Diplomové práce / Theses (KMM) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 20 z 151
Vojta, Luděk
Korozní odolnost návarů připravených metodou laser cladding

The presented diploma thesis deals with the technology of laser cladding and the corrosion properties of laser welding. The theoretical part of this thesis describes the principle of laser cladding and the corrosion problem of metal materials. In the experimental part, laser deposits&#x...

Kout, Jan
Výzkum vysokoteplotního chování vysoko- entropických materiálů vyrobených pomocí 3D tisku

This thesis contains research on microstructure and mechanical properties of high entropy materials manufactured using 3D printing directed energy deposition method. Optimal deposition conditions have been found for deposition of high entropy alloys based on the Cr-Nb-Ti-Zr system. Promising chemical&...

Franta, Ondřej
Výzkum chování vysoko-entropických materiálů vyrobených pomocí 3D tisku za podmínek dynamického zatěžování

The thesis focuses on high-entropy materials, their preparation by 3D printing using direct deposition method and subsequent testing of such produced samples at different temperatures and strain rates. Analysis of microstructure, chemical composition and fractography i salso done.

Málková, Andrea
3D tištěná ocel M789 a její tepelné zpracování

The diploma thesis contains an analysis of the influence of selected heat treatment modes on the microstructure and mechanical properties of 3D printed M789 steel

Prokop, Jiří
Výzkum vlivu technologických parametrů aditivních oprav a následného tepelného zpracování na výsledné mechanické vlastnosti, výslednou mikrostrukturu přechodové oblasti návaru

The main objective of this thesis is to discuss the possibilities of repairing moulds and tools intended for usage in high temperature made of H13 tool steel by welding with a focus on various additive technologies. The practical part of the thesis is focused on welding&#...

Mikeska, Jiří
Sol-gel kompozit vyztužen dvourozměrnými anorganickými MXenes částicemi

This diploma thesis deals with the preparation of silica gel by sol-gel method and the possibilities of modification of silica gel matrix by surfactant and Ti3C2 microparticles. This thesis is inspired by current trends in the preparation of multifunctional sol-gel systems with potentia...

Kolínková, Andrea
Simulace postupného ohýbání plechu v SW Deform

This work focuses on the use of computational software and the finite element method within production technologies and production optimization. The thesis contains an introduction to the issue, a design of the production process and an introduction to the use of simulation to opti...

Reischig, David
Studium cementované vrstvy u oceli 1.2343

The master's thesis focuses on chemical-heat treatment and heat treatment of tool steel 1.2343. The steel was investigated in terms of its suitability for chemical-heat treatment by the carburizing method in gas and powder. Subsequently, the steel was heat-treated under different conditi...

Luksch, Michal
Svařování aditivně vyrobených dílů z oceli 316L

This master thesis describes weldability of additively manufactured 316L austenitic steel through DED (Direct Energy Deposition) method compared to convetionally rolled 316L steel. This thesis adjudicate steel´s desirability for TIG arc welding method, laser beam welding and also a new Cold ...

Holzman, Martin
Antibakteriální nanokompozity připravené pulsní laserovou ablací

The diploma thesis is focused on the formation of antibacterial Cu and Ag nanoparticles, which subsequently serve to functionalize the smooth and textured Ti surface. Cu and Ag colloidal nanoparticles are prepared in two ways: a) laser-initiated reduction of Cu/Ag from their salts&...

Beberová, Pavlína
Kalcium-fosfátové kompozity modifikované práškovým biosklem

The thesis focuses on studying the processing conditions of -TCP powder as a starting precursor for preparing calcium phosphate pastes, and the possibilities of utilizing powdered bioactive glass as a suitable filler, prepared by the sol-gel method and modified into powder form.

Krasij, Andrij
Korozní odolnost nových typů automobilových výměníků

The diploma thesis deals with the evaluation of a new type of heat exchanger operating with CO_2 as working fluid. The evaluation was conducted in terms of mechanical and corrosion resistance. Burst and pressure cycle tests were performed to assess the mechanical durability of ...

Kepka, Jiří
Problematika oprav svařovaných spojů za použití metody HFMI

The diploma thesis deals with the issue of repairing welded joints using the HFMI method. In the theoretical part, it focuses on describing the service life of welded joints and the HFMI method. In the practical part, the possibility of repairing a fatigue crack&#...

Vrána, Tomáš
Teplotní exploatace ocelí pro energetická zařízení

The thesis deals with the problem of degradation of mechanical properties of steel 15 128, caused by long-term exposure to increased temperature, chemical and pressure influences. Furthermore, the thesis investigates the possibilities of improving these mechanical properties, primarily through heat&#x...

Káca, Ondřej
Tepelné zpracování aditivně vyrobených dílů z nástrojové oceli AISI H13

The diploma thesis addresses issues in the field of additive technologies, specifically focusing on metallic materials. The theoretical part provides an overview of various methods for 3D printing of metal, with particular emphasis on SLM, DLMD, and BMD technologies. Additionally, the thesis...

Taranda, Tomáš
Hodnocení vlivu procesních parametrů HVOF nástřiku na mechanické a tribologické vlastnosti tvrdokovových povlaků

The diploma thesis focuses on evaluating the influence of process parameters in the HVOF thermal spraying technology on the mechanical and tribological properties of hardmetal coatings. The theoretical part includes the principle of thermal spraying technology, the classification of thermal spray...

Bystřická, Tereza
Vliv tepelného zpracování na termofyzikální a mechanické vlastnosti oceli se sníženou hustotou

The diploma thesis deals with the research of steels alloyed with aluminum to obtain materials with a lower density while maintaining the quality of the mechanical properties. The experimental part describes two different types of steels alloyed with 5 wt.% and 7 wt.% aluminum....

Kratochvílová, Lucie
Kostní cement na bázi fosforečnanu vápenatého modifikovaný povrchově upravenými nanodiamanty

This diploma thesis deals with calcium phophate bone cement modified with surface-treated nanodiamonds. Introduction to biomaterials, calcium phosphate, bone cements and nanodiamonds. The experimental part is focused on the preparation of experimental pastes and their analysis in order to determine&#x...

Sedláček, Marek
Laserové zpracování oběžné lopatky parní turbíny

The presented diploma thesis is focused on the development and evaluation of laser coatings from various materials on a substrate made of titanium alloy Ti62222. The goal of the work was the creation of a functional laser coating that could be applied to the last stages&#...

Beňasová, Hana
Hodnocení kvality svarových spojů vyrobených z korozivzdorné ocele COR 13-4

This thesis deals with the evaluation of the quality of welded joints made of COR13-4 stainless steel, which reflects the problem of repairing defects on water turbine bodies caused by cavitation. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the quality of COR13-4 stainless steel...

Collection's Items (Sorted by Datum zaslání in sestupně order): 1 to 20 of 151