Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KVD) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 20 z 166
Vaverka, Tobiáš
Sada vzdělávacích plakátů na téma počítačová bezpečnost pro seniory

This bachelor's thesis focuses on creating and testing the effectiveness of a set of educational posters on the topic of computer security for seniors, designed specifically for them. The aim of the work was to create educational material, helping seniors to improve their aware...

Laštovka, Martin
Návrh a tvorba webového systému pro správu softwaru a licencí

This thesis describes the design and development of a web system for software license management, which is based on the provided license data in the selected framework. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part presents the technologies used in...

Míka, Jiří
Multimediální podpora pro předmět KVD/PGM1P

This bachelor thesis is called "Multimedia support for course KVD/PGM1P". It is divided into four chapters. The first chapter deals with the description of the course. The second chapter examines and describes the set of tasks used in seminars. The third chapter describes...

Caltová, Karolína
Využití mobilních technologií ve vybraných kritických místech v kurikulu matematiky na základní škole

The bachelor's thesis deals with the design of a suitable set of tasks in critical areas of mathematics. When entering tasks, selected mobile applications are used. It is divided into three chapters. Theoretical starting points, own research methodology, investigation results.

Neverklová, Adéla
Specifika tvorby návodů k internetovým aplikacím pro seniory

This bachelor's thesis deals with the specifics of different types of instructions, such as image-based, video-based, text-based, and web-based instructions. Firstly, the specifics of the target group of seniors are defined, followed by the specifics of the types of instructions, which d...

Macoun, Tomáš
Pomocník učitele pro realizaci distanční výuky na ZŠ

The thesis describes distance education and the reason for its expansion in Czech primary schools. It also describes forms of research to create websites.

Ruda, Petr
Online aplikace pro efektivní práci učitele

This bachelor's thesis deals with streamlining the teacher's work outside of the education through online applications. The goalwas to present selected administrative and organizational activities, realize a questionnaire survey and find critical areas where applications could simplify work, create...

Sedlačko, Filip
Využití QR kódů v profesi učitele

The Bachelor's thesis focuses on the possibilities of enhancing teachers' work through QR codes. The aim of this thesis is to introduce teachers to what QR codes are, how they function, and what their possibilities are. Based on professional literature and qualitative research,&...

Valovič, Tomáš
Školní QR dílna

This bachelor thesis is aimed at creating web-based tutorials that will address working efficiently and safely with selected machines in the workshop. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first deals with the theory of QR codes and qualitative research. We have loo...

Špís, Petr
Mobilní aplikace pro úpravu fotografií na základní škole

The main goal of the work was to create a set of tasks for managing and editing digital photos for 2nd grade elementary school students. In our work, we analyzed RVP ZV 2021 from the point of view of creating, managing, editing and improving photos. We dealt wit...

Koptyš, Milan
Možnosti využití virtuální reality v základním vzdělávání pomocí \nl{}strategie BYOD

The bachelor thesis is focused on the issue of virtual reality in education and its implementation using the BYOD method. Since the BYOD method allows students to bring their devices into the classroom, the thesis is more focused on mobile VR. The thesis aimed to introduc...

Plechatý, Jan
Transformace úloh z Programování 1 z jazyku JavaScript do jazyku Python

This bachelor's thesis deals with the transformation of tasks from JavaScript to Python. The thesis contains a theoretical part dealing with the basic theory, the selection of the environment for processing tasks. Attention is paid to the basic syntax in individual languages. ...

Kantnerová, Vanessa
Multimediální podpora vybraných úloh předmětu UIN

The bachelor thesis focuses on the creation of multimedia support for the UIN subject. The theoretical part deals with the basic concepts related to video creation, hardware and software analysis for creating multimedia support. The practical part focuses on the selection of hardware,&#...

Pudilová, Dominika
Využití frameworku Angular na příkladu webové online hry

This thesis deals with the Angular platform and its use in web application development. The first part focuses on frameworks in general and describes other available web frameworks as well. Furthermore, the thesis focuses on the Angular framework and working with the Angular CLI&#x...

Bartáková, Kateřina
UX a UI design softwarového nástroje pro komunikaci termokamery a PC

The topic of the bachelor thesis is dedicated to the creation of an application design that focuses on UX and UI design. The theoretical part of the thesis explains the basic concepts that are associated with application design and compares different approaches to design devel...

Breit, Petr
Integrace PC her do vzdělávání - Minecraft v elektrotechnice

The thesis deals with the support of teaching digital technology with the support of the computer game Minecraft Education. At the beginning of this work, the area of computer games suitable for education, analysis of individual game elements, environments and possibilities ...

Seko, Dominik
Webová aplikace pro evidenci a rozpočítávání nákladů na provoz \nl{}sdíleného automobilu

The theme of this work is the issue of car sharing. The application, designed primarily for siblings who share one car, tracks costs and then calculates them among the drivers in the log book. Depending on the amount paid for fuel and the total kilometers, it can...

Frenáková, Štěpánka
Interaktivní aplikace pro využití v distanční výuce na základní škole

The use of interactive applications in distance education. Description of applications and their use. Evaluation of the use of applications in primary school teaching. Poslali jste

Křečková, Jana
Sada on-line únikových her pro distanční výuku tematického \nl{}okruhu Pěstitelské práce

This bachelor's thesis deals with online escape games in education, it focuses on the topic of Gardening in the educational area of Man and the World of Work. The aim of the qualification thesis was to create a set of online escape games for this topic, which...

Schejbal, Jaromír
Interaktivní displej pro podporu výuky v mateřské škole

This bachelor thesis focuses on information and communication technologies issues in pre-school education, more specifically on the interactive display. The aim of this thesis was to find out what technologies are used to support teaching in preschool education. Especially, to create a...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 20 z 166