Články / Articles (CBG) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Waltr, Jan
Šlaufová, Eva
Výskyt travaříka Crambus hamella (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) v Česku Distribution of Crambus hamella (Thunberg, 1788) in Czechia is summarized. This psammophilous species is listed as near threatened in the national Red List of Invertebrates. It has been known from seven faunistic squares in Czechia until now. The recent records of C. hamella in... |
Mergl, Michal
The earliest Cyrtina (Brachiopoda, Cyrtinidina) in the Devonian of the Barrandian (Czech Republic) The earliest known Cyrtina in the Prague Basin has been discovered in the Kotýs Limestone of the Lochkov Formation (Lochkovian) among a rich brachiopod-coral fauna at Branžovy ridge near Bubovice (Beroun District, Czechia). Rare and imperfectly preserved silicified shells are assigned to... |
Neupane, Bijaya
Dhami, Bijaya
Bista, Shreyashi
Sadadev, Bipana Maiya
Regmi, Siddahartha
Shrestha, Sami
Shrestha, Bikram
Traxmandlová, Iva
Varachova, Sona
Kindlmann, Pavel
Ecological Factors Determining Barking Deer Distribution and Habitat Use in the Mid-Hills of Nepal Barking deer is found in dense tropical and subtropical forests of Asia. It is listed as “least concerned” by the International Union of Conservation of Nature and as “vulnerable” in Nepal, where it is also protected. Due to the habitat loss and fragmentation by human act... |
Mergl, Michal
Devonský koněpruský útes jako cíl geologické exkurze |
Walter, Jan
Hradská, Ivana
Těťál, Ivo
Kout, Jiří
Bureš, Jan
Vodička, Stanislav
Vaněk, Ondřej
Vavřínková, Jaroslava
Rauchová, Karolína
Kaolinové oprámy u města Horní Bříza a jejich význam pro vybrané skupiny hub a bezobratlých Post-mining sites are the important refuges for many groups of organism. The faunistic survey of selected groups of invertebrates and fungi is summarized in this study. Spiders (Araneae), beetles (mainly: Coleoptera: Carabidae), butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera) and macromycetes (Fungi: Ascomycota,&... |
Kraft, Petr
Mergl, Michal
Struggle for phosphorus and the Devonian overturn Organisms with external phosphatic shells diversified and became abundant at the beginning of the Early Paleozoic but gradually declined and were rare by its end. The decreasing availability of phosphorus in oceans is thought to be responsible for this evolutionary trend. Responses of... |
Weiner, Tomáš
Weinerová, Hedvika
Mergl, Michal
Kalvoda, Jiří
Gregorová, Růžena
Carboniferous limestone boulder from the Badenian clastics (Carpathian Foredeep, Czech Republic): A useful data source on the Palaeozoic of the Moravosilesian Basin The lower Badenian basal and marginal clastics of the Carpathian Foredeep represent a useful source of information on the Palaeozoic units of the Moravosilesian Basin (Bohemian Massif). This study addresses in detail a Tournaisian limestone boulder from a locality near Kučerov village. ... |
Mergl, Michal
Šmídtová, Nikola
Dendritické vrtby v miskách ramenonožců ze středního devonu (eifelu) pražské pánve (Barrandien, Česká republika) Three ichnospecies of dendritic borings (Clionolithes cf. cervicornis, C. isp. A, and C. isp. B) were observed in abundant brachiopod shells in the Třebotov Formation (lowermost Eifelian, zone Polygnathus partitus) in two Prague localities (Praha–Holyně, “V rokli”, and Praha–Barrandov, street “K&... |
Mergl, Michal
First record of Podichnus in byronid shell from the Lower Devonian (Pragian) of the Prague Basin, Czechia Brachiopod etching trace Podichnus, typically with centrifugally arranged clusters of holes or slits, has hitherto been known only in calcium carbonate substrates. The similar etching trace is newly described on calcium phosphate substrate. The trace Podichnus isp. in a wall of a phosph... |
BENES, Jaromir
TODOROSKA, Valentina
BUDILOVA, Kristyna
Pavelka, Jaroslav
PTAKOVA, Michaela
What about dinner? Chemical and microresidue analysis reveals the function of late neolithic ceramic pans. The Late Neolithic palafitte site, Ustie na Drim, in the northern part of Lake Ohrid (North Macedonia), excavated in 1962, offered ceramic fragments of large, flat, elongated pans. These artifacts could be dated by relative chronology to roughly around 5200–5000 BC. According to th... |
Němcová, Jana
Cerna, Katerina
Rob, Filip
Smahelova, Jana
Tresnak Hercogova, Jana
Marx, Josef
Traxmandlová, Iva
Ondic, Ondrej
