Diplomové práce / Theses (KKS) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Špaček, Ondřej
Možnosti tvorby komponent pro aditivní technologie výroby za využití algoritmického modelování This diploma thesis contains a case study of a direct comparison of models created by parametric and algorithmic modeling. It contains a case study focused on the creation of an algorithmic model of a multifunctional sports helmet made of a honeycomb structure. It contains a... |
Tůmová, Karolína
Návrh příruby čerpacího palivového modulu pro automobily s plug-in hybridním pohonem With the gradually increasing requirements and trends for the control of air emissions, a transformation is also taking place in the automotive industry. Therefore, with the coming of alternatively powered cars, the closely related components need to be designed appropriately. The master... |
Němec, Lukáš
Dvoustupňová převodovka pro jednostopé vozidlo This thesis focuses on the issue of transmissions intended for electric motorcycles. The thesis contains a structural design of a two-speed automatic transmission for a vehicle moving in urban traffic. The proposal consists of defining driving resistances, gear ratios and their grading. ... |
Šimice, André
Konstrukční návrh svařovacího přípravku pro sestavení a dovařování spodku tramvaje The diploma thesis contains the design of a jig for the assembly and welding of the tram bottom. The design itself is preceded by a study of welding jigs. It is also carried out an analysis of the current state of the art, specifying the problem areas and r... |
Sazama, Adam
Optimalizační návrh vnitřních částí nárazníku silničního vozidla The diploma thesis contains an introduction to the design of the bumper of a passenger road vehicle, description of the materials used, production technologies and tests and analyses performed. Further-more, the description of individual parts and development phases of a specific bumper ... |
Truneček, Tomáš
Návrh víceosého polohovadla pro robotické svařování This diploma thesis focuses on a design of a 5-axis positioner for robotic MIG/MAG welding cooperating with a welding robot, controller and servomotors Fanuc. Diploma thesis includes necessary technical calculations and technical drawings |
Škudrna, František
Zubová spojka This thesis centers around the topic of shaft couplings with a specific focus on spherical gear couplings. It comprises of two main parts. The first part is theoretical providing a comprehensive classification of couplings and their brief descriptions. Additionally, it includes p... |
Lisnerová, Pavla
Kolenní exoskeleton pro stabilizaci chůze a rehabilitační účely This thesis focuses on the design and experimental verification of an exoskeleton intended for gait stabilization and rehabilitation purposes. Due to the increasing number of patients with knee problems, such as ligament injuries, which accompany elite athletes and the elderly population, it... |
Ledecký, Vladislav
Návrh pohonu podvozku elektrické vlakové jednotky s vnitřním rámem pomocí PMSM motoru s převodovou skříní The thesis includes a design proposal for the drive of an electric unit with an internal frame. An FEM calculation of the gearbox was performed for two loading conditions, evaluating the stiffness and stress of the gearbox. Finally, the proposal was assessed economically. |
Petráš, Adam
Technické možnosti využití H2 v pohonu vozidel This diploma thesis focuses on the technical design of a vehicle propulsion system using hydrogen as fuel. It contains research on hydrogen as a chemical element, its production, storage and supply infrastructure, including new technologies in the experimental phase. The requirements&... |
Kozák, Jan
Úhlová vyvrtávací hlava IWDA 500 NC The diploma thesis contains a design solution for a boring head with a perpendicular input and output axis of rotation. In the thesis, a total of 4 solution variants are first proposed, which are compared with each other. The winning variant is then elaborated into a ... |
Jonáš, Matěj
Technický návrh protetické náhrady prstů lidské ruky This diploma thesis examines the design and development of a prosthetic replacement for the fingers of the human hand, focusing on people with loss of the second and third phalanges. The main objective is to create a design system that will allow the affected persons to... |
Fazekaš, Martin
Technický návrh vestavbové sady elektropohonu do stávajícího vozidla This thesis elaborates the design proposal for the conversion of the Škoda Felicia 6U1 vehicle to an electric drive with accumu-lator batteries. The connection of the electric motor with the original transmission and the placement and fastening of the Tesla battery modules in the... |
Kouřil, Martin
Návrh konstrukce pro zvedání kolejových vozidel. The diploma thesis deals with the structural design of equipment for lifting rolling stock. Two lifting mechanisms with a load capacity of 12 and 5 tons are built into the designed device. This structure also contains a built-in cross-feed to enable the lifting of rolling ... |
Gust, Tomáš
Návrh konstrukce robotického pracoviště The aim of the thesis is to design a robotic workplace that will optimize the process of applying solvent adhesive to plastic parts in an ATEX explosive environment. The thesis systematically evaluates the re-quirements from the assignment and the findings from harmonized standards.... |
Chlapcová, Kateřina
Jednoúčelové polohovadlo pro svařování ocelových svařenců This thesis focuses on the design of a single-purpose positioner for improving the welding process of the given weldments. The first part evaluates the original workbench and proposed solutions. The selected positioner solution is processed into a conceptual design and the necessary des... |
Schubertová, Tereza
Asistenční pomůcka pro tělesně znevýhodněné osoby The subject of the diploma thesis is the structural design of an assistive device for physically challenged persons, which performs an auxiliary function when standing up from a sitting position and sitting down from a standing position. The aid was designed based on the kinem... |
Nový, Pavel
Posouzení konstrukčního návrhu ocelové konstrukce s ohledem na různé přístupy k jejímu dimenzování Diploma thesis discusses the comparison of two approaches to the calculation of steel structures - the limit state method and the permissible stress method. The comparison is made by means of a research and application to a concrete example. Models, calculations and... |
Rozsypal, Jan
Návrh středového pohonu elektrokola This diploma thesis is a design of drive for electric mountain bike with emphasis on calculation of each variant of drive and selection of most appropriate variant concerning dimensions, weight and efficiency. Some of the drives were calculated analitically, some... |
Stejskal, Martin
Optimalizace návrhu interiérových madel s využitím nových materiálů a technologií Diploma thesis deals with the design optimization of interior handrails for a conceptual study of an electric multiple unit with the use of virtual prototyping and numerical simulations using the NX Nastran 2019.2 solver in compliance with ČSN EN 12663-1+A1. Advanced methods based ... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta strojní / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- Katedra konstruování strojů / Department of Machine Design
- 321 diplomová práce
- 103 2020 - 2024
- 218 2012 - 2019