Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KTV) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Šimeček, Pavel
Vliv slovní intervence v průběhu testu rovnovážných předpokladů u dětí ve 4. - 5. třídě ZŠ This thesis deals with the evaluation of the effect of verbal intervention on the performance of a 4th-5th grade elementary school student performing balance exercises. The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on the description of cognitive processes and their influence on the i... |
Holík, Tomáš
Pohybové aktivity vhodné do rušné části vyučovací jednotky pro děti mladšího školního věku In my bachelor's thesis, I will deal with the creation and implementation of movement activities for the busy part of the teaching unit of physical education. The activities are adapted to children of younger school age. The bachelor's thesis will contain 20 movement ... |
Tichá, Barbora
Testování předpokladů pro vrhačské disciplíny u dětí staršího školního věku The bachelor thesis is focused on testing the prerequisites for athletic throwing disciplines in older school-age children. In the theoretical part I focused on the characteristics of general athletics, throwing disciplines, development of older school-age children and selection of sport talents.... |
Vargová, Hana
Horské outdoorové aktivity - analýza postoje a možností studentů základních, středních a vysokých škol k outdoorovým sportům The bachelor thesis consists of two parts. The theoretical part introduces selected outdoor sports and activities that can be performer in the alpine environment. The empirical (research) part is devoted to the analysis of the questionnaire survey. The rospondents were student from the&... |
Zahradník, Pavel
Úroveň sportovní gymnastiky na 2. stupni základních škol In my bachelor's thesis, I focused on determining and comparing the level of artistic gymnastics among upper primary school pupils. A total of 60 pupils from two primary schools in the Pilsen region participated in the testing. Each pupil was tested on three g... |
Rejzek, Jan
Úroveň fyzické připravenosti hráčů v závislosti na letní hokejové přípravě In my work, I focused on the issue of training in the preparatory period, which should sufficiently prepare the individual for the main season, so that the individual uses his physical readiness as long as possible in the given season. The aim of the work is to ... |
Oudová, Nikola
Gymnastika hrou pro děti předškolního věku The topic of this bachelor's thesis is to create a set of methodological material containing exercise units with elements of gymnastics in kindergarten. The work is focused on the use of gymnastics in the form of games during movement activities in kindergartens. The theoretica... |
Sládek, Tomáš
Příprava a realizace turnajů v kolektivních a jiných sportech (projektování sportovní akce) The task of the bachelor thesis was to organize and hold an indoor football tournament for the category of younger pupils. The tournament took place on 26.2.2023 in the hall of TJ Lokomotiva Plzeň. Eight teams from Pilsen and its surroundings participated in the tournament.... |
Mrkosová, Bára
Sborník řízených pohybových aktivit vhodných pro děti v předškolním věku This bachelor thesis is divided into theoretical background and results. The theoretical background characterizes the preschool age of the child, game and its importance in this period and movement abilities and skills. The results include a collection of 30 movement activities divided ... |
Mastná, Kateřina
Odlišnosti v pohybové aktivitě dětí mladšího školního věku na základě jejich vztahu ke zvířatům This bachelor thesis, in its theoretical part, presents findings related to physical activity in children, leisure time and the possibility of spending it by the child population. It focuses on the relationship between animals and humans, mainly with an emphasis on the children's... |
Průšová, Adéla
Karel Hradil a Tomáš Hradil, biografie sportovní osobnosti, analýza vývoje rychlostní kanoistiky od r. 1950 - do r. 2020 This work contains an introduction with sprint canoeist Karel Hradil and his attendance in the Olympic Games in Melbourne in 1956. It also contains analysis of sport trainings of sprint canoeist from 1950 to 2020. He deals with early specialization, news in sprint canoeing and... |
Synek, Jaroslav
Příprava a realizace příměstského sportovního tábora pro děti od 6 do 13 let The qualification thesis deals with the preparation and implementation of a sports suburban camp. It is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part contains all the important concepts related to the suburban sports camp, its history and division. The practical part... |
Brabcová, Sára
Využití hipoterapie v mateřské škole The topic of this bachelor's thesis is the use of hippotherapy and equine-assisted activities in the kindergarten. The first part of the bachelor thesis summarizes information about hippotherapy, preschool children and kindergarden. The second part processes knowledge of a possible use o... |
Přádová, Natálie
Využití prvků Show dance v taneční průpravě dětí předškolního věku - webové stránky The thesis deals with the use of elements of show dance in the dance preparation of preschool children. Furthermore, the work is focused on the creation of a website with videos that serve as a guide for kindergarten teachers and also for the general public. It also&... |
Šucha, Jakub
Zdokonalování motorických dovedností hráčů ledního hokeje kategorie 3.- 5. třídy The bachelor thesis is focused on improving motor skills in ice hockey in the 3rd - 5th grade category. Younger school-age children have the greatest potential for skills development. In the theoretical part we get acquainted with motor learning, ice hockey skills, training unit,... |
Horáčková, Marie
Model celoročního tréninkového cyklu vrcholového lukostřelce The bachelor's thesis with the topic called Annual model of training cyklus for top archer, has the task of creating the model of the training plan. The theoretical part of the thesis discusses the process of training planning from a general perspective on sports training.... |
Tichá, Kristýna
Jezdectví a jeho vliv na motorické schopnosti dětí mladšího školního věku The bachelor thesis focuses on the motor skills of children of younger school age in the practice of equestrian sport. The research is based on a comparison of control and experimental groups of children of younger school age. The control group consists of 7 individuals, ... |
Ebrová, Štěpánka
Vedení sportovní akce - vodácké putování s doplňkovými aktivitami The bachelor's thesis entitled " Leading a sport event - outdoor boat trip with additional activities " aims to describe the organization of the project with all its variables and its subsequent implementation and realization with the participation of the public. The thesi... |
Vyletová, Denisa
Komparace aktuální úrovně koordinačních schopností hráčů a hráček pozemního hokeje TJ Plzeň - Litice This bachelor thesis is focusing on coordination skills of players from field hockey club TJ Plzeň - Litice. Goal of this bachelor thesis is to compare the current level of coordination abilities of players from field hockey team TJ Plzeň - Litice using the IOWA - Br... |
Šedivec, Milan
Vliv úspěšnosti brankáře na výsledek týmu ve STRABAG RAIL lize házené The aim of this bachelor thesis was to find, if goalkeepers in the upper half of the table are percentage more successful than goalkeepers in the lower half of the table. Based on the indirect observation of the match, all teams in the STRABAG RAIL league in... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra tělesné a sportovní výchovy / Department of Physical and Sports Education