Disertační práce / Dissertations (KPV) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Havlíková, Kristýna
Metodika pro podporu kontroly kvality svařence s využitím rozšířené reality This thesis investigates the effect of augmented reality support on the quality control process of welded structures. It proposes a methodology for this innovation and examines the performance, error rate, and mental workload of workers. A comparison is made between traditional procedu... |
Knapp, Filip
Metodika řízení nového produkčního systému dodavatelských společností do automobilového průmyslu The dissertation deals with the topic of standardization of production systems development procedures of supplier companies to the automotive industry. The work is based on the original framework topic entitled "Design of production systems and its evaluation". It is designed in su... |
Lochmannová, Alena
Metodika pro zefektivňování přípravy zaměstnanců s využitím virtuální reality The dissertation deals with the implementation of an experiment of employees - rescuers and the comparison of innovative training in virtual reality and conventional training using mannequins in order to obtain and evaluate data in order to design a methodology for improving the ef... |
Ženíšek, David
Komplexní metodika návratnosti investice do robotických řešení v průmyslových podnicích The submitted dissertation deals with the issue of return on investment in robotic solutions in industrial enterprises. The goal of the work is the creation of a comprehensive methodology, focused on the evaluation of the return of robotization in industrial enterprises. The methodology... |
Malaga, Miroslav
Architektura HW Learning factory s digitálním dvojčetem v konceptu Industry 4.0 The dissertation deals with the design and validation of a HW learning factory architecture with a digital twin using discrete simulation in the Industry 4.0 concept with a focus on industrial engineers. The aim is to design an architecture usable and implementable by industrial... |
Kačerová, Ilona
Návrh modelu pro predikci zatížení horních končetin u výrobních pracovníků The presented dissertation deals with the problem of measuring the local muscle load of the upper forearm during manipulation of various loads to different working positions, which are commonly found in industrial environments. The aim of the work is the development of a model ... |
Novikov, Konstantin
Zefektivnění provádění výrobních procesů v rámci organizační přípravy výroby The dissertation deals with the topic of modern visualization tools and their use in industrial practice, especially in the technical preparation of production. The work is designed in such a way that from the beginning, it contains a survey of the current state of knowledge... |
Khalaj, Omid
Mechanické chování expandovaného polystyrenu (EPS) za statického a cyklického zatěžování Nowadays, development of constructions and infrastructures has been moved to marginal areas due to population growth and thus, variable ground conditions might be encountered frequently along civil projects. With the growing needs for new constructions, novel methods are studied to enable qu... |
Kábele, Pavel
Vliv komfortu pracoviště na výkonnost pracovníka The dissertation belongs into the issues of industrial engineering and ergonomics. An overview of the current state contains terms from the field of measuring employee productivity, the effects on his performance, the compilation of performance curves and a description of time-consuming meas... |
Martirosov, Sergo
Vliv tréninku ve virtuální realitě na přesnost pohybu rukou The main point of the work was to use VR to find out its benefits on training specifically precision of hand/hands movement and then evaluate its effect both for VR and transfer to RW results. For that purpose, a VR simulation was created, RW material was also... |
Zoubek, Michal
Metodika pro hodnocení připravenosti interních logistických procesů na Průmysl 4.0 The dissertation focuses on the evaluation of internal logistics processes within the concept of Industry 4.0. The content of the introductory chapters is an overview of the current state of affairs with targeted theoretical background of the main relevant topics, which are the con... |
Kába, Martin
Vliv pracovní polohy na lokální svalové zatížení předloktí u stárnoucí populace v průmyslové výrobě Dissertation focuses on the measurement of local muscular stress of the forearm muscles using an EMG device. The overall aim is to develop a model of the dependence between the working position and the local muscular stress of the forearm muscles with regard to the aging&... |
Gregor, Michal
Metodika skenování a zpracování bodových mračen pro vývoj pěnových dílů v automobilovém průmyslu This thesis titled "Methodology of scanning and processing of point cloud for development of foam components in automotive" belongs into the area of industrial engineering and virtual reality. This topic is very actual, because it deals with effectivity of processes during developm... |
Polášek, Patrik
Model vlivu inovace výrobku na technologický postup a uspořádání výroby This dissertation deals with product innovation and its effects on the technological process of production and organization of the workplace. The dissertation is firstly focused on the current state of scientific knowledge on which this work is based. There are described basic innovatio... |
Polášek, Patrik
Model vlivu inovace výrobku na technologický postup a uspořádání výroby The dissertation thesis deals with product innovations and its effect on the technological process of production, organization of work and the strain of a worker. In dissertation thesis are describes individual objectives of this thesis and hypotheses, which thesis tries to prove or... |
Bárdy, Marek
Metodika pro zvýšení efektu metod a technik průmyslového inženýrství prostřednictvím předem definovaných dat, informací a vzájemných vazeb metod a technik průmyslového inženýrství This thesis describes a design methodology for increasing the effectivity of methods of industrial engineering. It deals with issues relating to the use of necessary data, information and relationships in the application of industrial engineering methods. The thesis begins with a descr... |
Kamaryt, Tomáš
Řízení údržby s ohledem na hospodárnost Dissertation deals with evaluation of maintenance management system and ways how to improve it in key areas. There is clearly explained the issue of maintenance management in the dissertation. The maintenance is integrated within the product life cycle management in the thesis. The ... |
Broum, Tomáš
Řízení nákladů produktu v předvýrobních etapách The aim of this thesis is to develop a methodology with a new approach to product design through integration of cost management. Part of the methodology is approach enables product cost reduction. Methodology output is product corresponding to the target costs. The thesis is d... |
Miller, Antonín
Plánování výrobních a logistických činností v síti podniků The main aim of this dissertation thesis is to develop a methodology for selection of the most advantageous production variant in the network of enterprises and this mainly from multi-perspective (time, cost, workplaces utilization), or the methodology of manufacturing and logistics operatio... |
Kurkin, Ondřej
Návrh metodiky implementace systému správy dat při zohlednění faktorů výrobního systému This dissertation work describes the design of methodology of implementation the data management system for businesses with its own development. The methodology describes the introduction of a system of data management and product lifecycle management in the field of design, technical prepar... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta strojní / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- Katedra průmyslového inženýrství a managementu / Department of Industrial Engineering and Management