Diplomové práce / Theses (KHK) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Kubaň, František
Výukové metody Františka Kubaně My thesis focuses on the teaching methods and pedagogical approach of the teacher František Kubana. In the theoretical part I elaborate the teaching methods used in primary art schools. In the next chapter, I describe how František Kubana's solo instrument teaching is carried o... |
Bubeníčková, Daniela
Hudební výchova na malotřídní škole The main aim of my thesis was to describe specifics of small rural music education in elementary school. In the chapters on the development of vocal, listening, instrumental and musical movement skills, specific procedures are proposed for working with small groups of children, inc... |
Bártová, Denisa
20 let činnosti orchestru TREMOLO na ZUŠ Třemošná This thesis focuses on the history of the TREMOLO orchestra, which has been active for twenty years at the primary art school in Třemošná. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first part briefly summarizes the history of the primary art school and comprehensively ana... |
Lerchová, Barbora
Heterogenita třídy a její vliv na výuku hudební výchovy na 1. stupni ZŠ The diploma thesis describes the attitudes of society and education towards human diversity in different historical epochs up to the present, focuses on the field of music eduation in the Czech territory and follows the work of music teachers in heterogeneous classrooms. This ... |
Vejvodová, Monika
Písně Zdeňka Svěráka a Jaroslava Uhlíře jako motivační prvek The theoretical part of the diploma thesis deals with the topic of motivation, interdisciplinary relationships, motivation to learn, life and work of both authors Z. Svěrák, J. Uhlíř. In the practical part, there are methodically prepared preparations for teaching for the first 5 g... |
Hradecký, Hynek
Etnomuzikolog, publicista, skladatel a pedagog Vladimír Baier a jeho odkaz chodskému folkloru The diploma thesis maps the life and work of ethnomusicologist, publicist, composer, teacher, bagpiper, musical instrument maker and folk song performer Vladimír Baier. The thesis also includes an overview of the most famous bagpipers active in Chodsko, who influenced his work and ... |
Tomášková, Radka
K práci s hlasem u hlasového profesionála This thesis at hand deals at first with the subject of anatomy and physiology of the vocal system, voice defects and disorders, voice education and hygiene among (future) educational staff. In the end it recommends the implementation of voice education among compulsory subjects at&... |
Sokolová, Andrea
Projektové vyučování v hudební výchově na 1. stupni ZŠ Poběžovice The diploma thesis describes the issue of project teaching in music education at the 1st stage at the Poběžovice Primary School. It describes the historical development not only in the Czech Republic, basic terminology, types of projects, the procedure for their creation, the pros&... |
Skuhrovcová, Karolína
K práci s hlasem u hlasového profesionála The topic of this diploma thesis is to determine how voice professionals manage working with a voice. The main point of this thesis was to introduce several options of working with the voice as a voice professional as well as outline major chapters from the field of&... |
Chu, Quang Hieu
Hry s hudbou a techniky muzikoterapie ve výuce hudební výchovy na gymnáziu This diploma thesis is devoted to music therapy and its use in education in the form of musical activities and games. The first chapter of the theoretical part describes music and its effects on human. The second chapter defines music psychology and music therapy, this pa... |
Pivoňková, Eva
Seznámení žáků s operou ve 3. ročníku základní školy The aim of the diploma thesis is to develop your own proposal of methodological procedures for working with examples from three operas. The theoretical part defines opera, its musical and dramatic components, some composers of opera and children's opera. Furthermore, the Framework&... |
Kleinová, Ivana
Možnosti využití písní hudebního skladatele a pedagoga Pavla Jurkoviče v hudební výchově na 1. stupni ZŠ The diploma thesis deals with possibilities of using songs created by composer and music teacher Pavel Jurkovič during music lessons at primary school. The first part of the thesis focuses on the introduction of Pavel Jurkovič as a musician, populariser of folk music and parti... |
Matoušová, Kateřina
Housle zpívají a vyprávějí - hudebně výchovný pořad pro žáky 1. stupně ZŠ The diploma thesis is focused on violin and educational programs. The theoretical part deals with the history of the violin, the design and playing of this instrument and famous violinists. Furthermore, it considers music programs and educational concerts, their organizers Leonard Bernstein&... |
Pytlová, Martina
Specifika předmětu hudební výchova na 1. stupni ZŠ ve srovnání s ostatními předměty This thesis is about the specifics of music education in comparison with other subjects at the 1st stage of primary school. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first part is dedicated to the characteristics of music education and other subjects, universal didactic... |
Bradáčová, Renata
Výuka hudební výchovy na 1. stupni základní školy z hlediska aktivizace žáků The thesis deals with the possibilities of activating pupils in teaching music education. The work contains a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part defines the individual elements that affect the activation of pupils, the basis of the current concept of music education... |
Oppová, Daniela
Hudebně výchovné náměty pro vánoční besídku na 1. stupni základní školy The diploma thesis Suggestions on musical education for Christmas performance in primary school is divided into theoretical and practical parts. In the theoretical part I deal with extra-curricular and extra-classes music lessons, then musical development of children in the primary school, u... |
Šedivá, Markéta
Písně Zdeňka Svěráka a Jaroslava Uhlíře v hudební výchově na 1. stupni Presented diploma thesis deals with the songs from the author duo Zdeněk Svěrák and Jaroslav Uhlíř and its use during music lessons at the primary school. The work contains the concept of music education according to the guidelines of the framework education program for elemen... |
Škrdlová, Ivana
Práce s poslechovými skladbami na 1. stupni ZŠ The diploma thesis deals with listening compositions and the possibilities of working with them at the 1st stage of elementary school. The theoretical part contains the outputs of listening activities with a focus on listening compositions from curricular documents. It characterizes listenin... |
Jankovská, Iva
Hlasová výchova a zpěv jako prostředek rozvoje řečových dovedností I have written this thesis to elaborate the problems of vocal education and singing in the contemporary education system. The speech development is very important for fulfilling the key competences of this subject. |
Vanáč, Martin
Křesťanská populární hudba v Čechách This diploma thesis deals with christian popular music in Czech Republic. It focuses on the development of christian popular music in the Czech Republic and presents the most important Czech christian bands and artists. In this thesis is created a model lesson of music educati... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra hudební kultury / Department of Musical Culture
- 44 hudební výchova
- 31 music education
- 26 music
- 12 hudba
- další >
- 139 diplomová práce
- 47 2020 - 2024
- 92 2012 - 2019