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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 146
Rameš, Vojtěch
Vliv ergonomie na zefektivnění výrobního procesu

The bachelor thesis contains an experiment investigating whether the influence of ergonomics has a contribution to the efficiency of the production process. The theoretical part of the thesis elaborates the knowledge needed to understand the research problem. The practical part describes the...

Jeníkovský, Jan
Analýza současného stavu a racionalizace pracoviště

The bachelor thesis is focused on the analysis and design of the spatial arrangement of the workplace of electrical assembly in the company Kermi s. r. o. in Stříbro. The first part of the thesis deals with the theory concerning the spatial arrangement of production syste...

Levička, Tomáš
Hodnocení investice ve společnosti Wecubex Systemtechnik s.r.o.

The bachelor thesis describes the process of realization of a production investment in the form of a tube bender in the company Wecubex Systemtechnik s.r.o. and evaluates the individual steps during the process, where the final evaluation of the investment is created based on ...

Kohout, Adam
Návrh a realizace AGV pro Training Factory s naskladňovacím \nl{} a vyskladňovacím systémem

The goal of this work is to design and implement an AGV with loading and unloading system for a training factory. The work includes a comparison of sensors that can be used within the selected Fischertechnik kit. Furthermore, the thesis contains a description of the contr...

Kič, Adam
Automatizace výrobního procesu s využitím 3D Vision systému

The bachelor thesis contains the design and implementation of an automated workplace for nitrogen filling of a heat exchanger in Daikin Industries Czech Republic s.r.o. The content of this thesis is a theoretical part focused on automation, robotics, and 3D Vision systems. The prac...

Městka, Petr
Optimalizace prostorového uspořádání

The thesis deals with the optimization of the spatial arrangement of workplaces in the mechanical division of STREICHER, spol. s.r.o. Plzeň. The aim of this work is to make a proposal for changing the spatial arrangement of workplaces, which will reduce material...

Musilová, Sára
Zlepšení ergonomie na pracovišti

The bachelor's thesis deals with ergonomics and subsequent rationalization of the workplace. It contains a theoretical part, which approaches the issue of ergonomics and rationalization of the workplace. The practical part of the work is further devoted to the a...

Dědič, Petr
Prostorového uspořádání výrobních a skladovacích ploch

This thesis dissert describes a spatial arangment of an assem-bly hall with the aim to implement new assembly line to two already existing ones. All of the arangments come from capaci-ty calculations and all of them were compared and desgined in a programe named Vistable.

Volf, Jan
Měření fyzické zátěže

The bachelor thesis deals with workplace ergonomics and subsequent rationalisation. The first part of the thesis introduces the issue from the theoretical point of view. In the practical part of the thesis ergonomic analyses and evaluation of the obtained data are performed. Subsequentl...

Kortus, Kryštof
Možnosti virtuální kolaborace

The bachelor thesis deals with the possibilities of using virtual reality for virtual collaboration. A high potential of usability can be expected in this area. The aim of the thesis is to create an application that, using virtual reality goggles and a selected server, mediate...

Kunca, Martin
Využití virtuální reality pro BOZP

The goal of this bachelor thesis is to create an application for occupational safety for aerial work. Application will be developer for Oculus Quest 2 headset. This application will be only accessory for OSH training, this training cannot be replaced by an application. There w...

Šimek, Filip
Ergonomická studie

This bachelor thesis deals with ergonomics studies of chosen workplace. In first part is theoretical introduction, which introduce the issue. Practical part deals with application of chosen ergonomics methods and design improvement of workplace against current status

Rajtmajer, Radek
Využití hand tracking technologie ve virtuální realitě

The bachelor thesis deals with the introduction of hand tracking technology in virtual reality, analysis of the current state and subsequent implementation. The aim is to explore the implementation options and select one with the greatest potential. The implementation is carried ...

Pavlíček, Jan
Technicko-ekonomické zhodnocení robotizace pracoviště

This work evaluates the robotic workstation. First part is dedicated to the introduction of robotic Workstation problem (Industry 4.0 and robotics). Next part of work is about technique of evaluation (methods and parameters). Last part is devoted to the introduction of the Workstation&#...

Krňoul, Tomáš
Využití 5G sítí v průmyslové výrobě

The bachelor thesis is focused on the use of 5G networks in industrial production. The work describes this technology and the technology needed for it. The practical part presents the possibilities of use and examples from practice. At the same time, a questionnaire survey was...

Mikeska, Jan
Výpočet potřebné velikosti zásob

The bachelor's thesis deals with the issue of inventory and supply in the company. The introductory part describes the theoretical foundations for work processing. The kanban method is then described in detail, in which several possible formulas for calculating the number of kanban&...

Anapreyenka, Yauheniya
Vyvažování pracovišť montážní linky pro výrobu specifického produktu

The bachelor's thesis is focused on the assembly line balancing for the production of double-drum vibratory rollers for soil and asphalt compaction. To determine time consumption at workplaces of the line are used time records and analysis of time consumption. Part of the analy...

Vlk, Ondřej
Ergonomie pracoviště

The bachelor thesis deals with ergonomics and workplace rationalization. The first part is devoted to the theoretical knowledge about the given issue. In the practical part of this thesis, selected ergonomic analyzes are performed. Subsequently, proposals for improvement are suggested, based ...

Podolka, Jan
Využití MS Excel pro výpočty v oblasti financí

The theoretical part of this bachelor's thesis acquaints the reader with the history of spreadsheets, focusing on MS Excel. Furthermore, the thesis also focuses on the basics of financial mathematics and the types of interest rate accounting. The practical part of the thesis de...

Červíček, Patrik
Možnosti interakce v rámci virtuálního tréninku pro společnost Škoda JS, a.s.

The aim of the bachelor thesis is to create an application for virtual assembly in a virtual reality environment using the HTC Vive headset. The resulting application will serve as a training tool in the practice of assembly of complicated or expensive assembly units. Ap...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 146