Bakalářské práce / Bakalářská práce (KPV) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Koubovská, Michaela
Analýza logistických procesů The aim of this work is the analysis of bottlenecks in the logistics of the company and the design of their corrective measures. The essence of the work is the creation of process maps and time frames of activities that help eliminate or completely eliminate the iden... |
Krausová, Simona
Monitoring a analýza stavu implementace moderních manažerských trendů ve vybraných podnicích This bachelor thesis monitors and analyzes the development trends in industrial management theory and briefly characterizes those that are relevant to managerial practice in the 21st century. The acquired knowledge was confronted with the reality of the selected companies, which basically co... |
Klíma, František
Odhad dopadů implementace iniciativy Průmysl 4.0 v produkčních podnicích This bachelor thesis focuses on the characteristic description of Industry 4.0, more precisely on individual technologies, on concepts, as well as on the work that can best describe the implementation and impacts on production companies. They were looking to analyze the problems, possib... |
Hrčková, Karolína
Hodnocení lokální svalové zátěže pomocí metody EMG The aim of this work is to make measurements of local muscular load using EMG methods and with the results perform categorization of selected work activities. in case of classification of work into the 3rd category, propose measures for workplace optimization, introduce measures in... |
Bajičová, Tea
Možnosti využití nástroje Power BI v průmyslové praxi This bachelor theses focuses on possibilities of using Power BI in industrial practice. It theoretically describes the topic of business intelligence, the Power BI tool itself and the basic procedure for working with it. Two case studies show specific examples of the use of Po... |
Dvořák, Matěj
Vizualizace konstrukčních dat pomocí rozšířené reality pro společnost Škoda JS, a. s. The bachelor thesis deals with the introduction and clarification of the term Augmented reality, its use in various fields of industry and the selection of suitable software for the creation of AR applications. The goal is to create an application which uses Augmented reality ... |
Bureš, Ivan
Plánování a řízení oprav hlavních zařízení v energetickém podniku The bachelor's thesis contains planning and management of repairs of the main equipment of the energy company, search and description of risk in repairs of the main equipment, creation and use of a schedule - Gantt chart. |
Čerňanský, Milan
Kalkulace nákladů produktu The subject of this bachelor thesis, "Product cost calculation" is first acquaintance with the concepts of costs, cost calculation and their types and the subsequent incorporation of a case study, which was created for the needs of the Department of Industrial Engineering and&... |
Sládek, Dominik
Nahrazení papírové výrobní dokumentace This bachelor thesis deals with the replacement of paper production documentation in the company IAC Group. First, it contains an overview of production, types of production and its necessary documentation. Subsequently, I dealt with business processes and methods of improving them. The ... |
Blacký, Tomáš
Návrh skladování materiálu ve výrobě Bachelor thesis deals with a topic of material distribution in the pro-duction depot. The first part contains theoretical basis and its findings are used in the practical part. The other part is created in EvoBus Czech Republic, Ltd. in Holýšov. It is an initial proposal ... |
Sýkorová, Lucie
Tvorba digitálního dvojčete laboratoře průmyslu 4.0 This Bachelor's thesis deals with creating a virtual model of industry 4.0 laboratory, specifically on creation in Autodesk Inventor and Tecnomatix Process Simulate. |
Mertová, Andrea
Nákupní proces ve vybraném strojírenském podniku The bachelor thesis focuses on the purchasing process in the company Integrated Micro-Electronics Czech Republic s.r.o. The thesis is focused on the method of supplier selection and determination of criteria for comparison of suppliers. Furthermore, the selected supplier will be ... |
Kopček, Zdeněk
Prostorové uspořádání a analýza zásob ve skladu The bachelor thesis deals with the spatial layout and the inventory analysis of the warehouse in the company. The theoretical part describes the stocks, volume of stocks, storage and arrangement. In the second part of the bachelor thesis, knowledge is applied to the input mate... |
Kalčíková, Kateřina
Návrh nového uspořádání výrobní haly This bachelor deals with a proposal of a new spatial arrangement. Theoretical part of the thesis presents a literature review of technical literature focused on the storage, material manipulation and spatial arrangement of workplace. Practical part covers history of the company and its&... |
Veszprémi, Lukáš
Snížení taktu na montážní lince The thesis deals with the analysis of time demands of production and assembly operations. In the theoretical part, the knowledge of standards, time studies of processes, production processes and assembly lines are presented. In the practical part there are elevations, analysis of the... |
Ulrychová, Monika
Návrh systému komunikace se zákazníky v prostředí malého podniku The thesis contains a suggestion for improving communication with customers of selected small company by appropriate selection of marketing strategy. The resulting suggestion is based on partial external and internal analyzes of the company which enabled to map the current situation of ... |
Foltýnová, Kateřina
Využití koučinku a mentoringu v rozvoji lidských zdrojů This bachelor thesis deals human resource development and management. It focusses on method - coaching and mentoring. This thesis contains own survey of use of coaching and mentoring in industrial enterprises and identification for use these methods. |
Valenta, Martin
Cloudové řešení pro řízení týmových projektů The bachelor thesis describes the whole concept of web services in the form of cloud computing with its pros and cons. The thesis characterizes system of data centres, analyze attributes and models of cloud systems. Later it explores possibilities of cloud uses i... |
Mladý, Karel
Odstranění úzkých míst v logistických procesech Fundamental goal of this thesis is to unveil bottlenecks and present following solutions, which would eliminate them. Special importance is especially given to defining problems and processes places where all resources are wasted. To understand the given topic, it is necessary to get... |
Haas, Jakub
Racionalizace pracoviště montáže The aim of the bachelor thesis is to rationalize of the installation workshop in the company dealing with the production of car washes. An essential element is the analysis of the current state, from which deficiencies are determined, for which solutions are proposed. The bene... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta strojní / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- Katedra průmyslového inženýrství a managementu / Department of Industrial Engineering and Management