Diplomové práce / Theses (KVD) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Merhout, Vladislav
Student vysoké školy a otevřené vzdělávací zdroje The diploma thesis deals with research of open educational resources and possibilities of their use by students of informatics. In the given issue, we analyzed the current situation both in the Czech Republic and abroad, and then conducted research using the interview method. A... |
Topinka, Jan
Základní ovládání tabletu - studijní opora pro seniory The aim of this diploma thesis was to prepare the most suitable study support for seniors on the basis of theoretical study and feedback from selected experts on teaching seniors, and to test their suitability to be testes in the course "Basic tablet control" at ... |
Otcová, Hana
Využití interaktivních materiálů při výuce žáků-cizinců This thesis deals with the possibilities of using interactive materials in teaching at elementary schools for foreign students, especially for Vietnamese students. The theme was chosen based on personal experience and as a support for other teachers to work with foreign students. This... |
Chejlava, Viktor
Tvorba distančního kurzu předmětu Algoritmizace pro vzdělávání na vysokých školách This diploma thesis deals with problems associated with teaching algorythms at university level, as well as creating an on-line course for the subject "Algorythms in education". In theoretical part, space is devoted to the definition of basic terms, among which belong algorythms,... |
Janů, Petr
Možnosti využití nástrojů Google Analytics This thesis is focused on the Google Analytics analytics tool and marginally on the Google Adwords marketing tool. The main functions of these two tools, their usage in commercial and non-commercial spheres are described here. The main benefits of synchronization of these tools are... |
Frank, Filip
Výuka informatiky a podpora informatického myšlení pomocí legorobotů na gymnáziích This thesis is called "Teaching computer science and support of computational thinking using legorobots at grammar schools". It is divided into five chapters. The first chapter deals with the definition of computational thinking. The second chapter examines the teaching of computer ... |
Průcha, Tomáš
Srovnání vysokoškolského vzdělávání budoucích učitelů informatiky v ČR a USA The aim of this thesis is to carry out a comparative case study in the field of university preparatiot of future computer science teachers in the United States and the Czech Republic, on its basis we will describe the differences in the training of Computer Science t... |
Kratochvíl, Jiří
Vzdělávací kurz pro výuku předmětu Multimédia pro vzdělávání 1 The diploma thesis deals with the processing of multimedia content such as digital audio, digital video or computer animation. Other topics include copyright law, an issue of publishing content on the Internet and possible risks in the educational and training context. Part of the&... |
Jirků, Lenka
Využití technologií v rámci školních poznávacích zájezdů The thesis deals with the use of technology used during school sightseeing trips. Infromation and communication technologies are mentioned in the opening part. It is focused on their development and meaning in life. Use of technologies in education and tourism is introduced in the&... |
Červený, Martin
Tvorba her na konceptu serious games a jejich využití ve vzdělávání This thesis concentrates on the concept of serious games and its current use in the education system in the Czech Republic as well as aboard. The introduction part elaborates on the definition of serious games and some of the issues related of different explications of th... |
Kozák, Peter
Výukový materiál pro předmět Periferní zařízení The thesis is based on the updating teaching material (e-course) for the subject Peripherals. The course was transferred from the original e-learning environment ProAuthor into Moodle. There is also described why the course was updated and what it means to be utilized. For demonstr... |
Marton, Vojtěch
Distanční kurz Programování v Delphi The aim of this theses is to create a distance learning course for subject Programming 2. Students in this distance learning course teaches the basic principles of work in the development environment Delphi in projects VCL Forms Application. First of students acquainted with the... |
Franců, Tomáš
Výukový elektronický materiál kyberšikana na základní škole In this diploma work we analyze the current state of the available teaching materials on cyberbullying in the Czech Republic, we evaluate their quality, competence, expertise and content. We point to the need to educate pupils, pedagogues and parents about cyberbullying. In the... |
Hlavatá, Markéta
Digitální vyprávění The topic of this work is the Digital Storytelling (DS) and is focused on using DS at school during education. The goal is giving definition of main points of preparation lessons with DS, possible complications and drawing up a suitable application list for mobile digota... |
Pech, Zdeněk
Aktuální otázky využití interaktivní techniky ve výuce na základních školách At first we described the modern technical means that are used today for teaching support. We have focused on various types of interactive touch-sensitive devices, as well as uncovering of technologies hidden within single devices. We also focused on dataprojectors that are still&... |
Korel, Tomáš
Řešení multiplatformního počítačového prostředí školy s Linux operačními systémy This thesis introduces and evaluates a solution to a multiplatform computing environment of the elementary school in Oloví which is based on Zentyal Linux server and a coexistence of Windows and Linux operating systems on workstations. An example of a working infrastructure is offe... |
Pech, Zdeněk
Příprava učitelů na práci s interaktivními tabulemi The point of this work is aimed at the quality analysis and evaluation of selected set of digital learning materials. It is suitable to apprise with modern tools supporting teachers in the hardware and software region. An interesting feature may be particularly interactive technolo... |
Lomička, Zdeněk
Využití informačních a komunikačních technologií v mimoškolních vzdělávacích aktivitách pro žáky základní školy. The diploma thesis discusses the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in extracurricular education of primary school pupils, outside the classrooms and usual forms of teaching. It is divided into four main parts. The first part describes education as a lifelong proces... |
Janák, Jan
Vývoj mobilní aplikace se zaměřením na vzdělávací oblast Informační a komunikační technologie. Analysis Framework educational program and school curriculum in order to choose the content of the educational area of Information and Communication Technologies as a filling for educational application. |
Přibylová, Tereza
Realizace elektronického výukového kurzu se zaměřením na tvorbu plošných vektorových animací The thesis on the topic Implementation of e-learning course focused on creation of plane vector animations deals with the implementation of electronic training course. Main part is focused on preparation of component (study articles, images, animation and video) training course. Users... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra výpočetní a didaktické techniky / Department of Computer and Didactic Technology