Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KKS) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 367
Ledvina, Patrik
ComplexTrans - Jakobsův podvozek železničního vozu

This bachelor thesis is focused on technical design of Railway car bogie for project ComplexTrans. Goal is to design bogie that is able to easily uncouple. This main contribution is solution how to easily uncouple railway bogie.

Dolp, Dominik
Konstrukční návrh dvoumístné drezíny s proměnlivým rozchodem s použitím komponent z elektrokola.

This thesis focuses on design of a two-seater railbike with adjustable track width using E-bike components. Aim of this thesis is to develop a functional and manufacturable vehicle for reasonable price. The thesis contains a research part, preliminary design of different vehicle element...

Bartl, Adam
Konstrukce jednoduchého hydraulického zvedáku pro osobní automobily.

Bachelor's thesis contains design of a hydraulic car jack for personal cars with weight under 2 tons, based on the use of the weldment superstructure on a pallet truck and the calculation of strength and rigidity of the weldment using computer simulation.

Jirkal, Jakub
Inovace válců pro pásové dopravníky

The bachelor's thesis focuses on the innovation of rollers for belt conveyors in terms of functionality and technological design. The roll innovation will be focused mainly on the weight of the roll assembly and on the unconventional torque transmission. Two variants were designed,&...

Kouřil, Martin
Návrh konstrukce komisovacího vozíku do lakovny

The bachelor's thesis contains a design proposal of a commissioning trolley for a paint shop, which will be used in the company ENGEL strojírenská. In this work, the most suitable building organ structure is selected from the three proposed alternatives. The selected alternative...

Petráš, Adam
Technické řešení zavěšení zadní hnané nápravy pro vozidla.

This bachelor thesis is focused on technical design of rear drive axle suspension for offroad buggy vehicle. It contains research part, conceptual design of selected suspension variant, specification of individual parts including selected materials and production methods, basic calculation control,&#x...

Škudrna, František
Návrh převodové skříně pro všeobecné použití

Bachelor thesis includes recherche of gearboxes for general use. Practical part of the thesis focuses on a coaxial helical gearbox design with appropriate analysis using Autodesk Inventor CAD software.

Tůmová, Karolína
Tvorba výrobního výkresu na základě norem ISO GPS

The bachelor thesis deals with the problem of geometrical product specifications. The thesis aims to research the most basic and most necessary standards dealing with the correct specification of dimensions and tolerances in a product drawing. The practical part of the bachelor thesis&#...

Sládek, Ladislav
Konstrukční řešení manipulační plošiny pro vysokozdvižný vozík

The bachelor's thesis contains a design of a multi-purpose handling / assembly platform for a forklift truck, including strength dimensioning, strength control using the finite element method, FMEA safety analysis and brief appendices for the final production of the platform, including&#...

Sazama, Adam
Návrh dopravníku pro přepravu svařenců mezi svařovacími pracovišti

The bachelor thesis contains an introduction to the issue of belt conveyors, a structural design of a belt conveyor including the necessary calculations and a CAD model of the designed conveyor including additional production drawings.

Špaček, Ondřej
Návrh multifunkční sportovní helmy vyráběné za využití aditivních technologií výroby

This bachelor thesis includes a design of a multifunctional sports helmet manufactured with the help of additive technologies. It includes a method for processing data from a head scan. It includes the choice of a suitable porous structure for the creation of the impact layer&...

Ledecký, Vladislav
Analýza torzních vibrací v pohonném ústrojí osobních automobilů

This bachelor thesis contains two designs of dual mass flywheel with multi body simulation for evaluation of angular acceleration on gearbox input shaft. Parameters for simulation were taken from CAD model and estimated calculations.

Kozák, Jan
Padací buchar pro laboratorní využití

The bachelor thesis focuses on the design of a drop hammer for impact tests. The work begins with a search on the topic of impact hammers and their structural units. Furthermore, the work contains the design and selection of variants of several parts of the ra...

Gust, Tomáš
Konstrukční návrh průmyslového nákladního výtahu o nosnosti 100kg.

The bachelor thesis contains a structural design of a small industrial freight elevator with a load capacity of 100 kg. The aim of the thesis is to design a manufacturable and working device according to the specified requirements. The thesis includes the selection of a&...

Mašek, Jan
Konstrukce jednoduchého vřetenového lisu

In this bachelor theasis create a design of a simple spindle press for workshop use. Used for easy pressing according to workshop needs. Create the construction with the base of the trapezoidal screw Tr 60x9-400. Introduction, status quo, computations, design (main pa...

Calta, Michal
Technický návrh montážního pracoviště pro tlačné pružiny aktuátoru

The bachelor thesis contains the structural design of the assembly workplace and the method of assembly of the actuator compression spring including the FEM strength analysis of the most stressed elements of the assembly. Theoretical analysis of the problem with the presentation of ...

Kastl, Pavel
Návrh čtyřsloupového hydraulického lisu pro přímé vytlačování

The bachelor thesis deals with the description of hydraulic extrusion presses and extrusion processes. It also describes the basic calculations of the structural nodes of a hydraulic extrusion press. Finally, it deals with the design and technical calculations of th...

Zajíc, Vojtěch
Návrh kolejového vozíku pro vnitrozávodní přepravu železničních podvozků nebo vozidel o různém rozchodu.

The bachelor thesis contains a design of a rail handling trolley for transporting chassis with different gauges. It covers the strength analysis of the frame, the creation of a gauge change motion system using ball screws and the coupling of the trolley together. ...

Nový, Daniel
Konstrukční požadavky na rámy jízdních kol

Bachelor thesis deals with the selection of the right material using the method made by Cambridge University Professor Michael F. Ashby. His method is briefly explained and then used for selecting the right bicycle frame material. Materials selected using Ashby's method are the ...

Duspíva, Martin
Návrh robotického pracoviště s ohledem na bezpečnost

The bachelor's thesis contains a search of legislative requirements for new machinery and describes the design process of machinery. The process of risk assessment is explained and an overview of the possibilities of using safety devices is created. In the practical part, a des...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 367