CPEE – AMTEE 2007 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Musil, Ladislav
Aplicability of a new method of transformation of material parameters for better discretisation of very thin skin depth The paper deals with tests of a new suggested method for an easier discretisation of thin layers of electromagnetic field penetrating into a conducting material. First the principle of the new method and its derivation is described. Comparison of computation with and without... |
Kroutilová, Eva
Steinbauer, Miloslav
Hadinec, Michal
Fiala, Pavel
Bartůšek, Karel
Numerical modeling of the inhomogeneity in materials This article deals with the verification of experimental results obtained by numerical simulation. We solved the effect of changes in the homogeneity of magnetic fields evoked by different samples from conductive and/or magnetic materials and the different types of inhomogeneity ... |
Jiřičková, Jana
Electric phenomenon analysis of electric contacts The article describes problems of stationary contacts and description of the discharge inception processes, which are related to the function of stationary contact. These are e.g. problems so - called contacts sparking, it is study in light of interfering fields generation. The... |
Janoušek, Ladislav
Gombárska, Daniela
Čápová, Klára
A new approach in eddy-current non-destructive evaluation The paper proposes a novel approach for enhancing eddy-current non-destructive evaluation. A detected crack is inspected using several probes that provide different distributions of eddy-currents. Thus, more information about the crack is obtained. The crack signals gained using the probes... |
Fiala, Pavel
Běhunek, Ivo
Steinbauer, Miloslav
Phase change materials for thermal management of Ic packages This paper deals with the application of phase change materials (PCM) for thermal management of integrated circuits as a viable alternative to active forced convection cooling systems.The paper presents an analytical description and solution of heat transfer, melting and freezing proc... |
Bartůšek, Karel
Fiala, Pavel
Jirků, Tomáš
Kroutilová, Eva
Experiments of accuracy air ion field measurement An analysis of the electric state of air shows the presence of various ion sorts. The therapeutic effect of negative highmobility ions of proper concentration is known. This positive effect was observed in caves that are used for speleotherapy. This article presents the ... |
Štork, Milan
Coincidence mixer for frequency synthesizer Frequency synthesizers are an essential part of any modern transceiver system. They generate clock and oscillator signals needed for up and down conversion. The fine frequency resolution, low spurious signals, accuracy and stability are most important for these devices. In this p... |
Sedláček, Jiří
Szabó, Zoltán
Modeling of EMI filters Nova days one from very important solved problems in practise there is an increasing of immunity of electronic systems. The paper deals with method of model synthesis, which is useful in area of EMC frequency filter design and optimization. Different types of EMC equivalent mo... |
Murina, Milan
Steinbauer, Miloslav
LP filters with real toas One way how to design active filters for wider frequency band is application of transimpedance operational amplifiers based on current mode. Using numerical and symbolical analysis was investigated influence of real parameters of active elements on resulting parameters of active filters. Fro... |
Lahoda, Jiří
Mechanism of non-linear and chaotic oscillation occurrence In this paper three different mechanisms of nonlinear and chaotic oscillation occurrence are studied. The first model comes from antisymmetric system structure and oscillations are caused by impossibility to reach the equilibrium state or to diverge to infinity. The second case s... |
Kubásek, Radek
Kunc, Martin
Noise influence on 2D unwrapping Paper describe influence of additive noise on unwrapping process. Noisy 2D-data, an image, is very hard to unwrap, mainly for low S/N ratio. By denoising, we can achieve a significant better result. Paper give us a global overview and shows basic dependencies between noise... |
Košek, Miloslav
Richter, Aleš
Mikolanda, Tomáš
Equivalent circuit of Hall effect generator Now Hall Effect devices are used in many technical applications, but the full effect description is only in special literature. In the paper the microscopic theory based on classical electron gas model is presented and linear equivalent circuit of Hall generator is derived... |
Kolářová, Edita
Kubásek, Radek
Noise modeling in RL-circuits Paper deals with inductor-resistor electrical circuits. The deterministic model of the circuit is replaced by a stochastic model by adding a noise term in both the source and the resistance. The analytic solution of the resulting stochastic differential equations is presented. Numerical ... |
Horiszny, Jacek
Modelling of nonlinear characteristic of switch in the electric circuit Model of electric arc for numerical calculations has been described. Electric arc between switch contacts has a significant influence on current decay. This phenomenon has been given close attention in the construction of the model. The model has been created in the ATP ... |
Dědek, Libor
Variant of the level set method and its application to image segmentation and denoising We show how the piecewise-constant Mumford-Shah segmentation problem can be solved using the level set method. The obtained algorithm can be simultaneously used to denoise, segment, detect edges, and perform active contours. The proposed model is also an extension to the case with ... |
Biolek, Dalibor
Biolková, Viera
Kolka, Zdeněk
S-Z AC analysis of switched circuits in PSpice The paper explains basic ideas how to model and analyze the AC behavior of circuits containing analog switches, controlled by periodical external clock, namely Sample-Hold circuits and switched capacitor filters. A procedure of making up the so-called s-z models is described as... |
Wołoszyn, Mirosław
Estimation of parameters of ferromagnetic objects Ferromagnetic object placed in the earthly magnetic field causes additional disturbance of the distribution of this field all around itself. The determination of the position and the value of the extremes of the magnetic field of the object allows to calculate the approximate local... |
Veleba, Jan
The new method for analysing of dynamic characteristics of a non-linear actutor of a mechatronic system The paper contains the crucial features of the research programme for building complex mathematical tool that enables theoretical investigation of analysing of dynamic characteristics of a non-linear actuator of a mechatronic system. We suppose that the actuator with the non-hysteresis... |
Preuss, Petr
Hamar, Roman
Alternative methods of fields solutions The paper describes principles of two non-standard numerical iterative methods of investigating the spatial arrangement of stationary or quasi-stationary fields, inspired by the anticipated real behaviour of the physical reality. This wave method simulates a field in which quantities propa... |
Piątek, Zygmunt
Kusiak, Dariusz
The busbar of a rectangular cross-section: the magnetic field This analysis is going to present the example of determining the magnetic field in a busbar of a rectangular cross-section with a finite length and in its surroundings using Mathematica programme. The solution obtained is going to be used, by Mathematica programme, to d... |
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