Prevalence of high-risk human papillomavirus DNA and mRNA and its association with abnormal anal cytology in the Czech male anal cancer screening cohort Anal cancer (AC) screening is justified in high-risk populations, particularly HIV-positive men having sex with men (MSM). HR-HPV testing could improve the efficiency of cytologically based screening of AC, as in the screening of biologically analogical cervical cancer. The specificity of HR... |
Holec, Jan
Vampola, Petr
Kout, Jiří
Beran, M
Krisai-Greilhuber, I
Hahn, C
Kolařík, M
Polyporus tubaeformis (Basidiomycota, Polyporaceae) – identity, ecology and distribution in the Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia and Ukraine Records of Polyporus tubaeformis are newly reported from the Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia, and Ukraine. They originate from mountains at the elevation 750–1250 m a.s.l., namely Bohemian Forest, Northern Limestone Alps, Western and Eastern Carpathians. The habitats are a) steep rocky slo... |
Mojžíšová, Michaela
Mrugala, Agata
Kozubíková, Eva
Vlach, Pavel
Svobodová, Jitka
Kouba, Antonín
Petrusek, Adam
Crayfish plague in Czechia: Outbreaks from novel sources and testing for chronic infections The crayfish plague pathogen Aphanomyces astaci, which is among the most studied pathogens of aquatic invertebrates, co-evolved with North American crayfish species but threatens crayfish on other continents. The pathogen causes mass mortalities, particularly in Europe. In this study we document&... |
Vlach, Pavel
Fischer, David
Současný stav ichtyocenóz na vodních tocích v CHKO Kokořínsko-Máchův kraj A comprehensive and wide survey of fish communities in the Kokořínsko-Máchův kraj Protected Landscape Area (PLA) has not been conducted yet. The article presents results of an ichthyological research carried out on 43 profiles in all streams in the PLA. The aim of the study... |
Mergl, Michal
Dead or alive? Brachiopods and other shells as substrates for endo- and sclerobiont activity in the Early Devonian (Lochkovian) of the Barrandian (Czechia) Twelve encrusters and three endobiont trace fossils were distinguished on silicified brachiopod, coral and gastropod shells coming from the Kotýs Limestone (Lochkovian) of the Prague Basin, Bohemia. Encrusters preferred larger and costellate brachiopod shells with prominent convexity of valves. Locati... |
Mergl, Michal
Vágnerová, Petra
Příběhy ze školních kabinetů: Sádrové modely zkamenělin I. |
Zíbarová, Lucie
Kout, Jiří
Tejklová, Tereza
Notes on Hapalopilus eupatorii and Erastia ochraceolateritia Two species of polypores from the genus Hapalopilus s.l. are discussed. Hapalopilus eupatorii is published for the first time outside of Europe (Canary Islands) and in the Czech Republic. This species is shown to be more plastic in both morphology and ecology than previously t... |
Čepičková, Jana
Mentlík, Pavel
Rohlíková, Lucie
Vejvodová, Jana
Nouzové distanční vzdělávání v době epidemie koronaviru – metodické infografiky na pomoc učitelům This paper is conceived as an overview of the recommendations issued by the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen in the initial days of the state of emergency in order to support the methodological quality of the implementation of emergency distance education. In cooperation w... |
Kuberská, Markéta
Masopust, Pavel
Kolářová, Lucie
Desenský, Petr
Slavík, Jan
Mentlík, Pavel
Dynamická místa kurikula jako most mezi formálním a neformálním vzděláváním The aim of this theoretical-methodological study is to defi ne the construct of dynamic areas of curricula, to contextualize it, to describe the research methods of the construct, and to present examples of good practice. Th e term ‘dynamic area’ is defi ned and put into&... |
Duffek, Václav
Kohout, Jiří
Kuberská, Markéta
Masopust, Pavel
Motlíková, Iva
Slavík, Jan
Stacke, Václav
K jádru učitelské práce: o didaktickém přístupu učitelů k učebním úlohám v době koronakrize (průzkum mezi plzeňskými učiteli) The summary of the teacher’s basic approaches to the preparation and realization of learning tasks at the coronacrisis beginning is the main aim of this text. We are focusing on the way of the task’s assignments and on the teacher’s evaluation of pupil’s work across three... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Centrum biologie, geověd a envigogiky / Center for Biology, Geosciences and Environments
- Oddělení biologie / Department of Biology