CPEE – AMTEE 2007 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Kotlan, Václav
Benešová, Zdeňka
Inductive coupling effect on induced voltage on three-phase transmission line in consequence of lightning stroke The paper deals with surge phenomena on hv and vhv three-phase transmission lines with earth wire. The impact of lightning stroke into the earth wire and its influence on parallel phase conductors is investigated. The model of the transmission line is created by network... |
Ježek, Václav
Vostracký, Zdeněk
Analysis of faults interrupted by generator circuit breaker SF6 This article describes the analysis of faults interrupted by generator circuit breaker (SF6). This work is focused on the analysis of all types of faults that occur in three phase network. There is derived the whole spectrum of network parameters: voltage, nominal short ... |
Elstner, Vlastislav
Vostracký, Zdeněk
Recuperation energy systems in electric transportation Methods and facilities which can be used for storage inertia mass energy of electric traction vehicle. If recupered energy can´t be absorbed immediately in other vehicle, that energy must be aborded or accumulated. Storage equipment is profitable located nearly the place, where vehicles... |
Baron, Bernard
Pasierbek, Artur
Kraszewski, Tomasz
Osuszek, Łukasz
Applications of COM+ technology for the graph analysis in the power system Modelling the phenomena proceeds in the power system which consists of thousands of elements require much time and processor capacity. The paper describes proposal of using the COM+ technology to shorten computation time and acquire appropriate computing power. The experiment results&... |
Vostracký, Zdeněk
Hrabovský, Milan
Kloversa, Pavel
Use of plasma technology in power engineering The paper describes the principle and physical phenomena in plasma generators that are used in material technology for spraying and refinement thin surface layers. The paper especially deals with applications plasma generators in power engineering where are using, for starting and stabilizin... |
Stein, Zbigniew
Zielińska, Maria
Selected problems of autonomic operation of three-phase synchronous generators The paper presents selected problems related to autonomous operation of three-phase synchronous generators used in diesel-electric sets appropriated to emergency supply of various receivers of electric power located in stationary, communal, or industrial objects in case of failure of the... |
Stakhiv, Petro
Hoholyuk, Oksana
Mathematical modeling of electrical transmission systems with synchronous non-salient pole machines using MATLAB/Simulink In the paper problem of electromagnetic transient processes simulation for power transmission research is considered. Mathematical model of AC power transmission block “power source-power transformer-transmission-line-power autotransformerload” is presented. The problem of mathematical modeling of electric po... |
Spałek, Dariusz
Waleczek, K.
Electromagnetic torque analytical approach for spherical induction motor The paper has dealt with approach to electromagnetic field analysis for spherical electromechanical converters taking into account its magnetic anisotropy analytically. The electromagnetic field is evaluated analytically using the separation method proposed for the magnetic vector potential. Subsequ... |
Spałek, Dariusz
Waleczek, K.
Forces and torques for linear, cylindrical and spherical motors: analytical calculations The paper deals with the problem of electromagnetic field analysis for linear, cylindrical and spherical electromechanical converters. The electromagnetic field is determined analytically with the help of variables separation method. The forces and torques in electromagnetic field are evaluated... |
Skowronek, Konrad
Wozniak, Artur
Classification method for linear model of faults in alternator diagnostic The paper presents an attempt to implement the classification method for linear model of faults in alternator diagnostic. Method basis on the signal feature extractions, with the use of frequency methods, with reduction of the variables basis on Principal Component Analysis (PCA)... |
Paszek, Stefan
Pawlowski, Andrzej
PSS3B system stabilizer parameter optimisation in multi-machine power system The paper presents the results of parameter optimisation of PSS3B dual input power system stabilizers designed for damping rotor swings of synchronous generators in the power system of a non-linear mathematical model. It is assumed that the power system consists of generator nodes ... |
Pankrác, Vítězslav
Short-circuit stress in large power air core reactors This paper report on a modeling of three Phase AC Reactors by means of an Inductance-Substitution Circuit. This model is helpful in analyzing of the behavior of real reactors in distribution system and applications. Short-circuit current and short-circuit forces between the three... |
Nocon, Adrian
Paszek, Stefan
Neural model of synchronous generator with nonlinear magnetizing characteristic The paper presents the proposal of using artificial neural networks for simulation investigations of synchronous generators working as autonomous supply sources. The comparative analysis of the neural model and that based on the synchronous generator R-L parameters is performed. A three-stage... |
Majka, Łukasz
Paszek, Stefan
Computations of the electrical part of Rybnik power plant generating unit parameters based on measurements The paper presents the methodology and results of the generator and electromachine excitation system model parameters computations. The computations were based on real dynamic waveforms obtained from possible to perform in Rybnik Power Plant measurements of the generator steady state ... |
Krasl, Milan
Vlk, Rostislav
Electrical machines optimisation: linear motor This paper introduces a novel approach on the design of a linear synchronous motor for drive of belt conveyor (LSM). The motor is a simple combination of asynchronous motor in plane. This parameter is necessary for the checking of the design. This paper describes s... |
Jirků, Tomáš
Fiala, Pavel
Drexler, Petr
A passive optical location with limited range We know active and passive methods of a location. This article deals only with the passive location of dynamic targets (see [1]-[7]). The passive optics location is suitable just for the tracking of targets with mean velocity which is limited by the hardware basis. ... |
Štekl, Pavel
Dejmek, Jiří
Experimental system for measuring operation parameters of PEM fuel cell Submitted paper deals with the using the new virtual instrumentation system LabView in the measurement of the thermal profile of the sandwich structure of PEM fuel cell pile. In this text are described research and programming methods for testing membrane properties and name... |
Smetana, Milan
Janoušek, Ladislav
Čápová, Klára
Prosthetic heart valvese evaluation using ECT method This paper deals with conductive prosthetic struts –heart valves evaluation using eddy current testing (ECT) method. Basic principles of ECT method, informations about heart valves and simulated problem description are described in the first part of this paper. Obtained simulation res... |
Skowronek, Konrad
Trzmiel, Grzegorz
Identification of photovoltaic matrix in real time This paper describes the adaptation of the modified method of opinion the residuums in identification of state the photovoltaic cell. It was introduced the “window classifier" of conditions of work the tested the photovoltaic matrix as well as define the liminal coefficient of ... |
Sláma, Jozef
Grusková, Anna
Jančárik, Vladimír
Široký, Peter
Lehotský, Martin
Modification of frequency spectra of ferrite composites The paper is devoted to the study of NiZn ferrite prepared by means of ceramic technology. In addition the NiZn ferrite was used as filler in PVC matrix to preparation novel materials for various microwave applications. In the case of NiZn ferrite polymers the rela... |
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