Konferenční příspěvky / Conference papers (CT3) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Dilawary, Shaikh Asad Ali
Motallebzadeh, Amir
Houdková Šimůnková, Šárka
Cimenoglu, Huseyin
Microstructural evolution upon10-wt% mo alloying and laser surface melting of M2 high speed steels hardfacings The article aims to comprehend the microstructural changes, in Plasma Transfer Arc (PTA) deposited M2 high speed steel (HSS) hardfacings upon incorporation of 10wt% Mo alloying during deposition followed by laser surface melting. PTA deposited hardfacings were produced over 4140 steel. Then&... |
Vostřák, Marek
Hajšman, Jan
Hruška, Matěj
Keslová, Anna
Comparison of mechanical properties of laser cladded WC and (TIW)C1-X IN NI based alloy coatings For wear demanding applications, the metal matrix composites (MMC) are often used due to their high wear resistance, and the tungsten carbide is often used as hard reinforcing particles. Nevertheless, there are still some limits of WC, mainly its deterioration due to heat load ... |
Glanc, Aleš
Houdková Šimůnková, Šárka
Jansa, Zdeněk
Vostřák, Marek
Microstructure, tribological behaviour and xrd analysis of hvof sprayed and laser remelted cocrtaalcsiy coatings Superalloys with cobalt as a base material are widely used among different industry applications. Their main advantages are excellent corrosion and wear resistance. Material CoCrTaAlCSiY was chosen for this study as an unexplored representative of Co-based superalloys with a potential for go... |
Bartoň Klufová, Pavla
Tittel, Jan
Vostřák, Marek
Jansa, Zdeněk
Kříž, Antonín
Corrosion resistance of laser-deposited composite copper-basalt overlay This paper deals with an assessment of the corrosion resistance of copper-basalt composite cladded by laser. The filler powder for laser overlaying was a mixture of high-purity copper powder Oerlikon METCO 55 consisting of 45–90 µm particles and a basalt powder comprising particles 50–2... |
Bartoň Klufová, Pavla
Vostřák, Marek
Kříž, Antonín
Chemical heterogeneity of Inconel 625 overlay with an increased molybdenum content and its evaluation using the potentiodynamic corrosion test The paper focuses on a detailed analysis of chemical heterogeneity of Inconel 625 overlays with an increased molybdenum content deposited by laser cladding. Fifteen samples of laser overlays on S355J2 steel were prepared, each with an area of 90×140 mm. The thickness of the steel&#... |
Syrovátka, Šimon
Martan, Jiří
Hydrophobic and antibacterial properties of laser micromachined steel surfaces One of the main benefits of ultrashort laser micromachining is the possibility of preparing various surface structures, including a diversity of shapes and dimensions. The goal of this paper was to fabricate hydrophobic surface structures and to study coherency between the wettability a... |
Muzika, Lukáš
Švantner, Michal
Flash pulse phase thermography for a paint thickness determination The contribution describes a fast contactless measurement of a paint thickness nonuniformity using flash pulse thermography. Specimens sprayed by a paint were thermally excited by a flash lamp and temperature responses were recorded by an infrared camera. The recorded sequences were post-pro... |
Veselý, Zdeněk
Honner, Milan
Infrared camera comparative measurement methods for thermally optical properties of materials Infrared camera comparative measurement methods of thermally optical properties of materials are based on the measurement of infrared radiation emitted from the surface of the material that is heated to a higher temperature. These methods compare the response of the analyzed material wi... |
Kaňaková, S.
Kottner, R.
Bońkowski, T.
