Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KTV) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Lejsková, Valentýna
Sport a životní styl jako forma prevence civilizačních chorob u osob nad 50 let This bachelor thesis deals with the influence of movement activities as prevention on the development of lifestyle diseases of people older than 50 years. In the theoretical part, I first dealt with the characterization of the 50+ generation, the current knowledge about physical... |
Štefl, Matěj
Komparace uplatnění hráčů juniorských kategorií ve výkonnostním a masovém fotbale v ČR In my work, I focus mostly on the issue of the transition period of players from junior categories to men's squads. The data used is taken from available fixture lists and minutes. I also focus on the number of players who meet the chosen criteria for full-time... |
Zímová, Lenka
Program zájmového kroužku "Požární sport" u dětí předškolního věku My bachelor thesis is focused on fire sports in preschool age. In the theoretical part I will focus on the development of preschool children, a description of the various disciplines of fire sports and the division according to the seasons. In the practical part I w... |
Sůva, Matěj
Analýza herních činností jednotlivce v basketbale, jejich nácvik a zdokonalování The bachelor thesis is focused on the analysis of game activities of an individual in basketball, their training and improvement. The thesis describes the characteristics of basketball, individual game activities and the characteristics of individual game positions. The aim of the work ... |
Tábor, Josef
Vliv provozování parkouru na koordinační schopnosti dětí staršího školního věku In my bachelor thesis I was testing the influence of parkour on coordination skills. Thesis contains important theoretical information about human development, motor skills, origin of parkour and the influence of parkour on motor skills. The practical part contains describtion the motor ... |
Havlík, Jan
Srovnání tělesné zdatnosti hráčů fotbalu mladšího a staršího dorostu pomocí Eurofit testu In this bachelor thesis i deal with comparison of the physical fitness of the younger and older youth players with EUROFIT test. The goal of my bachelor thesis is compare physical fitness of younger and older youth players. i tested 40 players (20 from younger and 20... |
Toth, Radek
Komparace pohybových předpokladů dětí 5. tříd ZŠ na základě testové baterie DMT 6 - 18 The bachelor thesis is focused on motor skills of elementary school children. Their researching, comparison and to proposed methods of development by specialised literature. The thesis is reflecting impacts of Covid - 19 pandemic, distance teaching to motor skills of elementary school c... |
Ludvík, Tomáš
Motoricko funkční příprava, metodika a zdokonalování gymnastických dovedností - hrazda (interaktivní materiál) The bachelor's thesis focuses on motor-functional preparation of gymnastic skills on the horizontal bar, training methodology and it's improvement. The result of the work is a website:, which contains a set of gymnastic preparatory exercises and selected&... |
Hrdličková, Natálie
Metodický návrh využití pohádek v pohybových aktivitách předškolního dítěte (webové stránky) The aim of the bachelor's thesis is to create a web interface with a methodical manual of possibilities for using classic fairy tales in the movement activities of a preschool child. The resulting product is the website The website... |
Pašková, Eliška
Vliv alkoholu na motoriku člověka The bachelor's thesis focuses on the influence of alcohol on the motor skills of physical education students at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. University studies are closely related to students' transition to adulthood, which may be associated with alcohol consumption.... |
Blahutová, Barbora
Vliv boxerského tréninku na komplex rychlostních schopností různých věkových kategorií The bachelor work deals with the influence of boxing training on the development of a complex of speed skills. Four motor tests are used to determine the effect, namely the Illinois agility test, the upper limb tapping test, the lower limb tapping test and the ruler ... |
Haberová, Tereza
Tréninkový plán sportovkyně v kombinaci lyže a tenis The bachelor's thesis deals with the training progamme of an athlete in a combination of two individual sports, downhill skiing and tennis. Both of these sports are characterized according to the explored literature. The aim of the work is, based on my own experience ... |
Vavrík, Jakub
Srovnání základních gymnastických dovedností na základních školách v Plzeňském kraji This work dealt with the identification and subsequent comparison of gymnastic skills at primary schools in the Pilsen region. Only 7th graders were tested. A total of 78 pupils were tested and compared, of which 40 were girls and 38 were boys. Testing took the form ... |
Kýček, Kryštof
Příprava a realizace turnaje v malém fotbalu pro kategorii U12-13 v Karlovarském kraji This Bachelor thesis is a project type and deals with the preparation, implementation and evaluation of the tournament in small football for the category U12-13 in Cheb. The work is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical section describes the rules of small... |
Leitlová, Lenka
Posouzení úrovně gymnastických dovedností u dětí předškolního věku This bachelor thesis focuses on the level of selected gymnastic skills of preschool children. I obtained the necessary data for the creation of this work in four kindergartens in the Pilsen region, which allowed me to test my skills in their preschool classes. In t... |
Král, Jan
Efektivita plyometrického tréninku v přípravném období basketbalového týmu U17 This bachelor thesis analyzes and compares the effectiveness of the proposed plyometric training program in the preparatory period of the U17 category basketball team. The theoretical part describes the motor-functional characteristics of basketball and the annual training cycle. It also deals... |
Švestková, Barbora
Mimoškolní pohybové a sportovní aktivity dětí v předškolním věku This bachelor thesis deals with the issues regarding the amount and type of extracurricular physical activities that pre-schoolers engage in. In the theoretical background, I discuss the relation between the ages of pre-schoolers and the physical activities that children at this age ten... |
Hanzlová, Markéta
Stravování dětí v mateřské škole The aim of the bachelor's thesis ''Nutrition of Pre-School children'' is to record and evaluate the diet of preschool children. The content of the theoretical part is the definition of the concepts of the preschool child and its development in certain areas. Am... |
Perná, Eliška
Rozvoj koordinačních schopností s orientací na specifika atletických disciplín This work dealt with the development of coordination skills with an orientation on the specifics of athletic disciplines in older school-age children. In the theoretical part, I focused on the description of athletics, motor skills, older school age, coordination sk... |
Lukešová, Jana
Možnosti venkovních pohybových aktivit pro děti předškolního věku v Plzni The bachelor thesis deals with the possibilities of outdoor physical activities for preschool children in Pilsen. Its main goal is to map the outdoor playgrounds in Pilsen on the basis of a survey realized in advance in the form of a questionnaire for parents of preschool... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra tělesné a sportovní výchovy / Department of Physical and Sports Education