Články / Articles (KVD) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Tichý, Jaromír
Vrbík, Václav
Lovasová, Vladimíra
Využití Wordu a screen-readeru při studiu jazyků u prakticky a úplně nevidomých Cílem článku je popsat možnosti zpřístupnění studijních materiálů, které by mohli využít úplně či prakticky nevidomí při studiu cizího jazyka. Nejdříve jsou představeny softwarové a hardwarové pomůcky pro uživatele počítačů s těžkým zrakovým handicapem. Následuje popis čtyř možností ... |
Frank, Filip
Zíka, Miroslav
Úlohy pro výuku JavaScriptu z předmětu Programování 1 (2. díl) Introducing the remaining tasks used in the PGM1P course at Department of Computer and Didactic Technology at the Faculty of Education at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. In the first part we presented the complete list of tasks, but due to the size we could... |
Fiala, Jan
Jakeš, Tomáš
Hán, Jan
Husák, Jan
Chadt, Karel
Chalupa, Štěpán
Jánský, Pavel
Jenčková, Jiřina
Kotek, Martin
Kotek, Michal
Perutková, Martina
Průcha, Tomáš
Rohlíková, Lucie
Stejskal, Jakub
Application of the Methodology of Communication Skills Training for Employees of Hotel Companies, Based on Immersion into the Virtual World This paper describes a research study of communication skills training for future hotel workers in an immersive environment. The research team developed a model of the hotel reception in a virtual environment, and proposed a methodology for three-phase training. The research involved 56... |
Duffek, Václav
Průcha, Tomáš
Vočadlová, Klára
Využití sférických fotografií ve výuce na VŠ Virtual reality is slowly making its way into the educational process today. One of the ways to convey educational content to students in virtual reality is by using panospheres. However, virtual reality is still not widely used in schools, probably due to the lack of tea... |
Kohout, Jiří
Buršíková, Dana
Frank, Jan
Lukavský, Jindřich
Masopust, Pavel
Motlíková, Iva
Rohlíková, Lucie
Slavík, Jan
Stacke, Václav
Vejvodová, Jana
Voltrová, Michaela
Predictors of the Effectiveness of Different Approaches to Pandemic Distance Learning Significant attention has been devoted to the forced switch to distance learning as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, some aspects of this issue that are very important for practice are still understudied. The aim of this study is to describe the development of ... |
Novák, Viktor
Volf, Jaromír
Novák, Daniel
Vrbík, Václav
Ryženko, Vladimír
Stebila, Ján
Evaluation of Electrical Resistance of Electrodes with Conductive Ink for Agriculture Application Using Computer Technology The article presents the ongoing research, which aims to select suitable electrodes and mixtures of conductive inks, which will be used as a converter between pressure and electrical quantities in the design of planar pressure transducers. In the described research, we continue in ... |
Zahradník, Tomáš
Frank, Filip
Zíka, Miroslav
Porovnání slicerů pro 3D tisk This article is focused on the theme of comparison of 3D slicing software used in FDM/FFF technology known as slicers. One of the authors goals was to describe the slicers that were chosen, identify pros and cons of individual 3D slicers and compare the ... |
Vajskebr, Tomáš
Frank, Filip
Bezděka, Jan
Tisk 3D objektů a určení nejlepší tiskové teploty vybraných materiálů This article is focused on chosen materials in form of printing strings, also known as filament, which are used for 3D printing by FDM/FFF method. The article describes difference between FDM and FFF method of 3D printing. The article also deals with individual... |
Kohoutová, Jitka
Baťko, Jan
Robomaster S1 a jeho využití ve volnočasových aktivitách na ZŠ There was not a strong position of the educational robotics in the curriculum of elementary schools in the Czech Republic in the past. Educational robotics was implemented by a plenty of schools primarily as an additional form of education as a leisure time activi... |
Frank, Filip
Zíka, Miroslav
Úlohy pro výuku JavaScriptu z předmětu Programování 1 The article publishes tasks that have been created and are used for teaching the PGM1P subject. |
Benediktová, Lenka
