Diplomové práce / Theses (KPD) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Vojtěchová, Ulrika
Zákonodárství knížete Břetislava I. The diploma thesis focuses on the legislation of the Duke Břetislav I, especially on his two fundamental legislative acts, which are the Břetislav Decrees and the Law on the Seniorate. The primary purpose of the thesis is to provide a comprehensive legal and historical analysi... |
Vodáková, Marie
Ústřední orgány moci zákonodárné, výkonné a vládní Česko-Slovenské republiky, tzv. Druhé republiky The thesis is devoted to the essence and activities of the legislative, executive and government agencies in the territory of the Czech-Slovak Republic during the period known as the Second Czechoslovak Republic. In addition to these institutes, the work presents some important events... |
Molová, Veronika
Majetkové manželské právo v římské říši This thesis focuses on the topic of property matrimonial law in the Roman Empire. Its aim is to analyze the area of matrimonial property law in the Roman Empire with an emphasis on dowry, gifts between spouses and the property status of the wife. The thesis is p... |
Walterová, Kateřina
Cenzura a její právní úprava v ČSR po roce 1945 The diploma thesis deals with the development of censorship legislation in Czechoslovakia since 1945. In the thesis, we will also find the definition of the term censorship, its basic division and the legal-historical development of the beginnings of censorship with a focus on the&... |
Vítek, Tomáš
Doc. JUDr. Emil Hácha, pohnutý osud významného právníka a politika The thesis deals with the life fate of Emil Hácha. It covers his judicial and presidential life. The thesis also includes Hácha's overlaps into other fields, especially art and culture, and does not avoid Hácha's family life. |
Řeháková, Barbora
Vliv Cádizské ústavy na ústavní listiny bývalých španělských kolonií v Latinské Americe a zvláště Peru This thesis deals with the influence of the Constitution of Cádiz on the constitutional charters of the former Spanish colonies in Latin America, particularly Peru. The thesis studies historical context of Spanish colonization and the importance of the Cadiz Constitution as a cornerston... |
Markeševićová, Ariana
Kárná odpovědnost advokáta a advokátního koncipienta The thesis focuses on the disciplinary liability of an advocate and a trainee solicitor, divided into eleven chapters. The first 4 chapters analyses the current legal regulation governing the practice of advocacy or the practice of law and offers historical context. In the followin... |
Matoška, Marek
Historický vznik a vývoj České obce sokolské, se zaměřením na právně-historický vývoj stanov tohoto českého tělocvičného spolku The first part of the thesis deals with the historical establishment of the first Sokol unit in 1862 and the spread of the Sokol idea in the Czech lands. It then focuses on the original wording of the first statutes of the Sokol and its development up to th... |
Šifra, Jakub
Trestní právo ČSR a jeho vývoj od vzniku samostatného československého státu do roku 1969 The diploma thesis deals with the development of criminal law in the territory of the Czechoslovak stateand the state structures that subsequently arose in this twrritory. Importatn legal regulations are being brought closer. The thesis is also devoted to social events that significantl... |
Rytíř, Eduard
Finanční stráž v první ČSR, její právní postavení a právní úprava This thesis focuses on the legal status and regulation of the Financial Guard in the first Czechoslovak Republic. Firstly, the thesis focuses on the history of the field of customs and border guards, in which we can see the work of the predecessors of the financial g... |
Šiška, Daniel
Dachauské procesy This thesis is focused on the topic of the Dachau trials and the organization of the American military judiciary, which was involved in these trials. This thesis is divided into four main chapters. The first chapter deals with the Dachau concentration camp... |
Dammer, Jan
Estado Novo: autoritativní režim v Portugalsku v letech 1933-1974 This thesis focuses on the legal-historical development of the Portuguese New State (Estado Novo). Using the method of description and analysis, its roots, ideological principles, institutions, and especially the legal framework are presented. Attention is also paid to the figure of António&... |
Dammer, Petr
Vývoj ústavní role prezidenta republiky v dějinách Československa This thesis focuses on the evolution of the constitutional role of the Czechoslovak presidents. Its main objective is to provide a comprehensive overview of the changes that the position of the president of the republic underwent within the constitutional system of the Czechoslovak ... |
Kubičková, Tereza
Transformace veřejné žaloby po roce 1948 se zaměřením na odlišný vývoj v 90. letech v zemích bývalého Československa The topic of the thesis is Transformation of the Public Prosecution after 1948 with a focus on the different development in the 1990s in the countries of the former Czechoslovakia. The thesis focuses on the development of the public prosecution in Czechoslovakia from the time&... |
Levinskaya, Maria
Postavení a činnost Nejvyššího správního soudu v soustavě správního soudnictví ČSR do roku 1952 The thesis "The Position and Activities of the Supreme Administrative Court in the Administrative Justice System of the Czechoslovakia until 1952" discusses the establishment, position, activities and development of the Supreme Administrative Court as the sole administrative court in the... |
Horný, Antonín
Právní rámec vzniku československých vojenských jednotek v zahraničí během 2. světové války This thesis analyses the formation of Czechoslovak military units abroad during the Second World War from a legal perspective. The main goal of this thesis was to create a certain overview of the circumstances under which these units were created, with an emphasis on the ... |
Jindra, Lukáš
Definice věci podle římského práva a její vliv na soudobé kontinentální právní řády The content of this thesis is an examination of the problem of the definition of thing under Roman law and its influence on the regulation under selected contemporary private law continental codes. For the purpose of this thesis, the central parts are 3 and 4. Part 3... |
Svobodová, Karolína
Postavení českých žen v právnických profesích v letech 1918-1989 se zaměřením na plzeňský region The thesis The Status of Czech Women in the Legal Profession 1918-1989 with a Focus on the Pilsen Region deals with the historical status of Czech women lawyers in general, but also with a more detailed analysis of the situation in the Pilsen region. In particular, i... |
Novotná, Aneta
Norimberské zákony nacistického Německa The purpose of this theses is to explore how Nuremberg race laws discriminated Jews based on nazi ideology and political principles. This was achieved through cruel and criminal racial legal system. Hitler's rise to power, the roots and impact of antisemitism, racism, nazism, n... |
Bártl, Jan
Vztah principů universální a singulární sukcese v dědickém právu This thesis focuses on the issues of universal and singular succession in relation to inheritance, including chapters associated with these principles. The author proceeded systematically by describing the development of these principles over time, starting with Roman law, continuing through the&... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta právnická / Faculty of Law
- Katedra právních dějin / Department of Legal History
- 26 law
- 23 římské právo
- 21 právo
- 21 roman law
- další >
- 301 diplomová práce
- 98 2020 - 2024
- 203 2012 - 2019