Rigorózní práce / Rigorous theses (KSP) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 10 z 10
Kučera, Tomáš
Změna závazku ze smlouvy na veřejnou zakázku

In this thesis on the topic modification of obligation arising from a public contract, is analyzed the legal regulation of the possibility of changes of obligation from a contract according to § 222 of the PPA. Due to the fact that the legal regulation of modification...

Plachtová, Kateřina
Právní ochrana zvířat proti týrání

The subject of the submitted rigorous thesis is the legal protection of animals against cruelty. First, it deals with the analysis of basic concepts, followed by a list of sources of legislation. Furthermore, actions that are considered to be animal cruelty are analyzed and de...

Pelikán, Václav
Policie České republiky - skutečně jednotný bezpečnostní sbor?

The author of this rigorous thesis has prepared and submitted a legal status analysis of the Police of the Czech Republic focusing on the positive and negative effects of valid laws on the ensuring of its organisation. The aim of the thesis was not to assess va...

Bakeš, Petr Jan
Přestupky řidičů páchané v souvislosti s provozem motorových vozidel

The thesis is focused on the issue of administrative punishment of motor vehicle drivers in connection with their operation in the Czech Republic. The first part deals with the sources of law and the basic principles of administrative punishment. The second part defines traffic...

Čapková, Vladimíra
Ochrana proti nesprávnému postupu zadavatele prostřednictvím Úřadu pro ochranu hospodářské soutěže

This doctoral thesis on the topic of "Protection against incorrect procedure by a contracting authority by means of the Office for the Protection of Competition" focuses on describing and evaluating the process of remedying breach of legal regulations in the field of awarding&...

Kadeřábek, Tomáš
Bezpečnost jaderně energetických zařízení pohledem vybraných právních principů

The thesis analyses the historical development of nuclear law in terms of international, European and national legislations. It addresses the issue of regulating the safety of nuclear power installations in terms of selected legal principles: the principle of national responsibility, the typ...

Brychta, Adam
Modely správy soudnictví

The subject of the submitted rigorosum thesis is to characterize models of judicature administration in the chosen EU member countries. Via the evaluation of these models and the subsequent analysis of the judicature administration in the Czech Republic, I arrive to the conclusion ...

Heřmanová, Ivana
Ochrana před nezákonnou nečinností správního orgánu s odkazy na konkrétní případy

The thesis provides a comprehensive interpretation of the unlawful inactivity, supplemented by a variety of specific cases as well as by references to the Czech anf other case law.

Cachnínová, Nikol
Hmotněprávní základy shromažďovacího práva v ČR

The presented thesis titled "Substantive law basis of the right of assembly in the Czech Republic" has set a goal to analyze, dissect and evaluate the existing legislation and draw attention to application problems. The right of assembly is, according to the author, one&#...

Křítek, Zdeněk
Zákon o státní službě a jeho implementace ve správních úřadech

In this work the author described and explained the characteristic of the Civil Service Act in The Czech republic and the problems with his application and implementation. The Civil Service Act isn´t a new legal act on this field of law because from year 2002...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 10 z 10