BLANK APPS, JEJICH VYUŽITÍ V PŘÍRODOVĚDNÝCH PŘEDMĚTECH A DOPAD NA ŽÁKY 2. STUPNĚ ZŠ Abstract: Are online quiz apps in education as effective as it might seem at a first glance? Using blanks apps has become very widespread lately, mostly because of the Co-Vid-19 pandemic and the need for distance learning. These apps make it possible for the children to... |
Caldeiro Pedreira, Mari Carmen
Castro Zubizarreta, Ana
Havránková, Tereza
Móviles y pantallas en edades tempranas:convivencia digital, derechos de la infancia yresponsabilidad adulta In the hypermedia society the indiscriminate use of multiple screens is observed froman increasingly early age. For this reason, digital coexistence, respect for children’s rights, and asense of responsibility from the media and from families who educate children are required. Thisstudy revi... |
Havránková, Tereza
Formát výuky převrácené třídy v on-line prostředí v hodinách hospodářské angličtiny na vysoké škole The flipped classroom model has been an appealing approach to teaching, primarily in math and science classes. However, several research studies have proven that the flipped classroom method can be successfully implemented in online language classes. This article presents a research study... |
Zíka, Miroslav
Katalogizace knih pro knihovní systém pomocí otevřených dat The article introduces the reader to the automation of libraries and the digitization of library records on the example of the implementation of a web catalog for the library in Mladýé Smolivec. This arose as an alternative provision of services to the public during safeguards... |
Baťko, Jan
Frank, Filip
Rohlíková, Lucie
Chování žáků základní školy při řešení úloh s robotickou stavebnicí The aim of our research was to find out how primary school pupils behave during solving the tasks in educational robotics. These tasks include the elements of abstraction which difficulty during the solving increases. A specific set of fifteen tasks, focused on the movement of... |
Fadrhonc, Jan
Král, Jan
Modifikace urbanova figurálního testu tvořivého myšlení pro potřeby vyhodnocení 3D modelů vytvořených žáky ZŠ The article describes modifications of Urban's figural test of creative thinking (TSD – Z) for the needs of evaluation of first (age 6 – 11) and second (age 11 – 15) grade students in the field of spatial orientation and creativity, based on the eva... |
Kohout, Jiří
Buršíková, Dana
Frank, Jan
Lukavský, Jindřich
Masopust, Pavel
Motlíková, Iva
Rohlíková, Lucie
Slavík, Jan
Stacke, Václav
Vejvodová, Jana
Voltrová, Michaela
Efektivita distanční výuky během pandemie covid-19 Since spring 2020, the ongoing covid-19 pandemic has significantly influenced education worldwide due to forced school closures and the necessity to switch to distance learning. The aim of... |
Čepičková, Jana
Mentlík, Pavel
Rohlíková, Lucie
Vejvodová, Jana
Nouzové distanční vzdělávání v době epidemie koronaviru – metodické infografiky na pomoc učitelům This paper is conceived as an overview of the recommendations issued by the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen in the initial days of the state of emergency in order to support the methodological quality of the implementation of emergency distance education. In cooperation w... |
Casas Moreno, Patricia
Caldeiro-Pedreir, Mari-Carmen
Havránková, Tereza
The Knowledge and the Use of Educational Applications from University Students in Spain and the Czech Republic Technological evolution has led to many changes at both professional and academic levels. The inclusion of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has caused dizzying changes in the different contexts of life (educational, professional, social). More and more applications are being downl... |
Baťko, Jan
Rohlíková, Lucie
Počínání žáků při práci s robotickou stavebnicí: východiska tvorby výzkumného nástroje In this article, the bases, process of creating and the final look of testing tasks set were described. The set was used as a testing tool during the research focused on pupils´ behaving during solving the tasks in educational robotics. The set of tasks was created t... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra výpočetní a didaktické techniky / Department of Computing and Didactic Technology