Diplomové práce / Theses (KNJ) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Šulcová, Anna
Kdo má strach z Franze Kafky? Kafkovy miniatury ve výuce německého jazyka This thesis focuses on the short stories of the prominent Prague German writer Franz Kafka, who belongs inseparably to the canon of not only Czech but also world literature. The summary of the literary-historical aspects of Kafka's short story production and the principles of... |
Přibylová, Lenka
Hry v rané výuce německého jazyka na 1. stupni ZŠ The diploma thesis is focused on educational games intended for early teaching of German language. The theoretical part is focused on early teaching and includes the targets, contents, methods and key competencies of this educational stage. Furthermore, it is focused on inclusion ... |
Kouble, Petr
Sebeurčení a cizí zavinění v měšťanských dramatech In this diploma thesis, the topics of someone else's guilt and self-determination are discussed. Based on the interpretations of the three bourgeois tragedies, it will be decided in what ways the bourgeoisie and nobility participate in the fates of the main characters. Theoretically... |
Kalis, Arabella
Význam německojazyčných kultur v literárních dílech Jiřího Marka This thesis deals with cultural images based on the literary work of Jiří Marek. It describes the ambivalent approach to German-speaking cultures and how they are disseminated through literature. The thesis consists of theoretical background from discursive analysis within cultural studies. ... |
Škubalová, Jana
Předložky v lekcích DaF The thesis deals with specific area of German grammar, namely prepositions. German is taught as a second foreign language in secondary schools in Pilsen. In accordance with the System of Curricular Documents, the required outcomes of the learning process are described. Specific preposit... |
Poklopová, Zuzana
Rakouské pověsti a jejich zasazení do výuky na základní škole This thesis deals with analysing selected Austrian legends from the author Friedl Hofbauer and integrating them into German lessons. It focuses on various possibilities of activities and how the Austrian legends can be creatively used in German lessons. |
Daňková, Lucie
Trpný rod v obecném jazyce kontrastivně The diploma thesis is devoted to the passive voice in the German common language and its comparison with Czech. In the theoretical literature, the passive voice is characterized as a phenomenon typical of professional language. But we often encounter it in general German as we... |
Brožová, Tereza
Mezipředmětovost ve výuce německého jazyka na 1.stupni ZŠ. The aim of my diploma thesis is to point out the fact that the German language deserves more space in the FEP. I focused mainly on interdisciplinary relations, which seem to me to be a more suitable solution for the primary school and for the German language its... |
Bezchlebová, Alena
Struktura vyučovacích hodin německého jazyka na plzeňských středních školách These theses focus on the comparison of lesson structures in German lessons on three chosen Pilsner schools with theoretical standards and ideals. The hypotheses based on the theoretical standards will be compared with the collected dates from the lessons´ reports. |
Amlacher, Ivana
Srovnání aktuálních politických talkshow "Hart aber fair" a "Otázky Václava Moravce" z pohledu pragmatické lingvistiky The thesis deals with manifestations of expressiveness and expressive speech acts in current political talk shows "Hart aber fair" and "Questions of Václav Moravec" from the point of view of pragmatic linguistics. The theoretical part of the thesis describes pragmatic linguist... |
Hásová, Alžběta
Rakouská popová a rocková hudba ve vyučování německého jazyka This thesis focuses on the use of Austrian pop and rock music in teaching of German language. The aim of the thesis is to clarify the reasons for using music and songs in teaching of foreign languages and to explain its positive impact in education. This thesis ... |
Topinková, Klára
Zprostředkování kreativity ve vybraných učebnicích němčiny jako cizího jazyka s ohledem na slovní zásobu This thesis deals with analysing selected textbooks of the German language. It focuses on the issue, how the vocabulary is creatively presented in the books. The theoretical part describes the main terms - vocabulary, creativity, textbooks, and textbook analysis. In the practical sectio... |
Edelová, Veronika
Vnímání Plzně a České republiky z pohledu zde dlouhodobě pobývajících mladých Němců 1) Introduction 2) Pilsen yesterday and today 3) Oral-History method 4) Analysis 5) Summary |
Hajžmanová, Gabriela
Využití facebooku a twitteru ve výuce německého jazyka a jeho možné dopady This diploma thesis deals with the possibilities of using facebook and twitter in teaching German as a foreign language and its possible impacts. Modern technology and social networks (facebook and twitter including) are a solid part of most young people's lives. They... |
Barborková, Lenka
Žatecké historické průmyslové objekty v povědomí současného obyvatelstva The diploma thesis was prepared at the Department of German language at the Faculty of Education University of West Bohemia in Pilsen in 2019/2020. The work is focused to describe history conditions of industrial buildings, built in Saaz until 1945. Each building ... |
Dryjová, Michaela
Ideální učitel německého jazyka z pohledu studentů ve věku 15 - 19 let The thesis provide a theoretical basis for the field of pedagogy, psychology, didactic and didactic of german language, which serve as an base for the research. It is composed with the results of the questionnaire survey among the students and teachers from various highschools,... |
Kocandová, Jana
Role her v DaF vyučování se zaměřením na gramatické jevy obtížné pro české žáky na SŠ The subject of this diploma thesis is the role of games focused on difficult grammar in German language on Czech secondary schools. Theoretical part describes the explanation of important terms in the field of German as a foreign language (DaF), analyses games and their functi... |
Smolková, Lucie
Spolkový život plzeňských Němců do roku 1945 This thesis focuses on the associations and life of the Pilsen Germans until 1945. The time span of the thesis is limited from the beginning of the associations in the first half of the 19th century to the end of the Second World War and several months after.... |
Purma, Tomáš
Vývoj příhraničních oblastí Ašska a Selbska ve vzájemném srovnání (s důrazem na posledních dvacet let) a možnosti budoucího rozvoje tohoto regionu In the diploma thesis I deal with the development of the border regions of Aš and Selb not only as neighboring cities intensively cooperating on various events within the culture, sport, tourism, working possibilities and relations of inhabitants in the last decades, but mainly... |
Míšková, Jana
Obraz Česka a Německa mezi českými mladistvými The topic of this thesis is The Image of the Czech Republic and Germany among young Czech people. Several goals have been set, which will be evaluated on the basis of a questionnaire survey. In the theoretical part the concept of the worldview is clarified and the... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra německého jazyka / Department of German Language