Volfík, Marek
Možnosti zapojení grapplingových cvičení do výuky tělesné výchovy pro žáky druhého stupně základní školy The main aim of this bachelor thesis is to compile a set of grappling exercises with an emphasis on the development of physical fitness, self-defence and the overall movement skill spectrum in second grade primary school students and to assess their applicability to primary sc... |
Kejšarová, Klára
Příprava sportovního workshopu se zaměřením na gymnastiku v rámci letního tábora pro děti 7-15 let The bachelor's thesis deals with the preparation of a sample sports workshop focusing on gymnastics within the summer camp for children 7-15 years old. The aim was to build a pool of gymnastic activities and exercises for the workshop and to process the detailed constructi... |
Vacek, Adam
Analýza a komparace rozcvičení před utkáním na úrovni výkonnostního a masového fotbalu The topic of the Bachelor's thesis was the analysis and comparison of pre-match warm-ups at the level of performance and grassroots football. In the theoretical part, I discussed the characteristics of football from a physiological and psychological point of view, the general charac... |
Böhmová, Kateřina
Návrh a ověření pohybového intervenčního programu zaměřeného na CrossFit pro začátečníky ve věku od 20 do 30 let This bachelor thesis examined the effectiveness and impact of an intervention program focused on CrossFit for beginners aged 20-30 on their physical fitness and body composition.The aim of the study was to verify whether a six-month CrossFit program for beginners would bring about ... |
Souček, Tomáš
Vliv sportovního příměstského tábora na specifické tenisové dovednosti dětí mladšího školního věku This bachelor thesis examines the impact of a sports suburban camp on specific skills of children of younger school age. A sample of twenty-one children aged seven to nine years was tested. The testing took place on the clay courts of the LTC Domažlice and the childr... |
Zelená, Simona
Psychomotorika v mateřské škole - webové stránky The bachelor thesis is focused on the development of psychomotricity of preschool children, which is very important for the proper development of the child. The main objective of my work is to create web pages ? a simple portal, that will be the list of exercises... |
Honsig, Martin
Metodika lezení na umělé stěně pro děti mladšího školního věku - video program I focused my bachelor's thesis on the methodology of sport climbing. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first part is written and contains knowledge gathered from various books and internet sources about sport climbing, middle childhood, video recording and video editing.... |
Voves, Petr
Stravovací a pitný režim v den utkání na úrovni výkonnostního fotbalu The topic of the bachelor thesis deals with the issue of diet and drinking regime of football players at performance level. The thesis is divided into two main parts. The first part of the thesis is a theoretical review where we synthesised the available... |
Koubek, Adam
Příprava a realizace golfového turnaje pro žáky středních škol ve věku od 15 do 19 (20) let (projektování sportovní akce) In my bachelor thesis I dealt with designing, i.e. planning and implementation of a golf tournament for adolescents, in the vast majority of cases high school students schools. The first theoretical part deals with project management, sports marketing and sponsorshi... |
Kaimová, Michaela
Porovnání úrovně vybraných gymnastických dovedností u dětí předškolního věku The work is focused on the level of selected gymnastic skills in preschool children. Four kindergartens from Pilsen were involved in the research. The theoretical background of the thesis focuses on the characteristics of the preschool period and the associated physical and motor d... |
Kuhajda, Ondřej
Návrh možnosti komplexní diagnostiky herních činností jednotlivce ve florbale u studentů tělesné výchovy a sportu This thesis is focused on the design of a new motor test for the comprehensive diagnosis of an individual's game activities in floorball in students of physical education and sport. The design was based on the analysis of official test sets of selected countries. Furthermo... |
Šourková, Tereza
Zásobník pohybových aktivit zaměřených na zdravotní tělesná cvičení pro děti v předškolním věku The thesis focuses on the prevention of health-related physical impairments - scoliosis, hyperlordosis of the lumbar spine, hyperkyphosis of the thoracic spine, flat feet, and varus position of the knee joints. It creates a stack of physical activities focused on health-related physical ... |
Mirtlová, Natálie
Motorické schopnosti a dovednosti u hráčů fotbalu v kategorii WU13 a U12 In my bachelor's thesis, I focused on a football team of boys from SK Smíchov Plzeň and girls from FC Viktoria Plzeň in the category of younger football players. The main objective was to determine if there is a statistically significant difference in the level of... |
Lorenc, Martin
Gymnastická průprava pro kickbox The bachelor's thesis is focused on a young combat sport called kickboxing and the application of gymnastics in kickboxing training. The thesis is divided into two parts, of which the first theoretical part contains basic concepts related to the issue of kickboxing, a brief... |
Šoul, Matěj
Sportovní gymnastika hrou pro děti mladšího a staršího školního věku In the theoretical part of my work, primarily to gather as broad a range of information as possible about gymnastics, specifically sports gymnastics. Furthermore, I will describe the younger school age and the older school age. In the theoretical section, I will emphasize and... |
Farná, Monika
Vztah pohlaví, temperamentu a výkonu v bimanuální koordinaci This bachelor's thesis is concerned with finding a link between gender, temperament and the subject's performance in bimanual activity. The theoretical and practical parts of the thesis are discussed. In the beginning of the thesis I introduce the different concepts that are men... |
Termer, David
Vliv pohlaví a temperamentu na výkon v testu asynchronních asymetrických pohybů paží This thesis investigates the effect of gender and temperament on performance in a test of asynchronous asymmetric arm movements. The theoretical background of the thesis explains concepts such as the nervous system, coordination skills, temperament and gender and the methodological part desc... |
Uhlová, Barbora
Úroveň a rozvoj plaveckých dovedností dětí s poruchou autistického spektra The bachelor thesis deals with the possibilities of using swimming as a means for the development of swimming skills in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The thesis contains a theoretical and methodological part. The first part of the theory is aimed at introducing ... |
Ivaničová, Petra
Analýza úrovně motorických schopností dětí staršího školního věku The aim of this bachelor thesis was to analyse a motor skills level in primary school children. Three tasks and two hypotheses were determined. The aim of the thesis and all the tasks were completed. Hypotheses were confirmed. The above mentioned hypothesis proved that m... |
Hegerová, Markéta
Sportovní příprava dětí ve věku 8-10 let se zaměřením na Disco dance My bachelor's thesis is focused on the sports training of children of younger school age who are engaged in Disco Dance in the dance group TCO DANCE Plzeň. The theoretical starting points will include the characteristics of sports training, younger school age, the given da... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra tělesné a sportovní výchovy / Department of Physical and Sports Education