, Miriam
Tvorba multimediálního CD-ROMu na téma "Dechové nástroje symfonického orchestru" se zaměřením na příčnou flétnu This master's thesis deals with multimedia, their significance and use in education process, further it deals closely with the symphony orchestra, its history and types, wind instruments and their classification and history are covered as well. The western concert flute is addressed ... |
Vojtová, Veronika
Hudební tvorba Antonína Dvořáka a její uplatnění v hudební výchově na 1. stupni základní školy The thesis is concerned with Antonín Dvořák´s musical output and its use in teaching music at primary schools. The life and work of this outstanding Czech composer is described in the first part of the thesis. The second part focuses on musical movement and listening acti... |
Bělochová, Kristýna
Motivace k hudební výchově na prvním stupni základní školy This diploma thesis deals with the topic of motivation in music lessons at the first level of elementary schools and is divided into two main parts. The theoretical part deals with the basic definition of partial factors from the broad concept of motivation. All these are... |
Šustrová, Tereza
Hudebně pohybové činnosti ve vybraných předmětech na 1. stupni základní školy My master thesis deals with musical movement activities in selected subjects at primary school. The first part is focused on meaning of music and movement for children's life and examines pedagogue's opinions. The thesis includes research focused on today's teachers, their relati... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra hudební kultury / Department of Musical Culture
- 44 hudební výchova
- 31 music education
- 26 music
- 12 hudba
- další >
- 139 diplomová práce
- 47 2020 - 2024
- 92 2012 - 2019