Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KTV) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 596
Schveinert, Radek
Model celoročního tréninkového cyklu rozhodčího na úrovni amatérského fotbalu

The bachelor thesis deals with the training mesocycle of a football referee at the level of fifth, fourth and third league in the context of the annual macrocycle. Theoretical part describing the basic rules of soccer an overview of competitions and the prerequisites for being...

Mrázek, Zdeněk
Testování kloubní pohyblivosti u judistů ve věku 11 - 15 let

This Bachelor's thesis aims to investigate and, through a follow-up intervention programme, to shift the level of joint mobility in judokas aged 11-15 years from two judo clubs in the Pilsen region, Judoclub Pilsen and Judo Dragons ll. The theoretical part of ...

Fiala, Josef
Vztah změny výšky podložky na výkon v rovnováhovém testu

This bachelor's thesis deals with the effect of changing the platform in the test of equilibrium assumptions. The aim was to evaluate this influence. 146 probands from among students of the University of West Bohemia participated in the entire research. A sample of 48 prob...

Bartáková, Ivana
Průpravná cvičení na bradlech o nestejné výši žerdi

The bachelor thesis is divided into three parts. The methodological part sets the objectives, tasks, and methods of the thesis. The first chapter of the theoretical part is focused on gymnastics and its division. Gymnastics events are introduced in the second chapter. The las...

Šperl, Jan
Úroveň a zlepšení dovedností hráčů ledního hokeje kategorie 3. - 5. třídy

This bachelor thesis deals with the level and improvement of skills of ice hockey players in the category of 3rd - 5th classes in the club HC Meteor Třemošná in order to compare the results of the given categories. The content of the thesis is divided into three...

Pešek, Petr
Rozvoj specifických silových schopností vlivem cíleného tréninku v judu

In the theoretical background of my bachelor's thesis I deal with judo, strength abilities and the relevant age period. I characterize their interconnection and specifics of development. The practical part consists of the influence of own training intervention on the development of ...

Marklová, Kristýna
Kruhový trénink ve fitness- metodika a možnosti rozvoje silových schopností

This bachelor thesis focuses on circuit training in fitness. In the theoretical part of the thesis, I focused on the characteristics of motor abilities and skills, and in detail on strength abilities, their characteristics, division and possibilities of their development. Last but ...

Braumová, Eliška
Srovnání úrovně koordinačních schopností ve vybraných sportech u dětí 2. stupně ZŠ

The bachelor thesis deals with the comparison of the level of coordination skills in selected sports in children of the 2nd grade of primary school. The theoretical and methodological part is described in the thesis. The theoretical part is focused on the description, distribution&...

Sokolová, Lucie
Historie sportu a sportovních spolků v Blatné

This bachelor thesis deals mainly with the Sokol in Blatná from its foundation (1885) to the present (2022). It also focuses on the sports that belong to the Sokol (the all-round clubs badminton, karate, fitness training, bodybuilding, health TV, basketball; judo, majorettes Prezioso&#x...

Švátorová, Michala
Zdravotní aspekty průpravné části cvičební jednotky u dětí předškolního věku - webové stránky

The work deals with the importance of movement for the preschool child and proper and healthy preparation or warm-up. The aim of this bachelor's thesis was to create a website with a methodical stack of movement activities for teachers in kindergartens. The website contains...

Valečková, Kateřina
Historie tělesné výchovy po 2.světové válce do konce 60.let 20.století

The bachelor thesis focuses on the historical development of physical education and sports activities related to it in the period from 1945 to 1969 in the territory of the former Czechoslovak Republic. The thesis is based on historical documents which clearly show the exact&#...

Jůda, Radek
Testování a srovnávání aktuální úrovně motorických schopností u dětí ve věku 11-13 let

In my work, I dealt with the characteristics of the development period of older school age with regard to the level of motor skills. The UNIFIT test battery (6-60) was used to determine the current level of motor skills. The test results were then converted to the&#x...

Bešta, Šimon
Komparace pohybových předpokladů u hráčů házené ve věku 12-15 let v Česku, Německu a Španělsku

This thesis compares the motor skills of handball players aged 12-15 in the Czech Republic, Germany, and Spain. The first part contains the theoretical basis for the given topic. In the practical part, the tested teams are compared using ANOVA statistical analysis.

Daněk, Tomáš
Netradiční formy výuky atletických disciplín na základní škole

The topic of this bachelor thesis is to create a methodological manual containing preparatory exercises with non-traditional elements of teaching sprinting and high jump for students at the second level of primary school. The theoretical part deals with the basic knowledge about the...

Kortus, Radim
Využití funkčního tréninku v silové přípravě judistů

The theoretical part of my bachelor thesis specifically describes physical activity as such. It also describes the benefits of such activities in general. It also mentions the main benefits of physical activities, with a main and detailed focus on Judo. Because of the fact tha...

Babničová, Veronika
Komparace pohybových dovedností dětí předškolního věku

This thesis looks at the comparison of movement skills in preschool (4-6 years), according to the 1P test. The testing was of children attending kindergarten in Pilsen region. The theoretical part contains the characteristics of children's mobility skills in preschool and their deve...

Žák, David
Rozvoj motorických schopností hráčů fotbalu ve věku 13-15 let

The bachelor's thesis deals with the creation and implementation of a systematic training plan that leads to the development of motor skills in football players aged 13-15 years. The theoretical part deals with the characteristics of the given age group and the specifics of...

Javorská, Kamila
Srovnání aktuální úrovně gymnastických dovedností žáků 7. tříd na školách v Domažlicích

The bachelor's thesis engage with the comparison of the current level of gymnastic skills of seventh grade students in schools in Domažlice. This bachelor thesis deals with the definition, history and division of gymnastics. Furthermore, gymnastics as a part of physical education,&...

Vargová, Pavlína
Skialpinismus a analýza skialpinistických tras na Šumavě

Main goal of this bachelor thesis is analysis of chosen skialpinism routes in Šumava National Park. I described generally skialpinism and its forms. I defined principles of moving in mountain terrain with focus on safe behavior and rules.At last I focused on the division of&#x...

Strebkova, Maria
Vliv ideomotorické představy na přesnost tenisového podání

The bachelor thesis was dedicated to the method of ideomotor training or training in imagination, which is transferred to the execution of specific motor structures. This method was applied to a group of professional tennis players aged 18-29, who were selected due to their ex...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 596