Influence of elevated temperature on motorcyclist protective equipment |
Muzika, Lukáš
Švantner, Michal
Flash pulse phase thermography for a paint thickness determination The contribution describes a fast contactless measurement of a paint thickness nonuniformity using flash pulse thermography. Specimens sprayed by a paint were thermally excited by a flash lamp and temperature responses were recorded by an infrared camera. The recorded sequences were post-pro... |
Hruška, Matěj
Vostřák, Marek
Vliv řízené oxidace oceli EN 10083-2: C45 na absorpci NIR záření An increase in surface absorptivity can be helpful with a number of laser heat treatment processes. Absorptivity can be increased by, for example, absorption coating or surface oxidation. The method of controlled laser oxidation was developed after a series of experiments. A scanning&#x... |
Hruška, Matěj
Tesař, Jiří
Vostřák, Marek
Smazalová, Eva
Vliv povrchové oxidace materiálu na absorpci laserového záření This study examines the influence of surface condition on its interaction with a laser beam. The relation was tested on milled C45 steel samples with a different width of created oxide layer. The milled surface with roughness 1.6 was modified by the creation of oxide laye... |
Houdková Šimůnková, Šárka
Šperka, Petr
Repka, M.
Martan, Jiří
Moskal, Denys
Laserové texturování pro kluzná ložiska The laser surface texturing (LST) technologies, based on creation of micro-pattern with pre-defined geometry can positively influence both the friction and wear of tribo-elements. In practice, the integration of LST technology is often limited due to its slowness. The new method, so cal... |
Tesař, Jiří
Skála, Jiří
Švantner, Michal
Novák, Matyáš
Online vyhodnocení meze únavy materiálu s využitím infračervené termografie Mechanical testing and cyclic fatigue testing belong to the important material examinations. Standard fatigue testing is mostly time-consuming and needs a number of identical samples that makes the testing expensive. Infrared thermography as a noncontact method of temperature measurement is used&... |
Švantner, Michal
Franc, Aleš
Tesař, Jiří
Skála, Jiří
Inspekce ochranných skel laserových hlav pomocí aktivní termografie Industrial lasers are an expanding technology of welding and other materials processing. Lasers with optical scanning heads are often used, as these provide more versatility, accuracy, and speed. The output part of the scanning head is covered by a protective glass, which might get... |
Smazalová, Eva
Houdková-Šimůnková, Šárka
Potenciál snímání EA při hodnocení indentační lomové houževnatosti. In this study, an attempt is made to characterize the brittleness of the material by crack formation with the Vickers indenter. To assess the critical load, the sensor of AE signal was used. After preliminary tests on a silica glass, the methodology was applied to HVOF&#x... |
Moskal, Denys
Martan, Jiří
Kučera, Martin
Houdková-Šimůnková, Šárka
Kromer, Robin
Pikosekundové laserové čištění povrchu AM1 superslitiny Laser scanning processing of nickel-based superalloy AM1 surfaces by ultra-short pulses (10 ps) is introduced as a cleaning and deoxidation postprocess. The laser cleaning is investigated with two-directional surface scanning by a laser beam with several frequencies of pulse generation. The ... |
Vostřák, Marek
Hruška, Matěj
Houdková-Šimůnková, Šárka
Smazalová, Eva
Coaxial laser cladding of internal diameter The paper summarizes the result of laser cladding experiments design to observe the influence of the mutual angle of the cladding head and treated sample. The system, combining solid state disc laser with power up to 5.3 kW and cladding head with coaxial powder feeding, w... |
Hruška, Matěj
Tesař, Jiří
Vostřák, Marek
Smazalová, Eva
Vliv změny optických vlastností povrchu na absorpci laserového záření This study examines the relation between surface condition and its response to interaction with a laser. The surface character is modified by the creation of oxide layer. The oxide layers were created by solid state pulsed laser that is mostly used for industrial marking. The&... |
Houdková-Šimůnková, Šárka
Vostřák, Marek
Česánek, Zdeněk
Vliv procesních paramerů na mikrostrukturu WC-NiCrBSi laserového návaru Laser cladding is a progressive technology enabling to deposit coatings in thickness higher than 1 mm. In comparison with the conventional overwelds it offers the advantage of thinner heat-affected zone in the substrate material and lower and better controlled inner residual stress and&... |