Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KTV) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Loukotová, Simona
Spánek a pohybová aktivita u předškolních dětí The aim of the bachelor work was to find out the connection among motional activity, quality and length of sleep of preschool children.The method of questionnaire was used to judge the relation of motional akcivity and sleep. The research was done in chosen kindegartens in... |
Zikmund, Tomáš
Zmapování závodního a tréninkového vybavení vrcholových triatlonistů pro olympijský triatlon The thesis focuses on special requirements of material equipment for racing in the Olympic triathlon. Special equipment is technically described and also shown on concrete products which are completed with experiences and evaluation of racers. One variant of complete triathlon equipment sati... |
Majerová, Pavla
Edukační program se zaměřením na první pomoc pro děti předškolního věku pod Oblastním spolkem Českého červeného kříže Plzeň-město a Rokycany The bachelor thesis had the purpose to create and describe an educational program focused on first aid for preschool aged children. The thesis was divided into two parts. The first part covered the theory of the educational program, its detailed specification, and the theoretical... |
Šilhavý, Martin
Diagnostika a terapie plosky nohy u dětí mladšího školního věku In my bachelor thesis, I analyzed the condition of the soles of the feet in a selected group of children of younger school age who are engaged in athletics or sports aerobics. In my work, I focused mainly on knowledge on the sole of the foot, children of yo... |
Síbalová, Eliška
Návrh a ověření intervenčního programu zaměřeného na rozvoj flexibility svalů dolních končetin u tanečníků klubu TCO DANCE PLZEŇ ve věku 6-10 let My bachelor's thesis is focused on the design and verification of an intervention program that specializes in the development of lower limb muscle flexibility for children of younger school age dance club TCO DANCE PLZEŇ. The aim of this work is to create and implement... |
Pourová, Tereza
Hudebně-pohybové činnosti v mateřské škole- webové stránky The bachelor thesis deals with musically-movement activities in kindergarten. In the theoretical background there is a more detailed explanation of preschool age and its development, description and division of musically-movement activities and their inclusion in the RVP PV. The aim of the... |
Šlajsová, Gabriela
Porovnání úrovně vybraných motorických schopností u profesionálních hráček fotbalu mezi jednotlivými posty The aim of the bachelor thesis was to compare the level of selected motor skills and abilities of professional football players between the different positions. The testing was attended by 44 players playing in various positions (goalkeeper, defender, midfielder and forward) of the ... |
Marešová, Lucie
Porovnání pohybově aktivních a neaktivních žen středního věku z hlediska kvality života a celkového tělesného složení The bachelor thesis deals with the assessment of the perceived quality of life and overall body composition of middle-aged women, depending on the level of physical activity. The aim of this work is to compare the differences in body composition and quality of life in... |
Krlišová, Natálie
Rozsah pohybu tělesných kloubů u basketbalistů The bachelor thesis is focused on measuring joint extent of basketball players and its comparison with the physiological norm. I focused specifically on the extent of the spine, the joints of the upper limb (shoulder joint, elbow joint and wrist joint) and the lower limb ... |
Šebrlová, Lenka
Srovnání aktuální úrovně motorických schopností u dětí ve věku 4-7 let The main goal of this bachelor thesis is analysis of current level of motor abilities in children aged from 4 to 7 in selected kindergartens in Pilsen and subsequent comparison of collected results. Theoretical basis of my bachelor thesis contain characteristics of motor abilities&... |
Papežová, Eliška
Komplexní příprava amatérské závodnice na soutěž "Bikini Fitness" This thesis is focused on a complex preparation of an amateur contestant in a bikini fitness competition. The theoretical part describes the bikini fitness category, its divisions, and competitions that women can participate in. It also comprises a sports diet characterisation in cooper... |
Kulová, Daniela
Příprava a realizace tenisového turnaje staršího žactva The bachelor thesis deals with a tennis tournament for older pupils in Nepomuk. It focuses on the creation of a project, which was then implemented and evaluated. The project is divided into five successive phases. Each phase has its sub-chapters, which are thoroughly described... |
Ulč, David
Příprava a realizace Krajského turnaje v nohejbalu trojic DEJVKAP The goal is to plan and implement a sports fixture with all the requirements and with financial aid from a sponsor. Theoretical part consists of definition of a project, identification of risks and risk management, restriction of budget and expenses, marketing, brief rules of ... |
Klečková, Lucie
Výuka plavání dětí předškolního věku The bachelor dissertation is dealing with teaching of swimming preschool children. The theoretical part describes the characteristics of preschool children and their needs, importance of swimming for human body, swimming teaching methods, pedagogical principles, part of swimming lessons and legislatio... |
Šabadová, Barbora
Vliv alkoholu na výkon v motorických testech koordinačních schopností This thesis deals with the aspects effects of alcohol in motoric tests of coordination and strength abilities. The aim was to determine already mentioned influence of alcohol on coordination and strength abilities and compare the results of gender differences. The research sample consis... |
Ježková, Michaela
Využití venkovních herních prvků pro rozvoj pohybových schopností u dětí předškolního věku The bachelor thesis deals with the use of outdoor game elements for the development of motor abilities by preschool children. It is divided into three parts - theoretical and practical, which is divided into two parts. The theoretical part contains a description of playground... |
Titlbach, Dominik
Historie a současnost fotbalových akademií v České republice This thesis describe the history and present of regional football and club football academies, known as the RFA and KFA. Part of the thesis is the characterization and comparison of these academies. |
Motyková, Tereza
Rozvoj flexibility dětí ve věku 6-8 let v mažoretkovém sportu The bachelor thesis dealt with the development of flexibility of girls at the younger school age, specifically at the age of 6-8 years, who are engaged in majorette sports. Theoretical background processed information of movement development at the younger school age, characteris... |
Kabourková, Adéla
Motoricko- funkční příprava pro požární sport This bachelor thesis deals with motor-functional preparation for the fire sport, particularly for one of the most attractive disciplines - a fire attack. It aims for development of motion abilities which can influence motion skills of amateur athletes performing the fire attack. Created... |
Polcar, Dominik
Analýza tréninkových metod v plavání s ohledem na zvolenou distanci The bachelor's thesis deals with the training methods of professional swimmers according to their discipline. The right composition of training is an indispensable component of quality performance in the race, and therefore I tried to create from my bachelor's thesis a comprehensive&... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra tělesné a sportovní výchovy / Department of Physical and Sports Education