Diplomové práce / Theses (KVD) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Ondrejčík, Jakub
Implementace projektového vyučování do předmětu Informační a komunikační technologie na základní škole This thesis describes dilemma that matters Project Based Learning and its implementation in subject Information and communication technologies. It contains facts about PBL and It includes description of main signs of this method. It helps to understand what project really is. Because ma... |
Vaník, Michael
Distanční kurz Úvod do redakčního systému Joomla 2.5 The thesis is dealing with the content management system, their general description, advantages and functional principles. Main part is focused on the distance learning course creation called: "Introduction to Joomla! 2.5". The output of this thesis is complete electronic learning cours... |
Málek, Miroslav
Elektronický výukový materiál pro přestupující žáky ZŠ v oblasti tabulkových kalkulátorů The aim of the thesis was to create electronic teaching materials which can be used as a teaching aid for work in spreadsheets at elementary and secondary schools, especially in extraordinary situations, which can occur during lessons. The first part of the thesis gives a ... |
Dlesk, Tomáš
Průzkum strategií ve vyhledávání informací u studentů učitelství FPE ZČU The thesis is focused on information retrieval strategies od students of pedagogy.At the beginning the introdution to the main topic is included. It describes information retrieval as a process and its participants. The main part of the document contains the research itself. It is&... |
Fadrhonc, Jan
Výuka tabulkových kalkulátorů na ZŠ pomocí programu Calc This master's project deal with analysis of the Czech and Slovak state documents for primary education in relation to the teaching of spreadsheet programs. The result of this analysis was that the documents are not specific enough. Therefore, we have proposed own goals for ... |
Král, Jan
Modul Krokové motory - výukový e-kurz The goal of this master's project is to create educational e-course for additional module stepper motors for MAT trainer kit. E-course contains learning articles, practical exercises with possible solutions and self tests. All this is supplemented by pictures, diagrams, animations and de... |
Hladký, Jan
Tvorba sady příkladů pro vyučování vektorové grafiky na 2. stupni ZŠ The thesis briefly describes and compares the most common vector graphics editors suitable for teaching in primary schools. It introduces the user interface, tools and functions editor Inkscape. The thesis contains own set of examples for teaching vector graphics on the upper primary... |
Brettlová, Jana
Distanční vzdělávací kurz "Zpracování bakalářské práce v MS Word 2010" The topic of this thesis is undergaraduate thesis processing in Word 2010. It describes a process of the undergraduate thesis development from the topic choice to its defence. A part of this paper is also an educational course created in ProAuthor programm that enables student... |
Baťko, Jan
LEGO Mindstorms NXT - využití programovacích prostředí NXT-G a RobotC The thesis introduces the possibility of using robotic kit LEGO Mindstorms NXT at all levels of education according to kinetic abilities, skills and thinking of students. It also presents and compares the possibilities of robotic programming environments NXT-G and RobotC. According to t... |
Janča, Adam
Tvorba webové prezentace katedry v podmínkách univerzitního prostředí ZČU v Plzni In this thesis analyzed the requirements of departments on the presentation of content on their website. Based on these requirements, the work created concept requirements cathedral site. The work focuses on creating a universal cathedral site based on this concept. Web is created ... |
Štrunc, Ladislav
Vzdělávací úlohy pro výuku programování na SŠ pomocí systému LEGO Mindstorms NXT a RobotC In the thesis the options for use of the robotic construction set LEGO Mindstorms NXT at secondary schools is presented. The environment RobotC, described in the dissertation, was chosen for creation of student assignments. Additionally the options of schooling the programming in Framew... |
Totzauer, Ondřej
Sada příkladů využití Zoner Photo Studio na ZŠ This thesis is evaluating an options of using Zoner Photo Studio in elementary school´s classworks. Includes series of exercises for elementary school´s classwork and guideline for teachers. |
Kulatý, Ladislav
Specializovaná síťová výuková učebna s jednotnou univerzitní autentizací This thesis deals with technologies used in univerzity authentication system. These technologies are subsequently implemented on computers with installed operating system Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop in classroom KL206. Thank to this implementation the computers with mentioned operating system can be... |
Puhanová, Zdeňka
Využití vybraných funkcí MS Excel The topic of the dissertation is to present how some selected MS Excel functions can be used as well as to suggest, describe and demonstrate useful examples. The examples have to include a setting of a task, a proposal, a description of the solutions and finally a... |
Brettlová, Jana
Distanční vzdělávací kurz "Zpracování bakalářské práce v MS Word 2010" The topic of this thesis is undergaraduate thesis processing in Word 2010. It describes a process of the undergraduate thesis development from the topic choice to its defence. A part of this paper is also an educational course created in ProAuthor programm that enables student... |
Chroust, Filip
Videokurz "Využití kompaktu ve výuce na ZŠ" The aim of this work is the description of a digital compact camera, its use in teaching at the elementary school and the processing of video tutorials that could be used as a visual aid for primary school pupils in photography and camera operator. The largest part... |
Moučková, Kateřina
Cloud computing a jeho využití na základní škole The main claim of this diploma theses is to appraise whether some of the cloud computing services can effectively replace or at least support actual solutions and procedures at elementary schools in various areas. The introductory chapter is focused on the determination of some... |
Nový, Tomáš
Výukový kurz pro instalaci a administraci OS Linux The main goal of the thesis is to introduce basic possibility of installation and administration on Linux system. Next part of the work was to prepare e-learning education course. Diploma thesis is divided into seven chapters. There is continually explained using of OS Fedora ... |
Lindauer, Jakub
Mobilní telefony - vlastnosti a využití ve školství This thesis deal with advantages and disadvantages of using mobile phones in education. Differences between smart and ordinary phones are summarized there. We can also find there criteria to distinguish these phones. We pay special attention to disadvantages of using smart phones at... |
Landsman, Vlastimil
Distanční kurz Ajax By entering this thesis was to create a distance learning course for learning AJAX. Material includes suitable Study articles and appropriate exercises and examples. The course preferred practical skills over verification of theoretical knowledge. My task was to create high quality education... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra výpočetní a didaktické techniky / Department of Computer and Didactic Technology